Extroverted intuition

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Description of Ne from "Dual Nature of Man" by A. Augusta

Black (extroverted) intuition Ne

Perceives information about objects' potential energy — for example, information about the physical and mental abilities and potential of a person. This perception grants the ability to understand the structure of objects and phenomena and grasp their inner content. This element determines a person's ability or inability to see the real potential energy of one's surroundings.

When this element is in the leading position, the individual has pronounced cognitive interests. This individual is constantly studying underlying phenomena, which he/she is able to communicate to others quite successfully by making complicated things simple. Such a person enjoys explaining his understanding of things to others. Under favorable conditions, he/she becomes a scientist or writer. He/she can find optimal ways of increasing the potential energy of objects. "Energizes" other people around him with his understanding of the possibilities and potential of the surrounding objects.

Wikisocion description of Ne

Extroverted intuition (Ne) is an extroverted, irrational, and static information element. It is also called Ne, I, intuition of possibilities, or black intuition.

Ne is generally associated with the ability to recognize possibilities, create new opportunities and new beginnings, recognize talent and natural propensities in others, reconcile differing perspectives and viewpoints, rapidly generate ideas, and be led by one's intellectual curiosity and stimulate curiosity in others.

Types that value Ne prefer to try out an opportunity rather than consider all possible ways in which it could not work out. They pick a few options and stick with them, in contrast to introverted intuition Ni types who pick one option and continue to doubt that option.

They enjoy discussing unusual insights into the nature of the world and crazy out-there ideas, like space elevators. Typical Ne quadra humor juxtaposes seemingly unrelated phenomena.

Ne as a base (1st) function (ILE and IEE)

The individual is skilled at generating intellectual interest and curiosity in others and using others' curiosity to get them to do things.

He easily sees parallels between different situations, areas of knowledge or skill, and people, and likes to establish contacts across different fields of knowledge and social groups, which allows him to be part of many things at once. He enjoys considering differing viewpoints and perspectives and seeing if they can be reconciled.

He enjoys the beginning stages of just about anything - new projects, acquiring new skills, experiencing new people and relationships. Preparing for and launching something new is seen as having greater value than the process of experiencing what one already has and finishing what one has begun. The concept of "finishing" seems foreign to him. Instead of taking care to finish things and tie up all loose ends, he tends to drop things when he can't handle them any longer or realize that he has neglected them for too long (this might be equally related to suggestive introverted sensing).

Ne as a creative (2nd) function (LII and EII)

The individual likes to apply his insight to specific situations, relating them to the bigger picture. He also enjoys discussing idealized circumstances or what could be rather than what is. Consequently, he usually has high standards, even unreasonably so, for those around him.

He does not pursue ideas or new opportunities merely for their own sake, but for their application to specific questions and issues that he feels are important.

Ne as a role (3rd) function (SLE and SEE)

The individual is uncertain of other people's motives, intentions, and abilities and prefers to give them clear commands and assignments and judge their intentions and potential by whether or not they fulfill these demands.

He tends to openly express mistrust and skepticism towards all unexpected or novel behavior and developments, as well as towards information about things that he or she has not experienced directly. This mistrustful attitude usually goes away after the person has the chance to deal with the new thing, event, or behavior directly for a period of time and get used to it. He is able to orient himself quickly when he is in direct contact with events, things, or behavior, but when he is told about them far in advance or simply in the form of "random information that may come in handy some day," he usually doesn't know how to react to this information.

The individual prefers to know what awaits him in specific areas in the near future rather than what awaits him "in general" and in areas that don't affect his central interests.

The person is particularly aggravated when people are late for unclear reasons and behave in other independent and unpredictable ways. This gives them the feeling of hanging in the air and general uncertainty about the future. Being action oriented people, this is difficult to bear.

Ne as a vulnerable (4th) function (LSI and ESI)

The individual is highly skeptical about ideas and opportunities that appear not to lead anywhere specific, and seeks assurance that new innovations will definitely bring material benefits. He prefers the kind of ideas and innovations that offer solutions to existing problems rather than the kind that have uncertain consequences and are likely to bring upheaval and unnecessary change.

The individual may tend to forcefully restrict other people's activities in areas he thinks they have no natural talent in. At the same time, he or she is prone to make errors when judging whether or not a person is capable of doing something.

The individual generally does not try hard to understand multiple viewpoints, but concentrates on developing only his own. He is not very good at intriguing others with his ideas, even when they have significant merit.

The individual dislikes it when people evaluate others' potential to engage in activities or develop skills in which they haven't had experience yet; above all he is uncomfortable with such discussions by other people regarding himself. He is inclined to be either over-skeptical of his own potential or going to the other extreme and overestimate his possibilities in specific areas on occasion.

Ne as a suggestive (5th) function (SEI and SLI)

The individual has great respect and admiration for people who are always pursuing something new and different and are not tied down to material things. He easily becomes attached to people who believe in his potential and praise him for his unique skills.

He rarely emphasizes his talents, unique experience, or singularity publicly, but prefers to seem like "your average guy" so that others can relate to him easily. However, he is more open about his unique attributes in close personal relationships. He is sensitive about his talents and uniqueness because so often uniqueness creates distance between people rather than closeness. He dreams of having his uniqueness recognized, welcomed, and fostered by a close group, but "just in case" avoids emphasizing his uniqueness and talents in new or large group situations.

Since he finds it difficult to identify what unique talents he has, this often results in a tendency to avoid setting long-term career goals.

Ne as a mobilizing (6th) function (ESE and LSE)

The individual deeply appreciates people who are full of ideas and imagination and who give them a sense of connectedness to what is happening "out there in the world," even if this information cannot be applied practically at the present moment. He is even more grateful for people who provide insightful ideas and unconventional analysis to enhance what he is working on or going through at the present moment.

Ne as an ignoring (7th) function (IEI and ILI)

The individual understands "external" connections made between different areas of knowledge and experience, but prefers to focus instead on "hidden" connections that have a special significance and help understand the mysterious, hidden nature of things. He is able to readily grasp the intrinsic potential of a given thing or situation, but prefers to restrict indulging such assessments in the face of understanding the latent processes underpinning said things.

Ne as a demonstrative (8th) function (EIE and LIE)

The individual is fairly good at generating all sorts of ideas, but doesn't himself take the ideas seriously and views the activity as a sort of entertaining exercise lacking in value. It is more natural for him to apply his imagination and vision specifically to those areas where he is trying to achieve something than to "indulge" in thinking about things that have no relation to those areas of interest.

Aspects in the Valued Functions by Dmitry Golihov

Ne as leading function in ILE (ENTp; Don Quixote) and IEE (ENFp; Huxley)

Such person lives in the flow of potentialities of the external world, by the wholeness of the entire external reality: "everything is great in this world that is best of all worlds." Violation of this harmony evokes an aggressive response from him, for example, home maintenance and repairs become a cause of dissatisfaction and frustration. It can be difficult to debate or negotiate with him because he is, as if, constantly maneuvering while moving through life: "this can be that way, but also another way." Trying to clarify with him the exact terms, for example exact time and place for a meeting, can be an exercise in futility: "First I'll be at so-and-so place, then I will be elsewhere, and likely, if everything will work out in time, I'll be in the area around such-and-such hour." He does not perceive time and place as something that is permanent, as something which can not be moved. All things to him seem very approximate, vague, for the sake of the meeting he feels no need to specify his timing and whereabouts, since this will destroy the harmony and wholeness of his external worldview. If he's already running late for work and you ask him to take the trash since he is already late, this destroys this "wholeness", since it all was "already taken into account" that sometimes he may run late for work, but this "wholeness" of the worldview did not encompass a full bag of trash. These types of people live through original views and ideas on workings of external world and are conservative in that knowledge. They make an impression of being unique - no one knows what will originate in their mind in the next moment. And this love of impermanence they make a standard - it's a typical behavior for them, a constant point of attention. Those who criticize their random flow of idea, they find annoying as they can not defend their arguments, so often they surround themselves with those who agree with them and take a liking to it. They are irritated by people who initiate conflicts and scandals, even when there was a good reason for it. After all, external conflict brings the destruction of the outer harmony and "wholeness" and detracts them from their thoughts. Often like to finish something for others, but do not like to initiate, since this also upsets their sense of external harmony.

Ne as creative function of LII (INTj; Robespierre) and EII (INFj; Dostoyevsky)

The purpose of life of such a man is to improve and harmonize the external world, to contribute to and build the "wholeness" of the external situation. So sometimes they are quite unforgiving to those who destroy it. Skillful maneuvering in a stream of opportunities is their ace card - they approach this activity very creatively. They see the possibilities of how anything can be improved, changed or rearranged, anywhere. They are able to take the situation apart and then re-assemble it into a more harmonious, upgraded version. They are often the generators of bold ideas on how to make humanity happier. They look for places where chaos reigns, so that they can mend it. They know how to help people understand complex external issues in an original way, how to "take apart" external conflicts between people, how to finish something for others, they have the talent of the innovator. But sometimes, however, they may unconsciously not finish things because then they become useless. Therefore, for them a perfect world - is a very conflicted world that would be in constant need of improvements. Often they can look towards art as a way of creating this external harmony and wholeness - they are capable of creating a harmonious atmosphere anywhere. They are the "storytellers" whose goal is to create an ideal world filled with ideal people. Only the real people don't always fit into this. The solution to this problem they often see in taking "drastic measures" with respect to others. They love to teach and better people, say, if someone tossed a bottle but not into the trash bin, this can provoke them to reprimand such a person even if it is not safe to do so in such a situation, since this is their "creative product".

Ne as activating function of ESE (ESFj; Hugo) and LSE (ESTj; Stirlitz)

These people are afraid of missing something in life, of not keeping up with the possibilities of the external world. They run forward just to stay in place. Their self-esteem depends on the "wholeness" of the external situation - they become upset if this wholeness is upset: for example, someone in the family just had a fight so it is necessary to "extinguish" the conflict, to reconcile all, even if it was for good reasons and everyone will be better off he will "ruffle and shuffle" within the situation to prevent the conflict from happening. Cling to the relationships until the last moment, even if they have been exhausted by them, so as to not to destroy this wholeness. At the same time they can completely forget about themselves as to not destroy the status quo. If their neighbor has a garden, they need to start one up immediately; if there was a new movie, they make sure to watch it - to keep up with the world they keep chasing after novelties and new fashions. Thus is not just the desire for external wholeness - but a marathon. He likes to be outdoors, because it is stable and harmonious at the same time. He does not like external inconsistencies, uncertainty in situations, will be constantly trying to clarify in such cases. Seeks to preserve the constancy in life situations, even when it is clearly not possible. In active defense, this function simply upgrades and modernizes, constantly adapts to changing of the world, so that all may continue to remain unchanged for some time and question of keep up with external situations is successfully resolved. In passive defense, the man resigns himself to the fact that keeping up is not possible and lets things take their course, falls short from the flow of life and recognizes the impossibility of preserving his ideas about the ideal world in the environment. Often, these people like holidays and traditions, as they have a stabilizing function in society. Want to be like everyone else is, have what everyone else has. Try to give objective form to their ideals: create a perfect, fairy-tale world where everything will be good and perfect. To recognize the impossibility of this - means to kill self-esteem, so they often believe in fairy tales, like movies with happy endings, to experience this state of the external "wholeness". Often pay attention to signs, horoscopes, tarot cards, are often religious - all that can give at least some measure of assistance in building an ideal world. Magical worlds can be built only through magical methods.

Ne as suggestive function of SLI (ISTp; Jean Gabin) and SEI (ISFp; Dumas)

The person looks for a place to stay where there is external stability, harmony in the flow of things, positive atmosphere, and avoids places that are lacking in this. According to this principle he builds his personal life and work. Becomes inspired by bold innovative ideas, sometimes can get involved with unexpected, original proposals. Loves nature because it is constant, not changing, always calm and harmonious. Suggestible by external harmony and does not like sudden interruptions. If such interruptions happen, he simply leaves and goes to where it's more harmonious without trying to change anything. Often harmony for him is where he feels himself to be in the center of a situation, where everything revolves around him. Likes to attend carnivals, festivals, holiday, since they bring an external harmony, holiday atmosphere. Usually these types of people absorb the atmosphere, the settings, and the situations which prevailed at the time when they were small, and then attempt to reproduce it throughout their life. In general, they are very fond of remembering their childhood as something that they would want to come back to. Very fond of talented people: artists, musicians, poets, and sometimes even ready to support them financially for the opportunity to be in their company, often dragging them to their home so that the place lights up. Look for people who believe that everything will be fine, who believe in a positive future. Do not like the unpredictability, the chaos of the future, when someone has to help them find the right options, to catch the right opportunity, so he is very trusting and suggestible in decision-making. Likes predictability, moving "from one milestone to another." If this sequence is disrupted and an unexpected event happens, he may fall into "stupor", thus they are trying to take precautions, to provide for in advance, to cover for all contingencies. A good place for him is where is external wholeness, some orientating marks for the general movement, some suggested schedule and course of action. For example: 1) go to college 2) take these courses 3) finish it in 4 years. If he falls into some schedule, some routine, then to leave it is difficult for him due to difficulty in seeing options. Instead he may suddenly switch to another, more advanced schedule, with a guaranteed "bright future".

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IM elements
Extroverted intuition Extroverted logic Extroverted sensing Extroverted ethics
Introverted intuition Introverted logic Introverted sensing Introverted ethics