Bilgi elementleri

From Wikisocion


Bilgi elementleri (ayrıca BM elementleri, bilgi metabolizması elementleri veya, kafa karıştırıcı biçimde, "fonksiyonlar") kişilerarası etkileşimde kilit rol oynayan sekiz zihinsel kategoridir. Bilgi yönleri ile aynı semboller ve adlar kullanılarak belirtilirler. Aralarındaki fark, bilgi elementlerinin psişenin sübjektif özellikleri, bilgi yönlerinin ise psişeden bağımsız olarak gerçekliğin nesnel özellikleri olmalarıdır.

Bilgi Elementi Notasyonları

Bilgi Elementleri 
Ad Sembol 2-harf 1-harf
İçedönük duyumsama Si Si S
Dışadönük sezgilem Ne Ne I
İçedönük mantık Ti Ti L
Dışadönük etik Fe Fe E
İçedönük sezgilem Ni Ni T
Dışadönük duyumsama Se Se F
İçedönük etik Fi Fi R
Dışadönük mantık Te Te P

Bilgi Elementi Temaları

Si Si İçedönük Duyumsama: homeostaz, süreklilik, pürüzsüzlük, akış, tatmin, estetik, yaşam kalitesi, keyif, rahatlama, rahatlık, kalite

Ne Ne Extraverted Intuition: potential, permutation, isomorphism, semblance, essence, uncertainty, the unknown, opening up new "windows" and bringing up new possibilities in conversation, seeing opportunities, chance, being the first, refreshing informational suddenness, diversity of interests and involvements

Ti Ti Introverted Logic: structure, analysis, coherence, consistency, cogency, accordance, match, commensurability, understanding, order, or the lack of thereof

Fe Fe Dışadönük Etik: duygusal atmosfer, romantizm, iş birliği, tedavi, davranışın niteliksel yargılanımı, sempati, gözlenebilir eylemlerin etiksel tahminleri, “eylem etiği”

Ni Ni Introverted Intuition: development over time, historicity, cause and effect, consequences, repetition, archetypal themes and examples, looking for causes in history or the past, past-future forecasting of event dynamics, rhythm, delay or act-now, past-turned imagination

Se Se Extraverted Sensing: sensing of immediate static qualities of objects, sensing of immediate reality, external appearance, texture, form, static objects, impact, direct physical effect, span, extent, scope

Fi Fi Introverted Ethics: internal harmony, resonance or dissonance of personal sentiments, sympathy, pity, compassion, support, condemnation, judgement, positive and negative emotional space

Te Te Extraverted Logic: efficiency, method, mechanism, knowledge, work, reason in motion, direction of activity into its most logical course of action, "logic of actions", utilitarianism, expediency, benefit

States of Mind

When a person is "using" an element he naturally goes into a corresponding state of mind, which is reflected in his body language and vocabulary, and tends to have a similar effect on the people around him, who will react based on which function that element occupies in their Model A, with interest (Ego), amusement (Super-Id), boredom (Id), or irritation (Super-Ego), etc.

  • Si Si : a physically relaxed state of mind, turned to the continuity and flow of the moment
  • Ne Ne : seeing the potential on the current situation, bringing up various possibilities up to discussion, recombinative play, permutations, variations, alternatives, solutions, including options that seem improbable or even absurd at times, informationally renovative and refreshing conversation
  • Ti Ti : analytical state of mind, clarity and exactitude of thought, a sense of coherence, order, and regularity at different levels of structure, "debugging": seeing the whole system and then spotting nonsensical flaws or mistakes, or alternatively building one's own systems from simple and well-understood parts
  • Fe Fe : assessing the moods and attitudes from dynamics of surroundings and the actions and choices of others, being perceptive of the "emotional atmosphere", analyzing and evaluating emotions and attitudes of others based on their currently observable reactions and actions, with to express one's feelings and experiences openly and directly, to impact the emotional and social space, which can be done through expressive combination of words and gestures
  • Ni Ni : a protracted and reflective state of mind, "falling out of time" and later trying to make up for lost activity, generalizing and abstracting past events from memory, using these generalizations to see what's going to happen, reflecting upon the past in order to be able to evaluate what is possible to do in the present moment and to predict the most likely course of events, patience that borders with inactivity
  • Se Se : awareness of the space and concrete environment around oneself, externally observatory state of mind, "sensing of reality", "factual perception of reality", everything around you gets registered no matter if you can touch it or it's way off in the distant distance, a mobilized state, exerting force on objects and people with the goal of moving them around in space, in Se perception a person or object can be influenced only in space
  • Fi Fi : an analytical state of mind, analysis of personal feeling and stances, harmony or disharmony of personal values and sentiments, endearment, closeness, moral satisfaction, emotional sensitivity, deep personal conviction that may produce moral firmness and resolve
  • Te Te : an evaluatory state of mind that directly assesses events and actions of other people from logical POV and openly voices those assessments, assessing and estimating productivity, efficiency, usefulness, rational sense of any given involvement venture or activity, steady and purposeful state of mind that leads to making rational actions despite the present sentiments

Information Element Dichotomies

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There are 3 basic dichotomies of information aspects, and thus 4 derived dichotomies (see the mathematics of the Reinin dichotomies.)

The dichotomies Static / Dynamic and Extroverted / Introverted (a.k.a. Body / Field) came from Aushra Augusta, and External / Internal was suggested by another early author. However, this last dichotomy is criticized by some socionists for its lack of meaningful content. The Rational / Irrational dichotomy comes from Jung's typology.

Static Ne Ne Ti Ti Se Se Fi Fi Static "snapshots", unconnected episodes
Dynamic Si Si Fe Fe Ni Ni Te Te Objects and fields in constant continuous motion
Extroverted Ne Ne Fe Fe Se Se Te Te Apparent qualities and causal relationships
Introverted Si Si Ti Ti Ni Ni Fi Fi Internal qualities, internal relationships between things
External Si Si Ti Ti Se Se Te Te Explicit, directly sensible content of reality
Internal Ne Ne Fe Fe Ni Ni Fi Fi Implicit, indirectly perceivable content of reality
Irrational Si Si Ne Ne Ni Ni Se Se Perception first, unfiltered "as is" information
Rational Ti Ti Fe Fe Fi Fi Te Te Judgement first, ordered evaluated information
Abstract Ti Ti Te Te Ni Ni Ne Ne
Involved Fi Fi Fe Fe Si Si Se Se
Alpha values Ti Ti Fe Fe Si Si Ne Ne
Gamma values Fi Fi Te Te Ni Ni Se Se
Beta values Ti Ti Fe Fe Ni Ni Se Se
Delta values Fi Fi Te Te Si Si Ne Ne

Static / Dynamic Information Elements

Static information is discrete and about things that change abruptly:

Ne Ne : discrete temporal phases and sets of discrete alternatives
Ti Ti : discrete logical and structural dependencies between states of affairs.
Se Se : discrete spatial boundaries that delineate territory and control.
Fi Fi : discrete types of interpersonal relationships, such as "friend" or "enemy".

Dynamic information is continuous and about things that are in constant fluctuation:

Si Si : one's continuous physical exchanges with one's environment.
Fe Fe : the continuous excitations in people's psychological states.
Ni Ni : the continuous evolution of things over time.
Te Te : the continuous incoming stream of objective facts about the world.

Extroverted / Introverted Information Elements

Extroverted information is information about things as they are, independent of relations to other things:

Ne Ne : something has potential or does not
Fe Fe : one is happy or sad
Se Se : one is aware of external properties of reality or not
Te Te : something is useful or not

Introverted information is information about how things relate to one another, independent of their innate properties:

Si Si : Person X is comfortable with Condition Y or is not
Ti Ti : Statement X follows logically from Statement Y or does not
Ni Ni : Course of events X will lead to Consequence Y or not
Fi Fi : Person X relates well to Person Y or does not

See also

External links

IM elements
Extroverted intuition Extroverted logic Extroverted sensing Extroverted ethics
Introverted intuition Introverted logic Introverted sensing Introverted ethics
Classical socionics
IM elements - Functions - Socion - Type dichotomies - Intertype relations - Small groups