ESE subtypes

From Wikisocion

Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: EIE LSI SLE IEI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: LSE EII IEE SLI

Ethical subtype Fe-ESFj (Fe-ESE)

Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov


The ethical subtype is courteous and amiable, but stubborn and unyielding over important to him questions. Due to this can demonstrate excessive persistence. Inclined to finish what he has started. Finds it difficult to stop in timely manner, of which he may regret later. Tries to be serious, unobtrusive, and polite in dialogue, but often exerts strong emotional pressure upon those who, in his view, act wrongly. Likes to take his conversation partners by the hand, to touch their clothing. Knows how to host guests and visitors at home, but does so infrequently because he is more interested in public work and communication. Likes giving presents to people close to him and finds suitable occasions and reasons to do this. Dresses in good taste, with sufficient moderation. Gait is quick, a little jumpy. Figure is often thin and a little angular. His face may be expressing discontent and indignation, supplanted by a radiant smile.


Optimistically oriented active person. Sociable, inquisitive, shares a lot of diverse information. Friendly, not envious, able to truly enjoy achievements and successes of others and willingly talks about his own. With interest and in detail describes the events that have taken place with him, or that he has heard of or read about. Enjoys discussing social issues. An opponent of empty waste of time, so tries to fill it with interesting experiences: visits to the movies, theater performances, exhibitions, friends, trips to nature, and so on. Likes capable, talented, and interesting people.

Flares up and feels an outrage when he encounters self-satisfied, critical-minded, or hypocritical people. From sense of justice can deliberately try to spoil their mood, even create an intolerable environment. Disproves of poor tastes, rudeness, lack of tact. Tries to instill good manners of behavior in people who are close to him. Often feels outraged at lack of order and fairness. Tries to look controlled and even, but doesn't always accomplish this. His mood changes often, even for minor reasons.

Has a well developed sense of humor. Easily makes new contacts and friends of personal and business nature, but has few close friends, as not everyone can withstand his emotional pressure. Not very discerning in business and work related qualities of people.

Somewhat conservative and cautious in new endeavors as he doesn't see future prospects well and is afraid of making mistakes. Prefers to act by tested methods, but at the same time doesn't tolerate routine well. Very curious and not averse to try himself in something new. Can hesitate before making important decisions. Willingly listens to the advice of others, experiences doubts and fears making poorly thought out actions. Can step back from making a risky decision at the last moment.

Lighting up by some idea, he becomes its active supporter and promoter, tries to implement it into life, not sparing efforts nor time. Knows how to interest and involve people, persuading them to realize what he has planned. Shows patience and perseverance. Takes up new projects with much enthusiasm and tries to carry them through to completion.

Not very eager to take up domestic affairs and doesn't follow particular order or schedule. If he's not in the mood, may postpone chores or assignments until later. He gravitates more towards social activities, wants to benefit people. Doesn't like running late to events, which happens rarely and only for serious reasons. Strives to dress according to fashion, even somewhat extravagantly, but more often dresses modestly.

Description by Victor Gulenko

Very expressive. It is difficult to withstand his emotional pressure. Possesses high aptitude for work, however, the surges of emotions may prevent him from being constructive and realizing his potential. Can be very scattered, jumping from one thing to another. In communication is direct, immediate, uninhibited. Distinguished by an explosive choleric temperament. Outwardly may wish to draw the attention of the opposite sex by bright clothes, which has an element of demonstrativeness.

Sensory subtype Si-ESFj (Si-ESE)

Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov


The sensory subtype is energetic, work-oriented, and practical. Emotional and sufficiently direct, but also well-wishing, sensitive, and responsive towards other people. Able to correct impressions caused by his sharp statements. Self-confident, daring, and skillful in his ability to become liked by others. Coquettish and pleasant, creates an intimate atmosphere in conversation. Demonstrates physical tenderness, often embraces those who are sympathetic to them. Attentive towards people, very caring, and helpful, yet sometimes may raise a scandal if he doesn't like something. Has a sharp tongue, is not at a loss finding words, and is quick to respond in a conversation or argument. His speech, as a rule, is fast and emotional. He readily voices compliments, though sometimes with a little jab. Erratic and restless, but knows how to relax in an interesting and pleasant manner. Gourmand, knows how to cook well, and is hospitable. His mimicry is lively, movements are vigorous and gracious. Dresses exquisitely, with sophistication and charm. Often has a bit round figure. Likes expensive things, could be a spender.


Lively, cheerful, energetic person. Well-wishing towards other people, courteous and helpful. A charming and interesting conversationalist, able to understand everyone, to find an individual approach, to cheer up with a good joke or a compliment. Well perceptive of others' moods, sympathizes with them, tries to help by word or deed. Takes care of the weak and defenseless, kind and gentle with children. Aesthete, a good designer, dresses tastefully, tries to create comfort at his home and in the workplace. Hospitable, prefers a beautiful service and arrangement, and savory well prepared food. Likes to give gifts and arrange for pleasant surprises.

Sociable, attentive and responsive. Persistent and straightforward in relationships when he is convinced of his own correctness. Doesn't know how to hide his feelings, both positive and negative. Irascible and short-tempered, but easily appeased and forgiving. Doesn't tolerate hypocrisy, injustice, and cruelty. Capable of actively defending his interests and those of his loved ones, decisively rebuffs his opponents.

Hard-working, diligent, operational, and conscientious. In life, he achieves much by his own effort not relying on other people. Successfully takes up any practical activity and likes it when his efforts are appreciated. In the interests of his project or his case, he with enthusiasm visits all the appropriate centers and offices and files all the needed paperwork. A good organizer, who tries to create the conditions needed for effective work and encourages others to work actively.

Frequently gets overwhelmed by work, chores, and errands, both his own and those of others. Poorly calculates time, expending a lot of effort on secondary and minor things. Due to this, may run out of time and not finishing everything. Feels ashamed of such lack of organization and tries to discipline himself. Can be overly trusting and careless. Poorly foresees the outcome of a new venture or project. Because of this may commit rash actions, undertake wrong steps, and regret of them later. Doesn't always listen to the advice of others - prefers to act in his own way.

Shows authoritativeness and rigor in business. Everything that he starts he tries to bring to its completion. Knows how to do a lot of things with his own hands.

Dislikes uncertainty in both professional and personal respects. Gravitates towards stability, both at work and in his personal life. Respects serious, reliable, goal-oriented people. Loves it when information is presented concisely and clearly, when the important parts are distinguished, and it is based on facts. Expresses his own opinion when he is competent in the given matter. Tries to be credible, authoritative, and painfully experiences criticism of his work and professional qualities.

Description by Victor Gulenko

Aesthete, likes to bring pleasure to people around him, and to himself, likes to give presents. Good at organizing and managing his household. Knows how to make do even with a minimum of conveniences. An operational person oriented towards work. Can realize himself well in management in leisure and entertainment industries. Women of this type are good at sewing, knitting, know how to be charming, and have a good sense of taste in choosing clothing. Behavior is usually undemonstrative. Poorly endures pain and bad health.

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