SEI subtypes

From Wikisocion

Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: EIE LSI SLE IEI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: LSE EII IEE SLI

Sensory subtype Si-ISFp (Si-SEI)

Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov


Calm and soft person in interaction. With his presence often pacifies others. Industrious, practical, does everything with a sense of taste. Often engages in fine arts as a hobby. Well-wishing, tactful, unobtrusive. Tries to sympathize, to assist, to provide advice. Loves rest and comfort. Likes talking about his perceptions and sensations. Attentively questions his conversation partner in regard to his or her affairs. Slightly delayed in his behavior and speech, sometimes stretching out words and with difficulty forming clear thoughts. Even if he speaks fast, he doesn't hurry to end the conversation. Able to speak about the same subject with erudition, comprehensively and at great length. Smiles with confidence, nods her or his head as a sign of support. Movements are smooth, stylish, somewhat slow; may appear to waddle and "walk like a duck". Undemonstrative, but clothes and accessories nevertheless attract attention.


Attentive and caring towards other people, considerate of their convenience. Aware of harmony in communication. Inquisitive, collects various information and shares it with others. Critically evaluates what he hears. Does not like exaggeration, hype - needs facts and justifications. He enjoys when someone argues with him a little, enlivening the conversation, but poorly tolerates people who are aggressive and avoids serious quarrels. In business matters prefers to negotiate at an informal level. Knows how to patiently persuade a person to take on a beneficial or profitable project, but doesn't always notice which undertakings are actually promising. Thus, he can be hesitant in starting on new projects, afraid of making mistakes and feeling at fault. Values his peace and knows how to move away from any sources of irritation.

Tries under any circumstances to not lose his sense of measure. Keeps neutral in debates. Amiable, will try to find a method to find rapport with most. Even when he has to insist on and defend his own opinions, he is able to maintain good relations. Often acts as a peacekeeper, trying to convince other people to agree to a compromise and come to mutual accord. Doesn't find it easy to deny a person's request, to push someone away, thus is often careful at the beginning of a conversation, and dislikes people who are "sticky" and intrusive. With difficulty determines what a person is capable of and what to expect from him, though he appreciates talented and original individuals. Usually does not criticize anyone and dislikes it when other people are criticized in his presence. May be impatient as a listener. Does not like to compete or to coerce others into doing things against their own will. Has difficulties asserting and defending the interest of his business matters if he is unable to find agreement on an informal level.

Able to describe events in great detail. Has good memory for sensations: sounds, colors, and smells. Loves nature and good aesthetics in any manifestation. Gravitates towards pleasant experiences. Dresses tastefully. Has an inclination for following the latest styles. Loves comfort and aesthetics, various original decorations. Industrious, loves doing something with his hands. Everything that he takes up does with a sense of taste investing his heart and soul. Does not like commitments and giving promises, since he is afraid that he won't be able to fulfill them. On some he can make an impression of a passive and inert person, since he doesn't see the point in empty hassle and pointless expenditure of efforts. Due to this, often acquires the reputation of a talented slouch, who takes up a philosophical, contemplative stance in life. Strives for good quality of life.

Warm, gentle, charming, seeks to be in accord and harmony with his environment. Pays attention to manners and behavior of others and evaluates them in his mind. Tries not to burden others with his requests, asks for help only in extreme cases. Generally, will not attempt to draw attention to himself when he feels that nobody is interested in him. Dislikes talking about his failures. By nature private, sensitive, and easily wounded. Turns for help only to people who are close to him and who have proven themselves. Hospitable, likes when food is cooked deliciously and served with appeal. If he is to receive important guests or visitors, spends a lot of time and effort on such occasions, and thus rarely agrees to such events.

Description by Victor Gulenko

This is an appreciator of well-being, wealth and savoir vivre. Possess a good aesthetic taste, which can show in his appearance, in the setup of his interior, in activities of applied nature, such as artist who depicts landscapes and still life. A hedonist, enjoys providing pleasure to both himself and to other people, appreciates convenience. Looks after his looks. Outwardly usually is more round and pudgy than the initiating subtype.

Ethical subtype Fe-ISFp (Fe-SEI)

Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov


Seems lively, friendly, and unrestrained in conversation; emotionally responsive, easily gives compliments and closes the distance, may even take his conversation partner by his hand; his lack of restraint carries a shade of familiarity. Shyness can alternate with joking remarks; ironic quips easily turn into respectful and serious tone. Often jokes and tells even unpleasant things with a smile as to not offend the other person. Precautionary and careful. From time to time his temper flares up, but he is quickly appeased and is forgiving. Usually optimistic, merry, and upbeat. Likes to give and receive pleasure. Often gives compliments to people and renders various services. Knows how to cheer up or encourage someone. Seems carefree, for he is prone to hide his negative emotions from others. Impatient and restless. Speaks quickly and confidently, with imperative, declaring intonations. Has a quickly moving gaze that notes everything, sometimes cursorily "shooting" side to side, other times deep and meaningful. His movements are assured and graceful but a bit gusty.


Very appreciative of the joy of human interaction and all the other pleasures of life. Skilled in his ability to do pleasant things and aims to provide enjoyment for himself and for others. As a rule he is helpful, friendly, sympathetic, and considerate. Often the soul of the company. Hospitable, often knows how to cook well. Creates a relaxed, informal, trustful atmosphere of communication. Cares for and attends to others with elegance and ease, readily gives out compliments, uplifting their mood and the general atmosphere. Able to cheer people up with jokes and ruses. If he sees that someone is growing angry, he quickly smooths out the bad impression of a failed joke thus preventing a potential conflict.

Usually has many acquaintances, but fully relaxes and enjoys himself only in a circle of close friends. Tries not to go where he is not wanted. With unfamiliar people he is somewhat cautious and reserved. Does not like people who are cold and arrogant, with whom he cannot create an atmosphere of intimacy and informality. Becomes anxious when he is dealing with someone who is unpleasant to him; in such cases his speech at times becomes hurried and indistinct. Not prone to insubordination; avoids his superiors and boring strictly business conversations. If he is feeling sick or is in a bad mood, he retreats not wanting to burden others with his problems.

Trying to lift the mood and vitality of those around him, he assumes a position that he is sincerely indignant at their passivity and inaction. If his cheers and jokes have no effect, he is able to prick with a word such that it finally gets him the desired reaction. Sometimes, in the interest of the matter, he assumes a harsh and severe look. In such cases it is difficult to understand whether he is joking or being serious. Well versed in the nuances of feelings of others and willingly demonstrates his own, due to which he is usually popular among the opposite sex.

Internally inconsistent and very dependent on his state. Pays attention to problems and tries to resolve them as soon as possible; cannot stand uncertainty and doubt. Impatient, finds it difficult to wait for the natural outcome of events, prefers to speed things up. He is inclined to make hasty decisions and take reckless actions. Clever and resourceful, does not lose himself under any circumstances. Quickly notices weaknesses and deficiencies of a person or a situation and can depict them in a humorous light. Tries to create and cultivate useful ties and contacts, but sometimes doesn't have enough tolerance and diplomacy.

Plays the role of someone without problems. Sufficiently optimistic. Failures for him seem like they do not deserve attention. Leads an active way of life. When occupied by some business matter, sometimes he fusses and hustles, even though actual business activity lends itself to him with difficulty. Cannot occupy with one thing for a long time. Often changes his hobbies and occupations, tries his hand at various activities. He does not like meticulous sedentary work, but willingly takes on an interesting to him assignment and carries it out with great enthusiasm. However, may also suddenly lose interest and grow cold and not carry it through. Often frustrates other people with his disorganization, but it's difficult to remain angry at him.

Description by Victor Gulenko

Ethics of emotions is intensified - emotional, easily comes into contact with people, finds it easy to join any company to the point of appearing to be an extrovert. Artistic, often takes on a role of an inciter and a provocateur. Finds his inspiration in creative amateur artistic activity, can be a musician, an actor, an advertising agent, or a poet. Loves comfortable spacious clothes, of which he is not too demanding, can go around with a shoddy look.

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