IEI subtypes

From Wikisocion

Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: EIE LSI SLE IEI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: LSE EII IEE SLI

Intuitive subtype Ni-INFp (Ni-IEI)

Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov


The intuitive subtype appears as a calm, tactful, languid and diffident individual. He seems torn from reality, inert and poorly adapted to life. However, such impressions are erroneous, for he possesses a fine intuition, which aids him in establishing useful connections and obtaining support from influential people. Externally he seems serene, but in his heart he is sentimentally predisposed, has bouts of moodiness and melancholy, and regrets his mistakes and misfortunes for a long time. His mimicry is somewhat monotonous, often shows an expression of light amazement or full interest in his conversation partner. His gaze is dreamy and pensive, slightly strained, with a bit of luster, often expressing melancholy, attentiveness, or sardonic irony. His speech is measured, smooth, and intimately heart-felt. On his face there is almost constantly a polite half-smile that easily predisposes towards trust. Gestures are modest, timid, undemonstrative. Gait is unhurried and smooth.


Soft and considerate person. In his heart he is a dreamer and a romantic. Has figurative, associative memory, and can recall experiences from the past down to the smallest detail. Somewhat unsure in himself, inclined to doubt and hesitate in cases he has to speak or act decisively. He does not like to hurry, can delay carrying out tasks and finding solutions to problems to an indefinite period of time. Reminiscing about the past, he recalls all the mistakes and mishaps, then extracts from them lessons for the future. Thanks to a strong intuition sees short-term prospects of affairs and relations, but because of the tendency to idealize everything may also overestimate them. Under any circumstances does not lose hope that in future everything will turn out for the better than in the present situation.

Usually does not aspire to leadership and finds it difficult and tiring to handle organizational functions. Gravitates more towards intellectual sphere of activity than towards hands-on management and production. Dislikes routine, monotony, stereotypes, conventionality, strict order, having to follow rules and regulations. Likes to talk about various unconventional and mysterious phenomena, seeks new experiences, feels attracted to interesting and unusual people. Willingly accepts and promotes unordinary ideas and innovative approaches, but shows caution in new ventures; in such cases prefers to yield initiative to those who are more assertive and energetic. However, if necessary, exhibits outstanding diplomatic skills, achieving success where others, more straightforward and impatient partners who do not attribute much value to flexibility in relationships, would usually give up. Does not know which of the two disputants he should favor, therefore, will try to reconcile them.

In work can become distracted by irrelevant details, and thus run out of time to accomplish the more important tasks. In his apartment or at his workplace may allow for creative mess and disorganization. Being practical, thrifty, and calculating is not in his nature, due to which he misses some major opportunities. Respects strong, influential people. Needs moral, physical, and material support. Due to absentmindedness sometimes forgets to fulfill his promises, but then does his best to make up and make amends.

Sensitive and attentive to other people, tries to maintain even relations with everyone. Exhibits tolerance towards the flaws and weaknesses of others. Does not break immediately those relationships that have been exhausted for he grows used to people. Knows how to patiently wait and how to adapt to any circumstances. For the sake of good relations with those close to him, tries to meet their requirements for him, to develop practical skills, to perform at school and work, and to fulfill his family responsibilities.

Description by Victor Gulenko

Usually looks calm, dreamy, and contemplative. His facial expression is typically interrogative. Line of behavior is frequently passive. Romantic spirit, lives in the world of illusions and tries to avoid the negative. Optimistic. As a rule, avoids conflict situations and supports compromise. Constrained in the way he dresses. Elegant and refined. Can fulfill functions of staff assistant in presence of a "strong hand", take up work in psychology and psychotherapy.

Ethical subtype Fe-INFp (Fe-IEI)

Description by V. Meged and A. Ovcharov


The ethical subtype makes an impression of a soft, charming and emotional person. Usually looks inspired and optimistic. Possess a fine sense of humor. May talk of his problems and failures with a smile. Ironic, crafty, unpredictable and inconsistent in behavior and conversation. Creates original contrasts, can unexpectedly jab at someone and then just as quickly embrace and kiss his conversation partner. Artistic and charming; unconstrained in conversation, occasionally even with shades of familiarity and impudence. Knows how to bridge the distance. Considerate, tactful, and caring; at times he is simply charming, so great is his talent at positively predisposing others to himself and being liked. Talented at persuasion: states requests in such a manner that it is difficult to refuse them. His movements are refined ; his gait is graceful, hasty. Speech is full of emotion, rich with shades, sometimes melodious.


Emotional and charming, easily and naturally comes into contact with unfamiliar people, predisposing them towards trust with his warmth and sincerity. Able to cheer others up, make them laugh with his unusual antics and utterances. Well versed in feelings and moods of people, able to establish and maintain useful contacts for reaching his goals and to find best suited candidates for implementation of the conceived. To each person he is able to find an individual approach. Often puts his requests in such a form that it is difficult to turn him down. Independent by nature, impulsive, unpredictable in his actions; given to impromptu acts and improvisations. Unobtrusive with his feelings - if he does not see reciprocity, he will distance. Consults with others before making important decisions, though does not always follow their advice.

Elegant, skillful in becoming liked, readily gives out compliments. Enjoys being at the center of the attention. Figuratively and with a refined sense of humor retells stories of his experiences. Enjoys and knows how to reconcile those who are arguing. Sometimes he is given to irony and ridicule, but says even unpleasant things as if in jest and with a smile.

Very much in need of praise and encouragement. Sensitive of criticism of his work or investing effort that has not been appreciated; this lowers his productivity. While if he is praised in advance, this encourages him to strive to overcome difficulties and aid him in gaining confidence. In his heart he is very vulnerable and acutely aware of his failures. Internally contradictory, prone to abrupt mood swings: from laughter to tears and in reverse. Easy lights up with a new idea, but can quickly lose interest if it requires a lot of patience and effort for realization. Passionately tries to prove his correctness; accepts advice only after he has calmed down, and even then only until the next emotional outburst. Needs support of a strong-willed, capable, energetic person.

Somewhat distrustful and suggestible. Readily shares his problems with others, seeking their sympathy, understanding, and support. Inclined to demonstrate his physical or personal sufferings. Sensing danger, he transmits his apprehensive and restless mood to those around him. Nonchalant and imperturbable, but this is only a tactic that allows him to make a good impression. Sometimes he evokes awe and admiration in others by demonstrating fearlessness in dangerous situations. His composed serene state is transmitted onto others, allowing them to distance from their everyday worries and problems.

Graceful in his movements, shows refinement, good manners, dresses tastefully. Fastidious in his household. Possesses an aesthetic taste, appreciates ornaments and decorations. Enjoys comfort. Cares about his own appearance as well as appearance of others. Wasteful and uneconomical; can purchase needless things; dislikes those who are frugal over minor purchases. Does not attach much value to material things, and thus can be careless with them. Borrowing or lending something, may forget about it for a long time.

Description by Victor Gulenko

Entices, flatters, is charming and communicable. If he sees negative emotions in his environment, he will try to arrange things such that people will calm down. Mobilizes well in dangerous situations. Loves to be in the center of attention and to dramatize what is happening. Possesses a sense of humor. Easily manipulates with intonation and voice. Can work successfully as a journalist. He finds it easy to entice a person to start talking. Outwardly may appear extravagant, frequently adopts a bohemian, bright look.

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