Introverted intuition

From Wikisocion

Description of Ni from "Dual Nature of Man" by A. Augusta

White (introverted) intuition Ni

All processes take place in time; they have their roots in the past and their continuation in the future. Time is the correlation between events that follow each other. This perceptual element provides information about the sequence of events and people's deeds, about their cause and effect relationship, and about participants' attitudes towards this — that is, about people's feelings that these relationships engender.

Such an individual perceives information from without as feelings about the future, past, and present. For example, a sense of hurriedness, calmness, or heatedness, a sense of timeliness or prematureness, a sense of proper or improper life rhythm, a sense of impending danger or safety, anticipation, fear of being late, a sense of seeing the future, anxiety about what lies ahead, and so forth. At any given moment of one's life one has such a sense of time. One cannot live outside of time or be indifferent toward it. Thus, a certain sense of time is an integral part of the individual's psychological state at any given moment. This perceptual element defines a person's ability or inability to forecast and plan for the future, evade all sorts of troubles, avoid taking wrong actions, and learn from past experience.

When this element is in the leading position, the individual possesses innate strategic abilities and is able to choose the most optimal moments for different activities: when to give battle, if necessary, and when to avoid battle, when that would be more appropriate. Interaction in time might be interpreted as the ability to avoid collisions with objects and hence avoid objects' reflection within oneself.

Wikisocion description of Ni

Introverted intuition (Ni) is an introverted, irrational, and dynamic information element. It is also called Ni, T, temporal intuition, or white intuition.

Ni is generally associated with the ability to recognize the unfolding of processes over time (how one event leads to another), have visions of the past and future, develop mental imagery, and see intangible hints of relationships between processes or objects.

Types that value Ni always like to have in mind a specific plan for how their life will develop in the future. Thus they have little time for the concept of "living for the moment" or "making the best of the present". They generally engage in pure leisure activities only for short periods of time, and even then their leisure activities generally involve a psychologically demanding or competitive aspect.

Ni as a base (1st) function (IEI and ILI)

As a base function, Ni generally manifests itself through a lack of direct attention to the world around oneself, and a sense of detachment or freedom from worldly affairs. This can lead to a highly developed imagination and very unique mental world, but it can also result in a great deal of laziness and apparent inactivity. Because the individual gets his or her primary information about the world through imagination, a person with base Ni may be able to thrive in situations where data are scarce, or where he or she lacks the usual prerequisite experience. However, this may also become a disadvantage if the person ignores real data about the world too much. The ability to transcend the axis of time and understand the cause and effect relationships that occur is also a feature, sometimes resulting in the ability to accurately predict general future trends and outcomes of certain events.

Ni as a creative (2nd) function (EIE and LIE)

The individual likes to predict the further development of the situations and topics that he is interested in. The individual applies his highly developed sense of vision not as an end in itself, but as a way of promoting the development of his more central interests and activities.

Ni as a role (3rd) function (SEI and SLI)

The individual is able to turn his attention to longer-term implications and personal imagination but only for brief periods; his natural preference is to concentrate on the immediate surroundings and sensations, or on the job at hand. If poorly developed, this function can lead him to extensively plan his future while failing to evaluate his reasons for doing so.

Ni as a vulnerable (4th) function (ESE and LSE)

The individual prefers to focus on immediate tasks, taking things as they come, rather than try to evaluate the outcome of present trends. Inclination to tell stories or narrate events on a sequential basis, rather than outlining how one event led to another.

He perceives time in an undifferentiated manner: the past, present, and future are all perceived as being in or near the present. When talking about the future, especially one's longer-term plan), the individual treats it as if it were accessible today and often is not aware of all the developments that must happen first.

He generally has a poor sense of how long things will take and what the best amount of time to spend on things is. Therefore it is difficult for him to stay on schedule without extensive, even total, pre-planning.

Ni as a suggestive (5th) function (SLE and SEE)

The individual is attracted to people who are confident in their ability to evaluate where present trends are leading and to choose the opportune moment to initiate action, or to refrain from it. The individual is impulsive but at the same time desiring of not going too far in his impulsiveness and unsure of his own ability in this area, so people who are confident on how far to go and when to stop are admired and their company is desired. The individual also longs for a sense of greater meaning in his life beyond the immediately physical and enjoys the company of people who can show him the light in that area.

Ni as a mobilizing (6th) function (LSI and ESI)

The individual periodically needs an outside evaluation of how a situation is likely to develop in order to keep from worrying excessively. Without an outside reassurance that a task can be accomplished in time without hurry, or that there is no need to deal with an ongoing development and that for the moment it's best to wait and see, the individual is anxious and inclined to try to deal with such issues immediately and sometimes impulsively.

Ni as an ignoring (7th) function (ILE and IEE)

The individual thoroughly understands discussions and arguments focused on following present trends into the future and their possible implications, as well as on exploring one specific imaginative vision of personal meaning, but he much prefers to explore many possibilities, starting from a present point in time and reality, rather than to concentrate on just a few specific visions or trends.

Ni as a demonstrative (8th) function (LII and EII)

The individual is quite adept at following discussions on the developments of present trends into the future and at contributing to them on occasion if he feels so inclined, but he does not take that as seriously compared to investigating possibilities in the areas he is interested in at present. He usually dismisses supernatural claims as being silly, wishful thinking, unless they happen to be related to the very specific religion he feels inclined to believe in and which he may be inclined to make part of his leisure activities.

Aspects in the Valued Functions by Dmitry Golihov

Ni as leading function in IEI (INFp; Esenin) and ILI (INTp; Balzac)

This person considers himself to be very ideological, consistent, principled, and is very conservative in this. Becomes irritated by those who criticize his ideas. He lives by the "wholeness" of the internal situation. Often able to see "through" things, to the inner essence of something or someone. Romantic and idealist. Lives by his internal harmony, tranquility, serenity, is able to draw inspiration within himself, and gets annoyed by those who try to disturb it. Generally does not like when people try to look inside of him, gets frustrated and angry when this happens. Strives to be inwardly calm in all situations and internally consistent. "Fluid like a river": involuntarily adjusts himself to the interlocutor in conversation by taking form of consciousness that is best fitted for the situation. By this he isn't playing a role, his consciousness is simply multifaceted and he is directed by his inner "wholeness". That is, he simply presents a version of himself. Communicating with you, he always feels your moods as if he is living through them together with you, adjusts himself to this. Loves to introspect and to meditate. In case of failure, can make a qualitative self-analysis. Being present in some place he as if tunes himself out, tries to become invisible like a chameleon, especially if he perceives it as a threat to his inner tranquility: for example, in the workplace so that no one bothers him. Can even hide it in some clever way: arrange a barricade of folders so that behind them he is not visible. Does not like restless, internally discordant individuals, as their state can get transmitted to him, will try to escape from their company at any price. This is especially funny in a situation where a male representative of this type flees from ladies, and they pursue him like prey, because they feel that he has something that they so desperately need: inner peace. But for him this inner "wholeness" is not the product but material for inner consumption, so he can only share this with a small number of people, but sometimes someone might snatch a piece - this makes him very angry. Often, especially in circle of family, he becomes a critic, since deviation in behavior away from his principles turns him aggressive. If in another situation he will somehow restrain himself, at home he may allow himself to explode with anger.

Ni as creative function of EIE (ENFj; Hamlet) and LIE (ENTj; Jack London)

These types like to find internally contradictory people, "dig" in them and create in them internal harmony and mood. They make for great artists, because they know how to and love to "become" one with an image of a man and play a role from his worldview. They are able to understand the essence of complex internal situations and make for potentially good analysts. Often it is difficult to find employment for them, as their "product" is the internal conflicts of man and essence, and to penetrate so far, into "the soul" of man, you just need to have permission. Often become unstable, vulnerable, fragile, just so that they can harmonize themselves, and sometimes can start to torment and tear into themselves and dig into their own issues. They have a difficulty finding adequate application to their creative function in the world, since it is not in high demand - not everyone wants someone else to dig into their internal states. Their product - bold ideas, principles, systems of belief and knowledge that they bring into the world and promote. But they do this beautifully, creatively, elegantly, not forcibly imposing them but promoting them in interesting ways. Search for internally contradictory situations, like to grasp their essence. Often realize themselves in art and writing, as this is also a good way to use the function. They are able to enter into various internal psychological states. A good speaker, as he is able to influence positively on the internal state of others. Their product is the "wholeness" of the internal state, and therefore they can find success in field of psychology, because it means that they are the healers of souls. In life they loved to dramatize everything. Everyone around becomes informed about the slightest change in their mood or internal state. Usually they are very fond of "making mountains out of molehills", for them this is a way to find work for their second function. The more they become exposed - the greater the realization of their personality in the world.

Ni as activating function of LSI (ISTj; Maxim Gorky) and ESI (ISFj; Dreiser)

The area of self-esteem of these types is the "wholeness" of the internal situation, internal harmony, ideological consistency and consistency of principles, internal tranquility. In order to protect this point, they usually just need a little break away from the people on this issue to resolve the inner conflicts, so they almost always cope successfully with this task. From the side, they always seem to be very consistent and principled people. They always think, do and say the same things, that is, they never contradict themselves and expect the same out of others. Sometimes, for this reason, they are considered to be "too right". They are receptive to information only when it bears no risk of destroying this inner balance, which sometimes makes them very stubborn. Will never strike a deal with his principles. Usually makes an impression of a restrained, polite, closed off, hidden, consistent person. Positive self-esteem is ensured by his ideals that may correlate poorly with the surrounding reality, which may cause neglect of what which is real. Effective in achieving specific goals, but accomplish this by breaking straight though, stopping at nothing, ignoring the outside world and external opinions. Feel good when this is reinforced by their situation: for example, position or occupation which underlines the legitimacy of such actions and means and grants them protection from the viewpoint of society. For example: "I am a soldier just doing my duty for the motherland" is to be understood as: "this grants legitimacy to my actions ". Often preach idealistic principles, stressing priority of ideas and principles over reality. Knows how to lead people, as he wants to believe that he's not lying but truly believes in his ideals. Finds that it's important to preserve internal "wholeness", thus he needs to feel monolithic correctness of their actions in terms of consistency, devotion to principle. Where the situation is too ambiguous, he will try to resolve it through simplification. In principle and consistency - "good", not in principle and consistency - "bad." Do not like those who sow contradictions and doubts. Even if he does something wrong, it's much more comfortable for him to never know about it, thus his self-esteem will be protected, so often will simply ignore it. For example, he may think that such people want to hurt him so their opinion does not matter. In general, anything that might disturb his inner ideational "wholeness" is not taken into account. "I may lose, but I will remain true to myself." Very often it is more important to them.

Ni as suggestive function of SLE (ESTp; Zhukov) and SEE (ESFp; Napoleon)

People of these types prefer environments where they experience no inner discomfort, contradictions with themselves, where ideas and principles are shared without requiring an explanation. If this is not achievable, then they simply move somewhere else. They like people who know how to raise their spirits, to create harmony in their soul, so that at heart they feel good. Suggestible by elevated moods and optimism of others, do not like to be in company of those whose spirits are low. May use alcohol or other substances to quiet down the soul searching meanwhile believing that everyone does the same thing, , which can lead to alcoholism. Their main requirement for environment is that it should not cause conflict with their ideals and principles. If this is not possible then he leaves saying "this is not my world, I do not find this existence interesting." Cannot live in conditions when the external situation "hurts the soul," brings up an inner "itch" that cannot get scratched. If the place is comfortable, then it automatically everyone there is accepted as their own, since they share his beliefs, and thus such place already has all the prerequisites to do and create what he sees fit. Therefore, likes to be accepted "warts and all" creating a microcosm of "own" people who accept each other's weaknesses and live with it. Treats such world and such people as "his clan", but can position himself as the "godfather." Existing in such microcosm he will put it in opposition with the "alien" worlds that do not share his principles. This person is aware of the need to maintain inner harmony, but rarely succeeds in this task, often swerves off the course and heads somewhere else. To keep it he needs someone who will intervene and extinguish these "flashes", who will reason through them and calm him down, something like: "Why are you so wound up? Everything is fine, it's good. " Poorly predictable in his behaviors for this reason, you never which mood will hover over him today and what he will do for this reason.

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IM elements
Extroverted intuition Extroverted logic Extroverted sensing Extroverted ethics
Introverted intuition Introverted logic Introverted sensing Introverted ethics