Talk:Club of socials

From Wikisocion

"Socials are inclined to regard Researchers with either a sort of contempt as in "needing to get out more and be more friendly", or admiration for their perceived knowledge in many areas."

Why contempt...Isn't that a bit strong? I haven't noticed that it's characteristic for Socials to express contempt. If anything, the attitude of Socials towards their duals and activity partners seems to mostly one of admiration; and to the extent that they think Researchers need to get out more, the expression seems to be more of pity. I'll change it to "pity" for now. --Jonathan 08:04, 22 June 2007 (CDT)

Actually I much prefer that someone feels contempt than pity for me, but fine with me. And don't forget that conflictors and super-egos are there too. Expat 08:20, 22 June 2007 (CDT)

In my experience, people's attitudes towards their duals and activators are the opposite of their attitudes towards their conflicters and super-ego types. I'm skeptical that they can be grouped together like this the way we have done for quadras. (Admin 09:09, 22 June 2007 (CDT))