UPDATE: This page is invalid, but I don't feel like doing anything with it now. Move along...
Here's a list of types for my family and friends (and coworkers.)
(currently there is little justification for each typing here. I am just filling out this page for now.)
My sister
My typing is SEE. Probably. Generally a practical, capable woman. Very socially oriented.
Her husband
My typing is LIE. Joel Spolsky (some famous software dude) lookalike.
My mom
My typing is ESI. Some people descriptions I've gotten from her contain a preponderance of -related words and phrases in them.
My dad
My typing is inconclusive, but I think perhaps one of the -leading types.
My stepdad
My typing is LSI. Alex Trebek lookalike.
My youngest cousin
My typing is SLI. I think this is a pretty strong typing.
My youngest cousin's brother
My typing is LSI. Socially confident and a fluent speaker. Very organized as well.
My youngest female cousin
My typing is ILI. Sounds exactly like Daria from, well, Daria.
Her husband
My typing is EIE. I forget how I used to describe his personality. :p
My oldest uncle
My typing is either LII or IEE, so you can tell I haven't got around to thinking about this one in much depth, yet.
My next-oldest uncle
My typing is SLE. A fun guy, generally, but prone to aggressive behavior and intruding on others' lives. A terribly bored man at this point in his life. Very similar to that guy John Goodman played in The Big Lebowski, as noted by my sister.
(I can keep going...)