Hello, I am 'linked', though you can call me 'Cone'. I am 25, male, a schoolbus driver, and an autodidact. I live in the USA, in roughly the same place all my life.
I've been programming for about 13 years now, and I am also a big neuroscience (and recently also molecular biology) fanatic. I hope to apply this all to Socionics eventually...eventually.
IRL, I smile and laugh a lot and am one of the most lenient bus drivers ever. Quiet, too. :)
Totally awesome update of wonder and excitement
Ok, so, something really exciting that I'll only summarize for now: I was recently reading over the vocabulary page and got the idea in my head to try saying each phrase of each element out loud and measuring my reactions to them, including whether or not they were in my own vocabulary and whether I would feel comfortable saying them to others or hearing them from others directed at me. All I have to say after that run-on sentence there is, boy, doing that really made things a lot clearer for me! Surprising that after seven years of doing this Socionics stuff, only now do I actually feel like I'm standing on solid ground. But of course, there's still quite a bit to learn and discover and do! It's just that now I can feel confident about it.
So in accord with my results, and also in accord with much I mulled over years ago, I am changing my self-typing to ILE. I am confident about this, and I don't think it's going to change ever again. That is all.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and I also wanted to say that I am eventually going to do a write-up of my experiences with that "vocabulary test" (haha).
Types of people who are at least somewhat in the public eye, depending on what you're interested in
This is a start. Here's my opinions (without substantiation) on the types of some people. As you can see, I'm not really interested in "famous people", per se. Types in bold are just in bold; that's all.
Steve McConnell - IEE (software development researcher)
Joel Spolsky - LSE (co-creator of the programming website Stack Overflow, blogger)
Steve Maguire - LSE (software developer back in the 90s, at least)
Talcott Parsons - LSI (influential sociologist)
- The Wikipedia article on him paints a very vivid picture (and was probably written by an LSI.)
Dave Foley - IEE (actor on Kids in the Hall)
- There is at least one sketch where he is portrayed as "that nice guy that everybody likes and nobody hates".
Mark McKinney - EIE (actor on Kids in the Hall)
John Mayer - SLI (pop singer/songwriter)
Maynard James Keenan - ILI (frontman for Tool, A Perfect Circle, other bands)
Daria - ILI (lead character on the MTV show Daria)
Quinn - SEI (Daria's sister)
Benoit Mandelbrot - ILE (mathematician famous for fractals)
Family, so far
Dad - LIE
- I am not totally confident about this, but after a cursory vocabulary analysis, I think this makes more sense. The original IEI typing was based on a rather confused view of Socionics and also on some apparent similarity to a possible IEI friend (whom I still think is IEI) I had in high school. He was and still is in large part shy, yet does not have any real close friendships outside his family (and within the family, it's mainly my sister who he most associates with.) This seems consistent with a socially introverted socionics extravert and in particular a logical type (I am quite similar.) He also reminds me a bit of user Expat in being rather expressionless yet coming across somewhat vulnerable.
Mom - EIE
- My mom and dad are divorced, btw.
Sister - EII
- Not super sure about this, but she has this magical ability to completely and consistently overextend herself in health-related matters, such as having difficulties in keeping her weight in check and dealing with excess in drinking. She also has a tendency to take up jobs that drain her physically, so she switches jobs frequently because of that. This seems consistent with
-mobilizing. EII because she reminds me of user Ritella, even down to both being unbelievably attractive (not my opinion, mind you, ew :P) yet still being highly insecure about their appearances. She also likes to call me "mean" and "rude" (mainly because I am the only one in my family who can clearly and effectively say "no" to her. Strangely enough, I get a lot of flak for that, but that's another story.)
Younger cousin - ILI
- From my oldest uncle, dad's side. Very lethargic, very smooth movements that make him look like he moves in slow motion. Reminds me strongly of niffweed and Maynard James Keenan. The closest, most consistent friend I've ever had, though we only see each other 5-6 hours a week without anyone else included. We fight, sometimes excessively so, if we see each other longer than this or if his brother is around.
Older cousin - LII
- The above's brother. Moves in a "straight line" from activity to activity and "compartmentalizes" life, if that makes sense (no, it doesn't, Cone.) I think this makes more sense than LSI. He's a historian, and it's fun (for me) to dig information about ancient history out of him.