Talk:Process and result

From Wikisocion

The phrasing of this sounds possibly like resolute/reasonable. In any case, past explanations of "process" that I've seen do not seem to equate the interpretation here (doing things from beginning to end, single-tasking, never jumping around). Nor can I see how, for example, ILEs could be described that way.

--Jonathan 23:18, 16 June 2007 (CDT)

Hotel, personally, I think the part you took away ("Reinin traits are criticized by many socionists for their ambiguous content and perceived inaccuracy") was absolutely the best part of this description. --Jonathan 22:19, 19 June 2007 (CDT)

BTW...I don't know if anyone looks at the discussion part, but can we have some sort of sources regarding where the typical characteristics come from? I just don't it your interpretation, or something you read...where does it come from? I still have trouble with the idea that ILE does things straighforwardly from beginning to end and doesn't jump around whereas LII jumps around more. It seems like the opposite of the way these two types are usually portrayed. --Jonathan 09:06, 20 June 2007 (CDT)

I think a disclaimer like the one Jonathan mentioned above is perfectly in order. In London, Rick pointed out that Reinin dichotomies are not universally accepted in socionics, certainly not uncritically. Expat 11:29, 20 June 2007 (CDT)

I agree, but I think having a separate disclaimer on each dichotomy page is overkill. There is a link right at the top of the page to Reinin dichotomies. Thehotelambush 01:04, 5 July 2007 (CDT)