
From Wikisocion

My opinions:

1.) People should try to improve Wikisocion so that we get at least one reliable and complete source in English.

2.) People should learn more about subtypes to explain intratype differences. 16 types are not enough to explain everything that is genetically determined.

3.) Doppelgängers share both the base type and the complete subtype. It makes sense to type people by looking for doppelgängers, using Visual Identification of Subtypes.

4.) People should be familiar with the Reinin dichotomies. They are very useful if understood correctly and they even make more sense in combination (thinking styles, romance styles, communication styles).

5.) People should understand that MBTI and Socionics use exactly the same Jungian dichotomies with slightly different interpretations. You are either introverted or extraverted, you can't be introverted here and extraverted there.

6.) MBTI just uses a wrong order of functions and then interprets them in a wrong way to make it fit. That's why many MBTI descriptions are bad and describe types that do not really exist. But that does in no way mean that you could be intuitive here and sensing there, judging here and perceiving there. You are just the type you are, even if your type is not described properly in MBTI.

7.) A common misconception in the western socionics community is that social introversion had nothing to do with socionics introversion and that very introverted persons could truly be socionics extraverts. Because of that many LIIs and ILIs are mistyped as Ti-ILE in the western socionics community.

8.) Typing celebrities doesn't make sense if you don't know much about the persons in question. That's why discussions about celebrities on are really annoying.