ILE domain

From Wikisocion

The only problem I have is how to keep myself from seeing the future. That's why it's hard to judge personal relationships, it's because I analyze things so carefully, and I'm always right. But your own predictions can impede your flow. Like a meteorologist, I can predict any weather, based on the information on hand, but I never have every bit of information, and never care to. I have great ideas and thoughts when I have someone to bounce my ideas off of. Ask me what the reason for something is and I'll take great joy in explaining it to you.

Out of the box?

If you think outside the box, what's the outside of that? If there's nothing, then is there something outside of the nothing? If there's nothing outside of the nothing, then is there something inside the nothing? If nothing exists inside the nothingness of nothing then are there boundaries between nothing and something? If boundaries exist, then how far does it go? If it doesn't exist, then is the box really a box?


NEED FUN! WIthout fun: what's life? With fun: oh this is life!! And with life work becomes attractive again. And then think of all the other interesting things there are to do!!

Socionics ILE ENTp domain picture.jpg

Type domains
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: EIE LSI SLE IEI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: LSE EII IEE SLI