ESE domain
- ESEs! WHEE! Welcome to our domain ;) You'll not find a more wretched hive of villainy in all the galaxy ;)
- (P.S. Only edit if you're an ESE!!! If you do not obey this, we will hunt you down and feed you to death!!!)
More later thought: I'm pretty sure I'm IEE now. Domain is still here for fun, though! Gulanzon 08:34, 25 July 2009 (BST)
Yo! Nobody has actually filled this in yet, so what the hell. Here I am. It's Gul. Feel free to delete this introduction when some more/real ESEs get around to telling the world about the best type in the socion ^,~
ESEs are a curious bunch, especially when you consider the range of enneatypes and leading oldham styles we can have. It's pretty unlikely that you'll talk to the same ESE twice (unlike some other types).
Me? I'm a Mercurial ESE. We're the diehard anti-emos of the Socion.
When you're Mercurial, you just get pulled around by your Fe, yo. It's like being a gigantic megaphone, and you can't switch off your receiver... or maybe that sounds like a bad thing. It's not... it's the most wonderful thing in the world! And guys, that's another thing about Mercurial ESEs. Everything is awesome, and there's a subset of everything that sucks... like, really sucks. The suck gets magnified too. But's it's aaaaaaa-mazing! That's the sort of world we live in. 169% In tents.
Oh yeah, and one thing absolutely every ESE can agree on on, no matter what? LIIs. HELL. YES. Seriously, don't ever stop wanting to have huge families. Like, if type is genetic. Seriously.
Overlooking Model A, or, Sightseeing
: Like Programming a VCR (Very Competent Realist)
We're filled with energy. The world is basically a big colouring book, and it's our job to make sure there's no icky grey anywhere! Whee!
But seriously, there's a downside. Like EIEs, we get sucked into playing roles. It can have a painfully fragmentary effect on the psyche, especially when people catch you doing it. But hey, look on the bright side! It makes us skilled actors (;
: A Sixth Sense for Creativity
EIEs build a world around developing possibilities, yeah? For us, I suppose an analogy is like being in this technicolour sea, with waves and storms and weather and stuff and stuff. We're sort of submerged in it, and we whip out our crayons and make things pretty as we see fit. I suppose this also relevant to the psychology of "Chillax and cheer up!" - for us, all the yellows and greens are linked in to being healthy and relaxed.
More on that though... we're really locked in to the present. We can only see some distant goal (usually only if it's pointed out to us) or immediate results. On the plus side, mmmm... dinner...
Yeah. We have to feel productive/efficient. Or do we? I don't know. (The Gul says: For me, it's more about Knowing Things. I feel deficient if I don't...)
But basically, we drop everything and plug into the world around us. Back to the sea analogy, being locked into Te is like being on a yacht, when we want to have a lark with the mermaids and scintillating fishies }: Send us an invitation, though, and we're all like "What boat?"
: I can't even turn this into a pun ):
Ugh. Time. Just, no. The moment is so much cooler, anyway. But we get lost so easily...
Meh, we're more imaginative than those smelly EIEs anyway, so whatever (;
OMG! You have no idea how cool it is to have this pampered to. Some of us are ABSOLUTE GIGANTIC NERDS, but at the same time, we're idiots. No, really. We like understanding things.
More than this, it's also a massive relief to have something to move towards. Forests are filled with greens and browns and wonderful fungi... but where the hell is everyone else?! Guide us back to the sea! There's no type more athirst of the water of life than us (;
: Hidden Agenda
We. must. be. perfect. I know I try to convince people that I'm crazy awesome and totally unique. And I'm always working on some self-improvement...
I never know...
Basically, this is something we're incredibly insecure about. We can always be better and better (and still better), and to us, that will never stop. At the same time, we can start to seriously wig out about how good we actually /are/.
But hey. Whatever. Look on the bright side!
- Waffles.
Talk to the hand
Blah blah blah moral precedents qua qua qua correct action meh meh meh Michael Jackson.
Whatever. If it doesn't splash black over our particular stretch of the ocean, it goes. Drrr.
Yes! It's fun initiating deliberately hectic things. Being Rational, we naturally fear things being out of control, but, when we /are/ in control (or at least are deluded into believe this is the case (;), watch out!
But guys, ok. If you're not enjoying it, we don't do it. Chaos stops being cool the moment the rogue/Milton/significant other /leaves and writes a letter to the editor }:
We only want <3 and random.
Random Trivia
Hell yes I'm ripping off the EIE domain! (Look at me subverting it! Look at how cool, unique and imaginative I am! Look! Look! Hey, Link!)
I think much of what I said about me in the opening paragraph is applicable to me, and people like me. That said, feel free to move the stuff down and add subdivisions for whatever your particular personality is (;
Like I said, ESEs are a fantastically differentiated bunch. We're like rainbows++.
In-depth analysis (courtesy of my favourite LII <3)
We talk in participles... or should I say "We like talking in participles".
Nah. Just kidding.
To us, our sea is always moving. We can feel the waves rocking us, hear the gulls, and feel the warmth of the water... (no, no metaphors there... the only point is that it has to be a sea, somewhere, that's warm ;))
Emotionally, our architecture is Stalinist. We don't do things by halves, or even doubles. It's 25x or nothing! WHAM! Similarly, with logic, we only listen to the intricately detailed. Stop and smell the roses, and check out the intricate ornaments on that metal fence. /Cooooooool/.
You're you. Just because our super-ids like collecting and sorting things, doesn't mean you're not you. To us. Or maybe I am EIE ;p
Emotions are hands-on for us. We see them moving, and we move them...
Well, it's pretty intuitive. Haha. We're not puppeteers or anything. But there's always a case-by-case evaluation of what the Best
Mood is, and we seem to be pretty good at keeping things in homeostasis around that ;)
In the words of Steve Miller, "I HEAT UP! I CAN'T COOL DOWN!" We tend to get spun 'round and 'round ;)
As a friend once said, "You don't have a silly switch. It's a thyristor."
I guess what I'm trying to say is, emotions only go in one direction for us. Bigger. And then they change. And they get bigger. Etc. That's why we give bear hugs. Because, internally, it's like "OMFG!!!!!! *GLOMP*".
We don't miss a thing ;)
This works in tandem with Tactical to create that Perpetual Host image. I think this is the most conscious element of the ESE, because we see when you're tense, and we know why that's bad. So relax. Don't do it. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP QUOTING SONGS! :D
Vortex thinking, baby! We're the most optimistic type! Especially when we're Sevens!
Duuuuuuuuuude. And yeah, people frown. WE FIX THAT :D
You know the dreaded ESE monologue?
Yeah. This is why.
Just, please, for the love of God, don't ever ask us about our day.
You have been warned :D
Now that I'm on another fantastic high (and feel confident+ on my typing again), I thought I'd add some comments again! Gulanzon 05:24, 10 July 2009 (BST)
ESE/LII is like a team. The other dyads all suck, because they aren't asskickin' superduo that is the ESE+LII conglomerate.
Why I love you guys:
You're the funniest type ever!
You're smart and can make sense of stuff; but more than that when my head is spinning, you can pick one thing. And that is very, very cool <3
I can be myself! This is the greatest gift you can give!
You don't mind the insane theorizing, and read past my tendency to say wavery things too conclusively (oops :p)
You cheer me up when I'm stuck being blue :
Why you guys love us (you know it's true o;):
We give you lots of incoherent gibberish to pick through!
We love you a lot no matter what <3 (even if we don't know you yet, so don't lose hope ;))
We're energetic and exciting!
We're always here when you get lost in your head :)
We cheer you up!
Type domains | |||||||
Alpha Quadra: | ILE | SEI | ESE | LII | |||
Beta Quadra: | EIE | LSI | SLE | IEI | |||
Gamma Quadra: | SEE | ILI | LIE | ESI | |||
Delta Quadra: | LSE | EII | IEE | SLI |