SEI domain

From Wikisocion

The SEI domain belongs here. Some people said the previous incarnation was not realistically showing what an SEI likes to think about and do. It was very emo-ish, it was proof of the naivety and youth of the writers (namely me). Even though I am two years older and two years wiser, I cannot say that I am qualified to speak on being SEI. Two years ago, I really did model myself after the description. It was a goal of mine to really be like how the SEI profile said I was supposed to be. I need to write from the heart, write about what I feel makes me SEI, what makes me an individual who loves kids and animals, one who hates to have conflict and likes to make everyone super happy. : DDD Kamangir 03:08, 4 March 2010 (GMT)

Subdomain links

Hey there, it's Gulanzon here. I'm going to be adding my own sub-domain where I can go off on weird and wonderful rambling tangents and mess around with the structure as necessary :) Other SEIs, please feel free to follow suite. Gulanzon 17:43, 15 June 2010 (BST)

Gulanzon's SEI subdomain

Socionics SEI ISFp doman.jpg

Type domains
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: EIE LSI SLE IEI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: LSE EII IEE SLI