ILI domain

From Wikisocion

Type domains
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: EIE LSI SLE IEI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: LSE EII IEE SLI

We naturally like to optimize stuff.


It's what we do. We want to be at least mostly sure about something before declaring it, so we are inclined to research facts. Because of this, and because we also tend to view everything as a process, we can get "stuck" and put decision-making on hold when we are heading in a direction we don't like. Interestingly we may also get stuck when we try to optimize stuff and we are not sure if we have found the most optimal way to optimize it.

How to Identify an ILI

Messy, but somewhat organized. Probably maintains a psychological and physical distance from everyone, but seeks a few close, meaningful relationships. Not very expressive, but hyper-aware of others' body language and facial expressions in an effort to assess mood.

Type Obervations

Socionics is, among other things, about perceptions, right? Feel free to add based on your experience.

ILE: Always excited to pursue the unknown. Ridiculous sense of humor with great imagination. Like elaborate theories, which are best expressed through extended metaphor. We often come to similar conclusions, though we get there in entirely different ways.

SEI: Lovers of children, pleasant and domestic. Fun, easygoing, always drinking some kind of beverage or cleaning.

ESE: Nice people, and can hang out together in a group. It gets awkward if just the two of us, but we can laugh at our differences.

LII: Quiet and intelligent, not sure what they're up to but can tell they're lost in thought about something.

EIE: Silly and joking, led around by moods. This can be frustrating and inconsistent as they supervise us with leading Fe. Just don't be roommates.

LSI: Interesting, grounded individuals with hidden talents. Smart and generous with honest sense of humor.

SLE: Blunt and often says/does crazy things, but funny. Their theories can be narrow-minded.

IEI: Artist-philosophers. Together we can superpower our leading Nis and suspend time. They love talking with company and indulge in theatrics. Occasionally have to remind them we do not receive physical displays of affection well.

LIE: Ambitious, one-track minds, but they get things done. Love money and status. Good at business, abrasive at times.

ESI: Have a difficult time expressing their emotions and have bad tempers. Get oddly protective of the people they care about (though they will never admit this). Always working.

SEE: Unexpectedly easy to get along with. Artsy, fun to make fun of, and great at giving us direction. We secretly enjoy their attention.

ILI: Some can act like jerks, but we sense they're better than that.

IEE: Full of energy, always doing something new, yet very chill. Friends with everyone. "Ok" with just about everything (seems odd to us), but the respect and optimism are appreciated.

SLI: Never gets worked up about anything, which can be refreshing or frustrating ("it happens" is often the only advice they will give you). The sort to study for hours in a secluded place wearing pjs with a beverage or snack.

LSE: Highly productive, can't sleep if there are things left to do. Put work above everything else. Sometimes try to please us with pretentiousness, which is puzzling since we kind of hate that. Decent folks who dress with taste.

EII: Calm and reserved, a bit domestic. Very committed to tasks. Can make some odd fashion choices.

Type domains
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: EIE LSI SLE IEI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: LSE EII IEE SLI