LSE domain

From Wikisocion

Type domains
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: EIE LSI SLE IEI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: LSE EII IEE SLI

LSE values unique ideas.

LSE is competent and steady.

LSE has well-defined features.

LSE values loyalty and honesty.

LSE is likely to plan spontaneity.

LSE should be left alone when angry.

LSE lacks control over relationships.

LSE values schedule and tends to be a clock-watcher.

LSE likes lists and other well-structured data arrangements.

LSE tends to have specific ideas of how things must be arranged.

LSE will most likely be able to recall any recent train of thought.

LSE is a specialist, preferring to do things either very well or not at all.

LSE may treat feelings as data entries, compiling them to try to understand.

LSE energy levels are generally a steady high until collapsing at the day's end.

LSE does not feel the right to relax until something significant has been accomplished.

LSE sees no need to examine many angles before acting. The necessary action is almost always obvious.

LSE has a sense of humor.

An LSE's View of Other Types

EIE They can be interesting, but seem fake. Good people to have around, but not to get close to.

ESE They are easy to understand and to get along with, but may be difficult in a disagreement because they have different ideas on how to do things, as well as a stubborn Se in the eighth position.

SEI They are silly and easy-going. They're pushovers for simple tasks, but annoyingly unreliable for important ones because of apathy.

SLI They are sensible and dependable, but don't have much of a sense of humor.

LSE They are also very dependable, and are easy to understand. Good at getting things done right, but somehow unsatisfying company.

LIE They are witty and have absurd goals, but are efficient at meeting those goals. Sort of amusing and confusing.

ILI They are intelligent, and somehow all their requests make sense. But there's no way of telling whether they're satisfied.

IEI They are bizarre, although many are nice. It seems like their brains are inside-out.

LSI They are intelligent and good at making others feel stupid.

LII They are intelligent and creative, but only those who know them know this, since they're so quiet. For some Ne , remind one to talk.

ILE They are fun people and great entertainment, but very difficult to get close to because they're an infantile who hates Fi.

IEE They are nuts and generally wishy-washy. Fun to be around and like to talk, but too irresponsible.

EII They are fun and understanding, but often forgetful or disorderly.

ESI They are dependable and easy to get along with.

SEE They are unstable and often illogical, but are generally nice people.

SLE They are stubborn and often rude, but if they care about something they'll do it well.

Type domains
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: EIE LSI SLE IEI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: LSE EII IEE SLI