EP temperament

From Wikisocion

The EP temperament, or flexible-maneuvering temperament, was identified by Viktor Gulenko and includes the four irrational extroverts (one in each quadra): ILE, SLE, SEE, and IEE. Each of these types is also static.

Typical characteristics

  • flexible
  • mobile
  • impulsive, shifting from apparent inactivity to bursts of energy, often several times a day, showing impatience during them
  • walk is energetic but "cat-like"
  • often seems optimistic and open-minded
  • entertains people easily and naturally
  • inclined to fidget when forced to remain inactive for long periods

EPs are both static and irrational, so they perceive reality as mostly not changing, and when it does, it's in abrupt "leaps" from one state to another. An EP is bothered by the lack of change, especially as seen through his leading function, since his personal preference is for change. That makes him impulsive, with sudden bursts of action, energy, or even just thought, as he tries to get his perceptions "moving".

As extroverts, EPs tend to be feel that it is up to them to initiate contacts with other people, and EPs in particular tend to feel quite natural in that role.

Perception of other temperaments

Exxj: Eps perceive Ejs as active but too restless and nervous, slightly annoying due to a lack of sense of spontaneity.

Ixxp: Eps perceive Ips as pleasantly flexible and responsive to their initiatives, sometimes too unpredictable but for that very reason never boring.

Ixxj: Eps perceive Ijs as too predictable and boring, too unwilling to do things on the spur of the moment.

Small groups
Quadras Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
Clubs Researchers Socials Pragmatists Humanitarians
Temperaments EP EJ IP IJ
Communication styles Businesslike Passionate Cold-blooded Sincere
Romance styles Aggressor Victim Caring Childlike