IJ temperament

From Wikisocion

The IJ temperament, or balanced-stable temperament, was identified by Viktor Gulenko and includes the four rational introverts (one in each quadra): LII, LSI, ESI, and EII. Each of these types is also static.

Typical characteristics

  • calm, balanced and inert
  • "unflappable"
  • rigid but not very fast gait
  • may appear passive-aggressive
  • usually very stable mood
  • more reactive than active
  • little inclination to fidget during long periods of inactivity

IJs are both static and rational, so they see reality as mostly not changing and when it does, it's in abrupt "leaps" from one state to another. An IJ draws inner stability from a stable reality, especially as seen through his leading function. That makes him confident that things will probably remain as they are despite what he sees as minor disturbances; periods of clear upheaval are very disturbing and the individual is anxious that things will "settle down" one way or the other soon enough.

As introverts, IJs tend to be calm and relaxed about initiating relationships with other people, mostly assuming that others will take the initiative, but will be more inclined to try to make sure a relationship is maintained once established.

Perception of other temperaments

EP: IJs see EPs as unreliable, and too unpredictable in their impulses and initiatives.

EJ: IJs see EJs as pleasantly energetic and willing to take the initiative and get things going in a balanced, constant way.

IP: IJs see IPs as unreliable and unwilling to take any initiative, with too low levels of energy.

Small groups
Quadras Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
Clubs Researchers Socials Pragmatists Humanitarians
Temperaments EP EJ IP IJ
Communication styles Businesslike Passionate Cold-blooded Sincere
Romance styles Aggressor Victim Caring Childlike