EJ temperament

From Wikisocion

The EJ temperament, or linear-assertive temperament, was identified by Viktor Gulenko and includes the four rational extroverts (one in each quadra): ESE, EIE, LIE, and LSE. Each of these types is also dynamic.

Typical characteristics

  • proactive
  • restless
  • difficult to relax unless tired
  • walk tends to be quick-paced and "purposeful", as well as stiff
  • "calmly energetic" with few intense variations in the level of energy during the day
  • inclined to fidget when forced to remain inactive for long periods

EJs are both dynamic and rational, so they see reality as in continuous, gradual, often imperceptible change. At the same time, an EJ has his own views of what reality "should" be. This inclines him to be quick to take action, normally using his leading function, in order to make sure things will remain, or become, as they should be, before change can get too far.

As extroverts, EJs tend to feel that it is up to them to initiate contacts with other people, whether in the context of establishing or maintaining a relationship. They will not necessarily act on that, though, and sometimes wish others would take over this role.

Perception of other temperaments

EP: EJs see EPs as unpredictable and moody, and therefore a bit irritating, but also as extremely energetic once they do focus on doing something, as well as the source of initiatives that may be worthwhile.

IP: EJs see IP as unpredictable, moody, as well as too passive and unreliable, especially if they are required to show initiative or even reciprocity.

IJ: EJs see IJs as solid, reliable, and reassuringly predictable, and usually not inclined towards being the first to take the initiative in taking action.

Small groups
Quadras Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
Clubs Researchers Socials Pragmatists Humanitarians
Temperaments EP EJ IP IJ
Communication styles Businesslike Passionate Cold-blooded Sincere
Romance styles Aggressor Victim Caring Childlike