IP temperament

From Wikisocion

The IP temperament, or receptive-adaptive temperament, was identified by Viktor Gulenko and includes the four irrational introverts (one in each quadra): IEI, SEI, ILI, and SLI. Each of these types is also dynamic.

Typical characteristics

  • relaxed
  • go-with-the-flow
  • finds it easy to spend long periods of time in no activity, or at very low levels of energy
  • movements are flexible, unhurried
  • little inclination towards fidgetiness when having to remain inactive for longer periods

IPs are both dynamic and irrational, so they see reality as in continuous, gradual, often imperceptible change. An IP is soothed by this, seeing reality through his leading function. This leads to a relaxed inclination to take things as they come and adapt to them.

As introverts, IPs tend to be relaxed and somewhat passive about initiating relationships with other people, mostly assuming that others will take the initiative.

Perception of other temperaments

EP: IPs see EPs as pleasantly energetic in an unpredictable and therefore not boring way, also able to take for granted variations in levels of energy in others.

EJ: IPs see EJs as annoyingly pushy and insistent in their initiatives; they may respect their energy levels but also wonder if they don't see that a lot of that energy is spent wastefully to no good purpose.

IJ: IPs see IJs as boring and too concerned with stability.

Small groups
Quadras Alpha Beta Gamma Delta
Clubs Researchers Socials Pragmatists Humanitarians
Temperaments EP EJ IP IJ
Communication styles Businesslike Passionate Cold-blooded Sincere
Romance styles Aggressor Victim Caring Childlike