Socioscope IEE

From Wikisocion

Socioscope descriptions
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

Intuitive ethical extratim (Huxley)

With me is not boring!
I love Tanya, Shurik Polinochka Yegorovna, Bolik, the carp Pochernin, Vlad, Tanya, Anka, Elijah, Gericke, Pasha-blotter, Stishevskogo and all, all, all. Still love all the teachers and: earrings, Xu, Yu-Yu, Tatiana Vladimirovna, and all who love me.
I love my mommy! I want to jump with a parachute and scuba dive. Like a lot of light, noise and bustle.
PS I love you.

No matter how life turned around, no matter what happens - with the IEA anyone ever be bored!

I am one of those who are called strange people.

Since childhood, it attracts all the unusual and strange, and with the help of his imagination he is able to turn this ordinary world into a fairyland, where each lamp is hidden by Ginny and where you can find a nearby rooftop Carlson.

Inexhaustible fantasy world irrepressible imagination, extravagant originality - colorful fireworks, not a man! Never try to understand the logical and rational way his actions and desires. I still do not have time.

At that moment he possessed by a new passion and pushed him out of my head all the anxiety

When he likes something new and unusual, he throws himself into it with all my passion. Why waste time on trifles, spray - it's a terrible thing, and wondering just how many there are! What was before - is worth about these trifles now remember? None of this compares to the fact that now suddenly discovered that conceals many interesting and unusual!

And the IEA completely given a new passion. If a close it seems dangerous or harmful, do not convince him to give it up - to persuade or request a "sober thought." You just need to wait until he had a new hobby.

This can happen in five minutes.

He does not like to engage in a long affair. If something is not right, is it easy to quit. Actually, he needs next reliable partner who could exercise his imagination.

If someone managed to get into the inner world of the IEA, how many people he had met there! And they are all so different, so interesting are capable. And most importantly, what's all the people are good, because the poor do not exist.

In the world a lot of good people, a lot has already gone from us, and many more will be. I, in general, is also good.

Like it or not, and the man - the most important thing that can be in the world. IEE for nothing is easier than to get acquainted with a stranger, and in five minutes be his best friend. Why? Yes it just as no one sees all the good that is in man, and then tells him about it in the most wonderful expressions.

I need only a glance to see "inside" the interlocutor. I usually notice the flaws, accurately record them in memory and hide somewhere far away, you do not accidentally find.

Sometimes, though, the IEA and "fired" on other people's shortcomings are well forgotten. But this is not a reason to be offended by life! He just can not live without contact with people. The more familiar - the better, and with almost all he manages to maintain friendly relations.

If I do not be in a relationship with people - I was very upset. I'm trying to find some version of, trying to finish. And all to quarrel with me, we must try.

He also considers himself a good psychologist. Loves to give people advice about without reason.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

It is in this vein, many of his suggestions. IEA itself is able to see the hidden potential ability of people (and to disclose them). I must say that this is often done in their own interests (which it tries, in this case not to advertise). For example, came to his new "brilliant" idea. You can make it yourself, and you can try out on someone. IEA finds the most suitable candidate from a huge number of friends and will, so that he himself will turn this idea and will put it into practice.

Who else but the IEA, will hire for contracting work of his friends to paint the fence for him, convincing them that this is the most interesting work in their small gray life?

Tom looked at him and said, "What do you call work?"

Case presented in a new light

All steps of the "candidate", the successes and failures will be important for the IEE - he likes and does not know how to learn from their mistakes and from others. And if this man was able to get results - wonderful! IEA itself now (if necessary) will be able to pass his way and get your prize, and even the man he will have to pay an "cool" idea.

Well, if you could not - a negative result, too.

What happened, happened - the next time out!

And the responsibility for bad advice IEE automatically dodge.

Suddenly, in this dark moment of despair at Tom inspiration struck!

In general, under any circumstances, the IEA is trying not to expose themselves. No matter how a situation will do anything to get away.

A great pleasure for him - to find a way out, which others feel hopeless. The most difficult ethical situation can defuse a joke. If at him for something serious offense - can make the situation "trifling" tone like, "Is something wrong?"

With all the external accessibility and openness of the IEA diligently keeps in communication are a small, but strong race. For example, it can be arbitrarily relaxed flirt, but when the time comes "decisive action" can just dodge them.

In his promises are not very reliable. When he promises something, it means that he can do it, but do you actually - is still unknown.

This fact must be considered in communion with him, in order to avoid misunderstandings later. It's easy to agree, but it's hard to realize his plan.

Nevertheless, he is always trying to create an impression of as purposeful, persistent man. Well, the experience really is. And in fact, sometimes before the fight IEA behaves saying: "Hold me, or I'll blow all here now!", And if not avoided, in all his actions will be more dust and "smoke screen" than the present action.

Tell me, why would he even fight? Their goals in any other way he can achieve much faster and easier. All this is done in the main, just to prove to others (personally, he himself is not too believe) their "toughness."

But do not try to tell the IEA, which he entered irrational! Logic, rationality - which is melancholy and boredom it brings and how good it would be to live if you could not ignore them!

To learn? A live-when?

In school time to study it hardly spends, books prefers adventure. Nevertheless, usually has a very broad (but not deep) knowledge. The sciences are given IEA hard because they little room for creativity. He's inventor and visionary, ready every time a new way to perceive even the multiplication table.

By the way, this type of school girls numerate better than boys.

What would the IEA said no, his words are peppered with facts such appendage own fantasy from reality that there will be only a few names. All this will be very interesting and entertaining, there may even be a lot of wisdom - this is may be worth truth and accuracy with which the IEA neglected? So whether you want to claim them from him?

He also does not like the writings, paperwork.

For the IEA does not exist "exclusion zones", "closed issues" and the like.

The worst thing - is when the limit freedom of man.

If the IEA says something (or write), it often pushes away and permanently from the original topic of conversation.

When I said something, they often leave in such a jungle, that hardly go back to the essence of the story.

The writers of this type of plot twist famously, come up with the most incredible twists it, but have some difficulty with the logical conclusion of the work. Sometimes they even throw it where they were finally tired of writing - they say, "think out for yourself what will happen next." If you see a movie or read a book without an ending - probably "there was an IEA."

Now Tom is really suffering - so wonderfully worked his imagination

On the physical side of life, it draws too much attention. He is very sensitive to any physical inconvenience to pain.

Certainly, on a bed of nails I go to sleep, but I can try on the bricks.

Their health is somewhat scornfully: believes that the disease must go on its own. If you decide to see a doctor, not only for treatment but also for the information that he has, and how it hurts. It can cause the power of the imagination the sensation of pain, and may not notice the first signs of real distress.

It's hard to even get dressed for the weather - or the IEA will be cold in the winter cold in a light jacket or a warm autumn day wear high boots and a stunning coat. Clothes he needs is not as protection from the weather. The main purpose for which he draws most of his attention - use it to create a stylish and original impressions of himself, which should nenarochito (even casually) to show him a few aristocratic surfeit of attention and care on the part of many adoring fans.

IEA is able to find sympathy from other people without fear of ridicule or pathetic. He was very close to need care for his health and life, because only give him the will - it will be a treat angina and ice cream. In general, nutrition, treatment, disease prevention and easily suggestible believes everything he is told in this regard strangers.

At home a few disorganized - about enough and literally and figuratively. May have difficulty with taste. He likes to experiment with his looks or decor in the room. However, in its extravagance almost never goes beyond the permissible limits of decency, while seeking to make an impression on others "lawlessness."

In fact, all his reckless "tricks" rare indeed extend beyond the socially accepted norms. For all his "ostentatious" eccentricity IEA conservative by nature and time-honored traditions follower, and this applies not only to the elegantly flamboyant clothes and hairstyle, but to the style of his life - to the continued registration of the original content unchanged. IEA makes a living diversity in its sometimes too conservative quadrupole keepers.

In general, just be yourself. Just live.

In the daily work of the IEA prefers to use repeatedly tested (at someone else's experience) techniques. In manual labor is not very strong, though, if only because sprinters monotonous tedious movements.

I hate washing dishes because it greasy and nasty.

In IEE original way to fix a broken thing: he begins to twirl, shake and bang on it until it does not work (probably from fear) or not completely fall apart. By the way, the best way to convince the IEE at your disposal to it - is if you fix all the broken, only found in his home. He respects masterovityh people.

In the work he has to offer the other (not new, but similar to the one already used in the particular case) the method of its execution, but he will not be likely to bring the work to completion. If the case can not be done quickly, on impulse, it is extremely difficult to bring it "to the mind."

I stayer - I sprinter!

At times the IEA are apathy and lack of will, and then he did not want to do. It all depends on my mood.

My job depends on the time of day

Time IEA feels not quite clear. For it is almost always more important than the "now": what was, what has passed, and what will be - is still unknown. He knows how to live one day, solving problems "today for today," and in their actions often on the verge of minor failures, avoiding a major trouble. IEE is not very prudent, cares little about everything to be "in-date information."

I do not work in an organized, but if you really try (to aim), then, of course, I can make it.

Another thing - his friends, my friends. It seems that their concerns "over time", he decides to a more balanced and responsible. Itself usually arises with your services, but if he sees that people have quite tricky in itself and can not cope with them, try to help them.

His help is expressed mainly in the effective tips and advice. It can silently (including for me) to indicate an imminent danger to the person, who could face and unobtrusive, casual throw limiting (and very useful) advice. Insist on its implementation will be. IEA can even just "take the hand," and, without explanation, safely navigate through a "dangerous place." In gratitude for which he otmahnetsya - what nonsense! - But to himself is just glad that someone was able to serve and that is noticed. For example, when visitors come to him, he usually finds the opportunity to let them know that they have arrived just in time, and that they are waiting.

But more responsible (though more unconsciously) it refers to the emotional background around. Sometimes it seems that the good emotions IEE only to the other was not bad.

And she can not understand why this is so: the expression of one person, but a state of mind - another. And the other that it is not?.

The right to emotional rapprochement he keeps only for themselves. To friends he is open and cheerful smile, and for the people he wants, for whatever reason at the moment to keep away from him, he may have a whole range of subtle sarcasm, ridicule or tactful easy cold.

But for all its expressiveness and eccentricity IEA carefully avoids situations with sharp spikes or drops emotions. In his rich store of human exposure can be a lot of tricks - except those that are based on emotional incontinence.

And if he sees that one of his friends was suddenly grim, by people - immediately begin to share with them their vivid imaginations, offer to him "a great idea" or just would tell him how good he is and how much benefit from it for the people.

IEE - balm of a bad mood, and loneliness. He can easily make it clear to the man that he did not live in vain, that he is needed by the people and society. IEA puts it into a wonderful world, the world of fantasy gaming world, a world where there is no evil, with no boredom and pulse. There is no old age, but there is wisdom.

Friendly smile, playful eyes open gestures and great imagination - a good combination for a single person, is not it?

Functional description

The first function: Intuition opportunities

Very strong imagination, vivid and interesting fantasy. Immediate understanding of the possibilities provided by the situation. Spontaneous decisions. Ability to find a way out of any difficult ethical situation. Interest in everything new and unusual. The ability to see people's dignity and willingness to talk about it all. Dreamer, fibber. Prone to eccentricity.

The second function: the ethics of relations

Understanding of the interests and wishes of the people. The desire and ability to be with people on friendly terms. The desire to teach people to be more friendly to each other. Ability to make contact with anyone. Amorousness and ability to please others, fall in love with. Openness, a lot of acquaintances and friends, the ability to win the conversation.

The third function: volitional sensing

Understanding the need to be strong-willed and determined. Demonstration of readiness to be able to defend their rights, sometimes feigned aggression. Reluctance to discuss with someone your endurance and stamina. Inadequate demonstration of his situation will potential. Bully with neafishiruemym desire to avoid direct clashes.

The fourth function: the logic of relations

Confusion and illogical behavior. Reluctance "zaumnichat." Inability to last long "line", apparently chaotic motion to the target. Inability to adhere to previous decisions. Indiscipline, sometimes does not fulfill its promises.

Fifth function: sensory experiences

Low sensitivity. Weak feeling the physical side of life. Subconscious belief in its right to shift the care of their own health and comfort to other shoulders. Credulity to all domestic advice and recommendations. Simplicity in life. Thanks for taking care of yourself.

The sixth function: the business logic

Low ability to "work with your hands." Poor understanding of the mechanisms of practice. Work on techniques proven in another practice. Willingness to accept with thanks the practical help. Conservatism and interest in the practical advice.

Seventh function: the intuition of time

Secretly foresight. Inner need to be aware of all the events taking place at the people around him. Constant and not always informed "snooping" threats to close people. Warnings of possible troubles and dangers that come from others are ignored.

Eighth function: The Ethics of emotions

The ability to create around himself, exactly a fun atmosphere. Unconscious responsible for the mood of people around, "alignment" of their emotions. Principled rejection of the "emotional" pressure on people. Demonstration of optimism, sometimes "fake" emotions. Hides from around his bad mood and convince them that "all good."