Socioscope SLI

From Wikisocion

Socioscope descriptions
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

Sensory logical introtim (Gabin)

Lazy master

Life for SLI - not a means to a purpose: it is that which is given to man in the sensations. All that is necessary for life, it already is - it can only make things better, to make it more comfortable, get pokomfortnee. He does not fight the inconvenience, but tries to get away from it or adapt to it. SLI - bummer on principle.

If you want to work - lie down, go to sleep - and will

Why make unnecessary movements, why strive for useless things, deal with what can not be applied in practice? Moreover, he can not understand why other people are bustling busy useless things and do not even notice it.

And he himself is very interested in one thing. This is - the good (not to be confused with the benefit!). In fact, from this point of view, it measures almost everything - things people themselves. All should benefit. Work which does not bring any material or moral satisfaction, SLI will not do.

Ability to determine the futility of any action helps him avoid unnecessary effort and movement, and the remaining time to complete so nice relaxing ...

In determining what is good and what is not, rather introvert mercantile and landed. If you try to briefly express his creed, we can express it as: "A useful is that it makes life easy."

Pleasure must be wholly

Any a fly in the ointment spoils it all fun, even the minor discomfort does not allow him to fully enjoy the already available treats. So all of life's goals, which set itself the SLI, in reality only serve one intermediate and, most importantly, constant desire: to get maximum comfort in life, spending a minimum of effort.

Prestige, glory, fame, image, status, rank - all this in itself is for the SLI is not very much value. Externally, it can seem quite unaspiring. If something like that and fall into the hands of the very ripe apple - please. A fuss, too much strain for the sake of it will not. Why waste the strength and nerves?

Hence it follows a fairly considerable political passivity SLI. The proposal to walk down the street with a sign he is likely to answer: "Why do you have that, there is no work at home? So You go to the country." By and large it "the drum" any power - as long as it did not touch him more than he'll agree. SLI can adapt to almost any regime, any order. He will always find a comfortable niche and be with a condescending smile gaze at "rat race" of others.

He also he may seem unprincipled opportunist. Family and friends sometimes try to awaken it civil (or any other) conscience. But any attempt to ideological influence on him are doomed to failure.

I also know how to speak

SLI to "weak" will not take. He lives by himself, hardly anyone letting into your world, in your life.

Despite the seeming thick skin, it is very sensitive to all manifestations of antipathy, envy and ill will. Last greatly hurt him to the quick, hurt permanently settled in his mind, but here's the problem - he can not, he can not show it, that's around, and believe sincerely that nothing bad happened, no one is hurt, and no less sincerely surprised when it increases the psychological distance or even leaves.

Yes, then he will forgive, but not forget, come back to this person, but not quite - a crack left. Only a very close, dear people SLI can forgive everything to make any compromises, fully adapt to them. With the rest of the same people trying to be in the flat relations, preferring to "nodding" (but not familiarity!) Bad attitude.

SLI feels the beauty, sees it where others are not aware of its existence. He likes interesting, even luxuries. Although most SLI quite immaterial what other emotions makes his own appearance, the appearance of other people is with interest. Likes to be around him were sexy, smart, but not vulgar people. So he likes to look at others. In them, he sees the slightest nuances of the physical condition, undeveloped taste, or lack of neatness in appearance, can see what kind of discomfort one feels at that moment - the pain, fatigue, irritation. If you know how to help him, will come up with useful advice, even to a stranger.

== Well, what do you do break? Nothing? Sorry, sorry... ==

SLI generally likes to help others, to care, to care about them, to cuddle, loves to entertain guests, give necessary and convenient gifts, responsive to requests. Even considers himself obliged to help all, even to those who for some reason is not pretty. However, it should ask for help with your services imposed on the SSI does not like.

Interesting fact: if his partner is easier than usual to persuade him to do something, most likely SLI him for something hurt.

In conversation he is having some difficulty. For example, it would be hard to see the true feelings on the part of others. He initially suspicious, secretive, does not believe the words. He would like to have a friend you can trust to the end.

Their relationships with loved ones they want to see reliable, thorough. If something is promised, will do, no matter what. And if his partner starts to "wag", can literally take him by the collar, "Wait, where he went?" SLI nobody throws: if the relationship went wrong absolutely, can allow your partner to leave, as it were "let go" from him.

Smile - a loose concept

He does not like to spoil the mood of others, even the bad things, tries to speak with a smile. Its good to someone does not show, cautious, but always tries to maintain good relations with all and expects that others will support his efforts. With people who received SSI in the circle ceases to be cautious, acts openly. Happiest in an atmosphere of constant kindness and friendliness.

He really did not like the crowded concourse, the crowd noise. Or shopping at the market can be a serious problem, which for a long time he knocks it out of the rut, but the discos all say nothing. Even the crowded street, jostling in the school hallway on the break are the source of his discomfort. He does not like scandals, crying, emotions, the other person will raise his voice to, can leave with a bang. If possible, try to have one or in a small group of old, tried and true friends.

Suitable company - is a company where I will be treated to something

To this we must add one more condition - where it will not be pulled. And if the owners are, and say that he was waiting for a long time that it came just in time - it means he is really pleased. Conversations are not comfortable for him, and his guff tiring. Feels good when around fun, but from a long emotional contact fatigue. Even at a party could easily afford to do some thing, go into another room. He does not like to be the center of attention.

What else can be said about his relationship with people? He is trying to be diplomatic, avoids conflict. In order to round it was a world, sometimes willing to sacrifice his own principles, because he knows that if you really begin disassembling it go for a compromise will be very difficult. He is very stubborn, uncompromising, unwilling to depend on anyone, power influence can not be. It can soften, to beg, but to order anything.

Extremely sensitive to any criticism. Does not like to make excuses. Other arguments of his error just annoying. Secret communication with him hidden in that critical information should be veiled. It is important that he voluntarily admitted error of their position.

In extreme cases, the danger is not running, the opposite - quiet close to its source, comes at an enemy, causing it to go through is not very pleasant moments: a stocky, muscular figure, big, clenched fists, obstinately frowning eyebrows over heavy look, expressing courage and inflexibility - well, exactly like a bulldozer - and, while it is close to you, I want to once again carefully review all the arguments "for" and "against" the fight. For a successful opposition against him need agility and flexibility.

What could it mean?

In himself he is trying to develop foresight, the ability to detect potential hazards along the way, but in spite of all his efforts, success in this field is usually not very impressive. To my surprise, he sees that other people it turns out, or a lot better than it, or they do not pay attention to it and still live well. But if he will give it too much attention, then he will have more problems than achievements.

In SLI good memory for dates, he is attentive to the terms of work. All must be performed according to the schedule without being reminded by others. Moreover, if someone starts to rush, it will be slower. He needs a time, in the beginning, specify a date by which the work must be done, and that will be enough.

By the way, giving him "dress" for a job, you need only specify its purpose, its result: the best methods and ways of doing SLI and find himself. He is a strong tactician, well versed in the means to achieve the immediate objective, he knows what to do at the moment. Long can not engage in business, if there is no interest until they worked out the details, but if you include the - clearly, consistently and persistently seeks to target.

In the frequent periods of idleness, he carefully considered the situation and its future actions and therefore is able to avoid in the pointless, unnecessary movements. From the side it seems that the result was given to him very easily, such as "self-work". SLI can work almost imperceptibly.

In general, he likes to work with his hands, and - a must! - Was visibly see the result. Construction of the nearest environment can sometimes take a lifetime.

The case makes perfect

In socionics for SLI has an alias - Master. Out of his hands really improved things go, they are functional and aesthetically perfect (that is, once again, and useful and convenient.) The paper distinguishes it not striking tenacity that will certainly lead to the completion of all initiated, the internal responsibility for the case. He's very inventive. His movements are quiet, accurate, extremely economical, it may even appear that he is doing everything coolly, carelessly.

At the same time, if in his work, he will face unforeseen difficulties or obstacles, without regret, ready to even almost finished work and never come back to it.

If desired, may develop the practical skills all (unless, of course, will bring him good). For example, to change the signature (on the same as the teacher - now, it really does not prideretsya to it!), His gait, learn professionally sew and knit. SLI big supporter of naturalness, simplicity, even in the art of avoiding frills and excesses details.

Nothing extra!

A very striking example of this is the understanding of beauty in Japanese - flashy, bright, but very profound art of ikebana, outwardly unpretentious perfection of painting, architecture, preferring to work with "live" material and does not hide behind a layer of paint and gilding of the natural beauty of wood and stone, even the ordinary tea, grown in a sophisticated ceremony.

For SLI is very important that any work brought him pleasure. In his room, trying to set up ideal conditions for work and rest, efficiently and aesthetically arranged his things. He knows how to get around comfortably, so it was convenient.

Well, that worked well - now you can have lunch

Never forget about the physical needs of the organism, the case is hard to imagine, because of which the SLI would forget to eat. The writer of this type, describing the adventures of their heroes, always tell you what they ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and whether they catch anything else in between regular meals.

Some SLI can cook, but do not like to do it, lazy ... Another cook rather than himself, and he would kill than simpler or go to "a suitable company."

SLI can not stand obyazalovke, frames, restricting his freedom. The work that needs to be done is disgusting, he needs to convince himself that he wanted her to do. As unpleasant to him to engage in the same every day, year after year. Measured, programmed life "house - tram - work" gives him the horror. No surprises, surprises, adventures may just languish.

SLI does not mean its a bad mood, fatigue. This can be seen by his behavior, if he displeased grumbles at all - and it is not so, and he is not that way - then, he's all right. Distress signal - his argument that he likes in his life and the surrounding people. In general, if he grumbles that unsweetened tea again, do not jump up and give him the sugar bowl, and if he begins to praise the taste and convenience of the situation in the kitchen - the urgent need to take action!

What to do?

Boredom - a real problem for the SLI. One hundred percent fun quickly bored, and he desperately needed are new experiences. He likes people keen to be carried away as well. With this it works better and more interesting.

His first reaction to a new idea can be skeptical, but as soon as it is satisfied in its prospects, could become a faithful follower. The fact that he knows how to do things, but have no idea what to do. This need to tell other people. He's waiting for someone to tell him what goals he should put himself on what to do in your life; generally, what it can do and how much of it can be good. It is very important for evaluation of his work.

Others do not skimp on the praise for his work, for a good estimate of its merits. If he expressed confidence he has no desire to work, and he is waiting for others to notice his ability, was praised for taking the initiative. SLI gets great pleasure to cooperate with the creative team of enthusiasts, some interesting animated by the idea of ​​him, he likes to feel like a member of this team.

Functional description

First function: sensory experiences

Perceive the physical world in all its wealth of sensations. Thin feels any physical impact. Perfect job senses. Deep understanding of the beauty of the world. Avoiding the inconvenience and discomfort. The ability to find the most comfortable place in the environment. Understanding the physical needs of others. Pragmatism, aesthetics, economy of movement, the ability to find all convenience.

The second function: the business logic

Understanding how the technology works internally. Ability to improve the mechanism. Ability to work with his hands. The desire to find methods do work that would bring all of the physical costs to a minimum. Functionalism, practicality, thrift.

The third function: the intuition of time

Understanding the need to be cautious and careful. Not a very good orientation in time. Formal ability to predict events and anticipate danger. Learning from other people's experience on the part of prudence. Memory for dates, only the desire to live in accordance with their internal rhythm.

Fourth function: the ethics of emotions

The desire for "quiet life." Avoidance of strong emotions. Principled rejection of the emotional impact on other people. Feels vulnerable to emotional explosions around. Indifference to any ideology, equanimity, the desire to avoid the noise and crowds.

The fifth function: Intuition opportunities

Inability to independently fill your life interesting things. Love for all things new and interesting. Passive search of ways to diversify life. Craving for interesting people. An underlying expectation that others will be addressed to him sincere interest. Lack of understanding of their abilities. Insult to life, if it is "not interesting." Trust, follow others fantasies.

Sixth function: the ethics of relations

Expectation that people will behave politely, sincerely and "humanity." Expect a good attitude from the part of all friends. In response to the location ready for him to take care of this man. Inability to compromise. Unobtrusive friendliness, subconscious desire to be "his" in any company, responsive to requests for assistance.

Seventh function: volitional sensing

Categorical refusal to submit to another's needs and determined pressure. Tacit insistence achieve. Reluctance to first "get into a fight." Subconsciously draws attention to the will power of others. Stubborn defense of its interests and those of loved ones. Heightened sense of ownership in relation to "outsiders" and "collective" ownership of their own. Stubbornness, physical strength.

Eighth function: the logic of relations

Closely following the new information. Subconscious attention to how others perceive information. Willingness to come to the aid of people in the analysis of information. Does not take criticism of their consistency and reasonableness.