Socioscope SLE

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Socioscope descriptions
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

Sensory Logical Extravert (SLE, Zhukov)

I always achieve what I want.
In childhood, he always seemed older, more experienced, skilled, more mature than his peers. Zhukov does not tolerate it when older people address him as a youngster, indulgently look from top down to him, and start to baby-talk him.
His younger years Zhukov perceives as the time when it is necessary to be younger in both the literal and figurative sense. And it is especially unbearable for him if the "so-called adults" do not reach or live up to (in his view) his own level of his mind and strength.

In school he is irritated by the non-seriousness of learning process, and how the teachers sometimes try treat him as a child. At the age of thirteen, he can quite honestly confess that "by his mind" he feels himself to be forty years old.

Being an adult is a purpose in life!

Zhukov believes that if people really want something, they will always attain it. He aims for the large purposes, not exchanging on the trifles. He does not believe in luck -- all comes to the one who persistently strives for her; "nevezene" to him is the consequence of lack of order and laziness. He always focuses on concrete|specific and rapid results.

He is sufficiently maneuvering and never loses sight of his purpose. He aspires to victory in any business, he cannot remain on the sidelines for long.

He is energetic and straight-line, seeks to dominate over any company, he is easy and incurs both initiative and responsibility with pleasure. In a complex situation he knows how to correctly estimate the arrangement|distribution of forces, quickly makes a decision and acts resolutely|decisively. He does not fear difficulties, boldly rushes into battle; he acts (and feels) better in a dangerous situation. He is able to take risks. Can get involved in a fight, and then look that to what; however, he tries not to enter into the open fight against|with a stronger opponent.

He is characterized by great fitness for work. He is thorough. Before approaching one work or another, operationally|operatively converts the obtained information into the specific diagram. This is expressed, for example, in the fact that when he thinks, he likes to draw arrows as if directing the impacts|attacks of the imagined|imaginary army on a map of military actions. Thus, concrete methods of solution for even the most complex of problems|challenges appear for him.

In the entire course of his life he evaluates all events from the position of the vector "weaker" -- "stronger", and his movement is aimed|focused always only at the [side of force|side effect]. Any, even a seeming attempt at his authority and influence is met with immediate and strong rebuff. Always seeking to evade any dependence, he considers even love as an attempt on his freedom.

The law of the strongest

Zhukov always aspires to leadership. Stressoustojchiv. The orderly life is not for him. The more extreme the situation, the better. This raises|mobilizes his will, resolve, and determination. On the contrary, a quiet|tranquil existence weakens him, reduces his vitality; he will be attacked with pessimistic mood.

Everything that he does, he does with enthusiasm, structurally and always tries to lead the initiated business|matter to the logical end. If the situation|circumstances is really not to his favour, may refuse to quit and switch to a new, even more important objective. His thoroughness in the daily routine of life, in work or education -- bridge to the future. He always appears ready, even to [suddenly emerged|completely unexpected emergent matter]

The fighter who must prevail over any opponent|contender. Values sports for the opportunity to show|display his fighting character. His [aggressive pursuit of power is evident since childhood|aggressive aspiration to authority is manifested from childhood]. Units of problems does not untie, but splits|cuts.

He well examines the volitional qualities of people, preliminarily studying and looking at them. Likes to pose|ask unexpected questions, [nonplussing the interlocutor|bringing conversation to a standstill] (for example: "What is life?"), in this case looking steadfastly into the eyes. The puzzled person ceases to interest him. Himself and other people estimates|evaluates first of all, according to concentration, skill to show the [force of will|willpower]

He is good in the role of the organizer. Is able to rally people, to involve in the most active work|operation, to unite people involved in the most intense work, to arrange|assign and use them in [interests of business|the cause]. Exercising leadership above people, not always wisely uses recommendations of others, which sometimes leads to hasty and reckless decisions. He is always willing to assume responsibility, though the degree of risk is not always justified.

We will do as I say!

In ordinary life he sufficiently leniently relates to people, showing them constrained|restrained concern (especially about their way of life). But the picture changes in decisive moments: he does not see that his actions inflicts spiritual wounds on his neighbors (but even if he learns about this, all the same he will not abandon the chosen course of behavior). Almost never condescends to consideration of other people's interests in his actions, especially with subordinates.

Possesses strong, steady logic. In moments of dispute, he is determined with his position practically immediately and will not begin to change it then. Has his opinion for each question and knows how to prove|base it. In discussion he can realize the correctness of the opponent, but nevertheless will never begin to accept|assume his reasons.

In judgments he is not always objective, as he proceeds first of all from his "program" installations. In discussions the truth in general is not as important as persuasion in the correctness of his position. It is impossible to convince him to acknowledge a mistake|error if he does not want it for himself. The best that he is capable of is to refrain from raising a more controversial topic. He will never give advice to the detriment of his own interests. As for conversations on personal themes, they are best avoided altogether.

Always aspires to the state of internal steadiness and sincere comfort. But when there are no close people, capable of supporting him, he is especially inclined to spiritual torments, the search for the essence of the objective world: "I am afraid of something, something [unsettles me|pulling me from the track]. But what?" It is hard to understand themselves, their desires. He tries to avoid introspection -- this only depletes him, but gives him nothing. Here is the area where the greatest fears of the Zhukov lies. He does not know himself, but because of the objective qualities of his nature, is predisposed|inclined to think of himself in this case as worse than he actually is.

He avoids frank conversations "on the soul" in every way possible. God forbid he accidentally give out some information about himself! If someone attempts to make him participate|involve, or even asked "How are you?" out of courtesy, it can appear as an insidious attempt to climb into his soul. In this situation Zhukov instantly gives sharp and fierce rebuffs|responses, which in most cases are adequate only to imaginary danger, but not reality.

It can be said that Zhukov relates to individuals based on how well or poorly they think of him. If the interlocutor|person demonstrates sincere affection to him in every possible way, does not save compliments and clearly expresses its admiration, then Zhukov really try to justify [them|this relation to himself]. Any criticism, even totally fair, only turns around confrontation and aggression.

That same quality makes him easily caught on flattery. If someone consistently shows their good relationship with him, Zhukov always [cares of|worries about] it. However, its tone irritates by clerk, he answers pressure quietly with the same pressure. If he refuses to do something, does not discuss the reason for refusal: "I do not want to, and everything|all!"

Everything must be [under control|controlled]

New people always represent an enigma to him. Trying to solve them, he tries to act in several different directions simultaneously. On one hand, he tries to produce the most favourable impression, yet monitors them closely. During this period he correlates his volitional potential with the other's. On the other hand, he conducts the "investigation in force"|"is organizing a secret service with the battle", studying various options. He can place the interlocutor in a state of dependence, "pinch" for the sorest point (to test reaction) or deliberately offend. Can influence the person and through mediators. Only having verified all versions, he finally determines the balance of power.

He very jealously|zealously safeguards|protects his connections, admitting|allowing no one to (approach) their acquaintances. But if someone succeeds in this, then extreme anxiety is experienced: has lost the control, and the process develops outside of his influence. Externally he produces the impression of a person who holds everything|all in sight.

When people ask him for help in the correct form, he will never turn them down. Moreover, he will apply maximum efforts to take successful measures for the solution of their problems.

Sufficiently leniently he relates to the absence of business qualifies in partners, but he does not pardon disobedience and negligence.

Morals were devised by the weak to govern the strong

He avoids conversations on feelings: "poets -- corrupt personalities, since they advance their private world on the universal review".

At the same time, he will be deeply grateful to the person who convinces him in a very delicate manner that he is considerably better than he appears from the outside. Moreover he will experience the feeling of appreciation|gratitude only in the soul, he will not manifest|express it externally.

Openly show their feelings for others it is as imposed.

His strength|force and courage turn around by the fact that he fears to seem weak, the loser. Therefore he does not like to admit aloud that he has encountered serious difficulties; but, if close ones do not manifest sympathy to him and are not interested in his affairs, his is offended. Even simple phrases of the type: "Do not worry, everything will be fine" or "This has already happened, and we got out, shall manage somehow this time" - bring simplification|relief. Experiences appreciation if people notice his bad mood, try to find out why, give advice, and calm. He enjoys warm optimistic emotional situations with a small raid of romanticism.

Zhukov is sufficiently perceptibly subjected to the influence of various pessimistic forecasts. In such minutes he extremely needs the emotional support of people close to him.

If the person does not express interest, it becomes difficult to make contact with Zhukov. If the partner openly shows indifference, his enthusiasm generally dies away instantly, and he becomes reserved.

He does not like to condemn people and seldom talks of them badly, if this is not caused by the interests of business. His character can be described as coo. He is not very trusting of people at heart, therefore he tries to keep almost all under control.

Men of action, they mentally anticipate the course of events, only regretting that it is impossible to move them as simply and soon as chess figures

In normal situations where there are no difficulties and excitement, he can fall into the slack|weakened state. For some, that's OK, but not for him. In this situation, there is marked accumulation of insult (apropos and without occasion), negative emotions arise. At that time he should avoid even visit as guests: a slanting view is enough to flare up scandal.

But when there comes a critical or dangerous situation, Zhukov will mobilize instantly and act effectively. Now he is in his native elements. He rallies a collective of companions-in-arms around himself and as the commander, leads|aims all to battle and directs their actions. No one can better organize output in critical situations -- in the accident, the emergency, etc.

Zhukov - type of warrior and conquerer. He aims to fight, to expand his influence, to seize the vital territory. He does not exchange|forego significant purposes for trifles.

An Overview

First function: volitional sensorika

Developed force of will. Directivity to reaching of eventual result. Skill instantly to be oriented in the created situation and in the arrangement of forces. Correct estimation of the volitional potential of other people. An increase in the persistence it is proportional to a quantity of obstacles. Skill to make decisions on the basis of incomplete data and decisively to act. Solution of all problems on the move. Purposefulness, it cannot be brought down from the course.

Second function: the logic of the relationships

Strong logic, directed toward achieving of its goals. Clearness and sequence in all its actions. Skill to carry out cause-effect analysis and to separate the main thing from the secondary. Tendency toward the consistency of its actions. It directs its activity to an increase of the order in the surrounding peace.

Third function: the intuition of the possibilities

Insufficient understanding of essence and possibilities of other people. Tendency to little by little learn this. Demonstration of confidence in the correct understanding of situation with a certain internal uncertainty in this. Tendency to give single-valued interpretation to entire to proceeding. Nonacceptance of the critical estimation of its qualities and abilities. Insufficient skill to count the consequences of its actions, sometimes the tendency to ignore complexities.

Fourth function: the ethics of the relations

The incomprehension of that how people they relate to each other and to it personally. The useless attempts to ignore in its actions human factor. Incomprehension of our own desires and interests of other people. Fear to appear by "that being tying" to someone with its feelings. Complete avoidance of any conversations about the moral side of both our own behavior and behavior of other people.

Fifth function: the intuition of the time

Inability to forecast events. Unwillingness to await and to be located in the conditions of uncertainty. Weak feeling of time. Subconsious confidence in the fact that all surrounding must prevent it about the likely dangers, appreciation for this information. Tendency to believe to unfavorable forecasts. Sometimes the inopportuneness of actions.

Sixth function: the ethics of the emotions

Tendency to always be cheerful and energetic. Insufficient skill to independently manage the poor mood and the apathy. Emotional support from the side of close people starts with the appreciation. Unconscious thrust to the warm, emotionally saturated atmosphere.

Seventh function: sensorika of the sensations

Skill to create for its close people convenient conditions for the life. Unconscious internal readiness to render by them concrete everyday assistance. Unpretentiousness under material living conditions for itself personally. Constant estimation of the exterior view of other people. Skill to cope with the objects of material peace.

Eighth function: the business logic

Ability is much intensively to work. Subconsious tracking of all questions, connected with the strange business activity. Persistent and hidden from the strange attention tendency to be always in the policy of the matters of those surrounding. Readiness to render by them practical assistance. Expectation from them of expression of thanks for its services. Responsibility for its actions.