Socioscope IEI

From Wikisocion

Socioscope descriptions
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

Intuitive Ethical Introvert (IEI, Yesenin)

I love…

Before you is a person-riddle, a person-smile, a person-dream... The secret of joy. The joy of a secret.

I love life. I love each day: sunny, rainy, snowy. I love it when time stops, when the trees are rustling, when there are sounds of music, when nearby is someone with whom you can simply remain silent. I love to sit near the window in a thunderstorm, covered with a rug, and with a large cup of tea in hand. I love all that is warm, soft, and furry. I love surprises, the unexpected. I love people who teach you something; people who are unusual, unlike the others; people who are beautiful on the outside and on the inside. I love love. And peaches (especially large ones).

This is a fluffy, tender, affectionate kitten… that sometimes is ready to let out its claws.

Now the time of IEI has come - the time that lives by its own life, flowing whimsically into resounding distance, at times dreamy-frozen, at other times rebellious.

Don't look for meaning in words, listen to their music!

In soul - always - a taut string,
which at any moment can break with ringing!
And it will turn into an echo…
... this is not music, but life.

Ready? Then let's go.

My Life - did you come to me in my dream?

About [IEI] it is difficult to tell if only because people of this type very often know how not only “to be”, but also “to seem”. So it has turned out, what at IEI there is only it, in addition and it should doubt of own reality sometimes - and whether there is it actually?

Jokes by jokes, and in the view of [IEI] it is sometimes possible to note uneasiness: they see, notice its associates. The response deteremines further conduct.

If it sees that they want to associate with it, then instantly it will be turned to the people by its most winning side, it will shine and begin to sparkle with emotions. If to it (or to its interests) is not turned a sufficient attention, then by the now already burning sparks of offence it will force others finally to consider itself.

With emotions [IEI] rewards and punishes, gives and demands.

Indescribable, dark blue, gentle...

Regardless of their real feelings, he knows how to create the precise emotional image and attitude which, in his opinion, sounds best in the given situation. However, what he feels in reality: the inaccessible secret, which he tries not to let anyone know. But here it is very easy for him to determine the interlocutor's mood, to see confusion, fatigue, offense under the guise of slyness, artificial emotions. It is also not hard for IEIs - using simple, warm words - to cheer up, calm down, or reassure someone, or to stir up feelings of combativeness.

Outwardly IEIs appear to be very mild, easy, even lazy people. However, they almost always experience emotional tension - from joyful - that excited to anxious - to excited.

Walking along the street, I will not pass any event

[IEI] dearly loves to observe the flow of life. It draw all-all- all events, that they occur all around: of [vzvizgnuli] before the light signal of brake - the flown wind it turned leaves - of the window reached music - it was heard siren - all the remaining people will go further in its matters not on what turning attention, and only it with the caught fire eyes will be wrapped up (oh, how it is interesting) on top of that and in an undertone it [podpoet] to siren.

Sometimes it scolds itself for this curiosity [IEI]; it is more precise, not for curiosity itself, but for the desire to be coparticipant to all these events. Is agreeable [podpel] following the siren child, and the indeed this was already grey respectable man in a strict suit…

From that also I am suffering; that I will not understand where the fate of events carries us

But IEIs cannot remain without information about everything that is happening around them. Indeed this all to it is necessary to know that precisely it can occur in the near future and good and bad, what danger or happiness “the fate of events” can bring. Its force exactly in the fact that it can foresee misfortune in advance and move aside from its way so that it the reserve of it as is less as possible.

This is not an exact calculation, this is intuition.

On the contrary, if he is trained from an early age to calculate his actions in advance, to analyze them and so forth, he will not learn to do this well, but can lose his innate gift of foresight.

Time for [IEI] - the native element. It can prolong the“beautiful moment” in abundance to take pleasure in it. If grey, dull|boring hours or days lie ahead, then he can “fall out” of them, and they will pass imperceptibly for him.

As far as today's life is concerned, I believe that there will be changes for the better in the near future.

Incidentally, the expression“bright future” was devised by some of the people of this type. No matter how bad the present is, [IEI] will be disposed to something good that will necessarily happen. [It is necessary only to wait a little|Just you wait]. Therefore he sees any significant development as the precursor of long-awaited changes for the best. With such optimism it is indeed easy to wait out|through times of turmoil, especially since the actual present [present reality] sometimes excites him a little less than the future

It is unclear how, but [IEI] can easily “escape” from [approaching misfortune|looming catastrophe]. It occurs, that destiny strikes strong blow there where it just was - another second ago, but some sixth sense forced it for the half seconds thus far to take a step toward side. [Often|It is possible], fate strikes a strong blow to where it was just another moment|second ago, but some sixth sense prompted him to take a step in this direction [for half a second|half a second before this]. This is like trying to catch the fluff dancing in the air after making a sharp motion|movement. The stronger the sweep of the hand, the more elusive it is.

Far more dangerous to [IEI] can be smooth, barely noticeable changes in the situation. In this case he simply cannot pick up a dangerous trend. Therefore he does not like it when the situation remains quiet and calm for too long. So he begins to [stir up water|muddy the waters] and conducts investigation through the aid of small emotional storm. Once he has gathered the necessary information - all, now again Sky|the sun.

I like everything fast.

In the life of [IEI], the main problem is that it is difficult to constantly force himself deal with daily, uninteresting matters|affairs which are purely materialistic. For example, it can be very difficult for him to adapt to school discipline aimed at obligatory result. He believes that there is no such thing in life for which we should rush or change their internal rhythm.

If he does not wish to do something, then it is practically|almost impossible to persuade him to do so - he will [manage|know how] to evade|dodge. It is easier to convince his confidence by will decision: “IT IS NECESSARY!”

In the matters he can be optional, avoiding to take|assume responsibility for himself. [IEI] sufficiently strongly strains need (but where you will disappear?) the supply of material of its own existence.

“To the ordinary shadows of life it was to be, in its opinion, relate with the delicate patience of the guest, who, gates house complete of people, awaits the [zakhlopotavshegosya] owner, huddling and feeding on the circumstances” (Alexander Green, “ruby-colored of sail”.)

In the event of problems that [IEI] cannot (or will not) cope alone, the most natural|typical reaction is not to hide from it . Anyone [standing nearby|at hand] may be subjected to his complaints. [IEI] is subconsciously tuned|adjusted to its dual - emotionally small-receptive [SLE] - and therefore issues|gives the perceptible charge of“pitiful” emotions. But to the majority of remaining people inhabiting this planet, such incandescence of passions may seem “too excessive”. Such complaints of [IEI] will cause them more distrust, fatigue, irritation or antipathy toward him, than the sincere desire to help.

He feels very uncomfortable when circumstances require the display of independent business initiative, to be occupied by individual business, “to be twisted” or to earn a living for himself through dull, rigidly regulated work. But almost any business advice, recommendations, and furthermore criticism from others can only worsen the situation and solve nothing. In matters he needs specific|concrete aid|assistance from others, and is confident in his right to it, [expects it from|forward it to] them.

It is missing to flower heat

No, it in no way asserts itself. [IEI] silently (at the worst by [polunamekami]) will give to understand that the specific difficulties are experienced are not, not complex, but not in its forces to manage them - and it will is very dearly from the side of surrounding, such fascinating people, show it this trifling service… it is here now good…

Sometimes similar requests be colored into the sufficiently strong emotions, the type: “Oh, however, well that this such, yes you will only look to this, people good!. However, yes that this is done!!! “But were no matter how given requests, this in no way appears by humiliation, vice versa. Once again we shall repeat: [IEI] is subconsiously confident in its right to request in people i. to obtain aid from them . The very same indeed it shares with them by its glad emotions, optimism, one the holiday atmosphere is created around itself only by fact of its existence.

And is happy it must be that person, which [IEI] will allow to worry about itself!

[IEI] please themselves the strong, men of weight, in which “everything is gripped, for everything it is paid”. It checks all its familiar on this criterion and it is pulled to that, who, in his opinion, here the strongest. It will willingly give it management of itself, it will obey it in all matters.

Next to the strong people [IEI] feels itself [zashchishchennee] and it is more confident. But losers, it counts, in no way they stand that in order to spend its time on the contact with them. It although is outwardly unnoticeable, it attentively tracks information about opportunities and abilities of other people, finding out for itself, who has more authority and powerful connections.

I do not love fools and those, who nothing from itself present, but thinks about itself too much.

After finding possible “powerful” patron, [IEI] will attempt to “cling” to it by all means, to find to itself a cushy place in its sphere of influence.

Unfortunately, in the childhood it can reveal strong conformism, constant readiness to be joined in the voice of majority. In this case its basic vital rule acquires new sounding - to think “as all” do, to act “as all” do, in nothing not to be separated and not to lag behind these “all”. And it turns out that its personality to a great extent is the product of medium and environment significant for it. It becomes sufficiently noncritical to the information, which enters from without. Everything will be true for it, that speak “their”, which it is inclined to idealize.

[IEI] is very tactful, it does not love to tell people about their deficiencies into the eyes. Moreover, it will try to find something good in the collocutor and will compulsorily say to it about this, after representing everything in the most advantageous form.

I try as criticize people as little as possible, to separate or clearly indicate their deficiencies. Depending on the situation, I will either correctly say to them about this or generally I will be silent.

To unknown people it seemingly immediately clearly issues the credit of confidence and arrangement to them, moreover is done this so that by its further actions them it does not be desirable it to disappoint.

Oh, how interesting!

It knows how to listen to the collocutor very sympathetically, it will try to help it council or at least by warm word, will express admiration of its mind and force. With the interest it will listen bragging, it will be glad to another's successes.

The degree of its enthusiasm, in general, must not be perceived seriously. It is better to decrease its time in two or three - so it will be nearer to the truth.

In the not too benevolent representatives of this type similar enthusiastic relation to the collocutor it can here be replaced to “the admiration” with the opposite sign, as soon as that will fall back to decent distance.

Pre-dawn. Dark-blue. Early. And the flying stars the paradise

In the life of an IEI, there are, to a greater or lesser extent, elements of bohemianism. The IEI derives great pleasure from surrounding himself with unusual trinkets and pristine gadgets — anything suggestive of refinement and cultivation — and sometimes, more is expended on such artifacts than the IEI can actually allow.

He dresses usually with great taste, inconspicuously and elegantly. His movements are quite graceful; it seems that he does not walk, but rather, simply glides. He is always confident in his ability to charm others. Much of his behaviour is unpredictable and spontaneous.

Ultimately, the IEI sees his destiny in sustaining harmony in a world overloaded by technical progress. Best anything it can make this with the aid of the skill, this age long game into the immortality.

The IEI tries to be the poet and artist in any matter, to introduce in it the refinement of its very soul.

An Overview

First function: Intuition of Time

Complete absorption in the flow of time. Ability to adapt time to his needs. Anticipation of changes for the best. Foresight, the ability to turn aside from danger in advance. Joyous predictions, dreaminess, ease, intuition.

Second function: Emotional Ethic

Emotional perception of events. Rich abundance of emotions, understanding of feelings and internal experiences of other people. Creative ablity to engender necessary emotions in people. Control of people by means of emotions. Tendency to avoid negative emotions. Optimism, emotional influence.

Third function: Comfort Sensing

The desire to appear elegant and stylish. Concern about his appearance. Following the societal norms in this respect. Weak sensitivity. Vague perception of the materiality of its own existence. Uncertainty in the fact that he can create comfort and cosiness. Following fashion, the search for refinement.

Fourth function: Business Logic

Inability to act effectively, incomprehension of principles which lead to success. Absence of business activity and accumen. The tendency to avoid situations where it is necessary to work much. Unwillingness to demonstrate the process of his work. Negative attitude toward any criticism, and also toward any praise, of how he carries out his activities. Work contingent upon mood, the tendency to avoid responsibility.

Fifth function: Volitional Sensing

Weak volitional impulse, insufficient persistance and purposefulness. Underlying, latent desire to follow another's strong will. Admiration of strong and powerful people. Ability to be transparent to undesirable external pressure. Reduction in vitality (up to the point of complete apathy) without an external organizing and directing force. Physical weakness, infantilism, the search for a "defender."

Sixth function: Structural Logic

Irrationality of behavior. Requirement of necessary information from the surrounding people. Reduction of activity in work if he is unclear what it is necessary for him to do. Inability to seperate the primary from the secondary. Desire to boast about his analytical abilities. Adherence to another's solutions.

Seventh function: Intuition of Possibilities

Internal confidence in the correctness of his evaluation of proceeding events. Subconsious tendency to track the opportunities of surrounding people. Constant interest in the plans of surrounding people and the attempt to lead in them a good place to himself. Rejection of criticism of regarding his abilities and talents.

Eighth function: Relational Ethic

Unconscious interest in another's desires. Ability to smooth out sharp corners and dissipate conflicts. Demonstration of benevolence and attention to the interests of necessary people, the readiness to go on concessions. Verbal agreement with all statements of partner and the tendency to enter only in in own way. Demonstration of sensitivity and attention, exaggerated politeness, sometimes showy/ostentatious love without real content.