Socioscope LII

From Wikisocion

Socioscope descriptions
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

Logical intuitive introvert (Robespierre)

It's so interesting that thing - life!

Concentration - a close look, seeing nothing around? - Is immersion in himself, and in his own world.

What is there in this unknown universe?

They say there is living the truth. Would find her way.

Now, I think I'm doing the first conscious steps to the true values: freedom, beauty, truth, and, of course, love.

But this is not enough. There is one important condition. Desire to convince others in their truths, the desire to send others to their goals, the desire to make the lives of other desires - stupid, heartless and useless.

LII is usually silent.

Words do not have the truth.

But if he starts talking, it is worth listening to ...

The idea - therefore, there

Even in small children this type affects around childish seriousness and attentive, focused eyes.

I think always - when I eat, when I go, watch movies, listen to music when I chat with someone about nothing, and even when I sleep. I do not think I get tired. Sometimes it's just a fantasy, or some fragments of thoughts, and sometimes startling insights about the world, the universe in which we live.

Sometimes it seems that Lee is not so much living as learn about life. His detachment from the outside world, its tacit perception of what is happening around - only in order not to stir up their presence real objective picture of life. In his mind, he builds as a speculative model of the known universe to him, and on this basis is trying to find the global laws of Life.

And for that he needs the facts, information, and knowledge. The most important (and credible) source of knowledge for him - the book. Perhaps, before any of the children are learning to read and write this type. By the age of four, they are capable to read their favorite fairy tales, five - are trying to amend the Russian spelling ("If the letter" x "is read as" the same ", then why in the name of" Jack "to write extra letter" e "- you can just" Zhnya "), and six parents hide from them all thick books to which they are drawn like a magnet (probably by the logic of" thicker than a book, the smarter ").

In his youth, LII reads everything he gets his hands on - poetry, memoirs, books, history books, encyclopedias, women's magazines, biographies, science fiction and adventure fiction books about science, old newspapers. May read the telephone directory. What's more - read the book several times.

He is able to easily find relevant information for themselves, by appearance of the book can be quite accurate to say whether or not to read it.

Due to the high speed of reading and a good memory are usually more erudite than peers, their logic and knowledge can sometimes stymie even adult. However, parents should not loudly and clearly assigned to it high expectations. It's annoying and it increases sensitivity to failure, without which never do.

Man is born to be free

In general, the problems parents that child usually does not create but themselves - and in huge quantity! In unfavorable psychological situation can become doubtful, and grows into a soul-searching introspection. He was very afraid of potential trouble (often himself and invents). In fact, the trouble usually cope on their own. He does not like to ask for help, but can not wait that others can guess and suggest it.

The school LII is not difficult to learn from the five. It is usually best to give exact and natural sciences.

Although they are often boring - is not life.

For humanitarian it somewhat dry and overly logical (he tries to take and for them the exact mathematical basis), and to the success of the technical lacks practical bent and patience.

Physical work strain FRI. But he copes with monotonous work, which does not occupy his thoughts. While his hands work in automatic mode, it is at this time a more interesting occupation - thinks. Or just dreams. Or a combination of both.

He has well-developed imagination. However, in situations requiring rapid response and decision-making can "slow down." He's often the case that "good thoughts come oposlya."

Often, analyzing the past is the situation, I realize that things could be otherwise, tell me this or that. But - alas! All is over and nothing has changed.

Therefore usually tries to act so that was a little bit of time poraskinut brains.

Quite insightful, his advanced logic allows him to see the real causes of the events. Can with reasonable probability to calculate what the outcome of the situation. When planning a new business, it is best, perhaps, he sees the potential obstacles and "pitfalls", and the thought of lying in wait for his future troubles may discourage him anything at all to get started. He did not not love the excitement and adventure.

Leah did not always tell others about their plans, stubbornly silent about the failures. In general, even the closest people know very little about him.

Mistrustful, heightened senses insincerity or duplicity in others. But if someone is behaving aggressively and convincingly, hiding under the mask of deception truthfulness, LII will believe any nonsense - sincerity in lies he takes for granted.

Leah peculiar sense of humor - an intricate and paradoxical. Externally, it is expressed in the fact that it is often the most serious kind (and in this case he is the master) said buzz words obviously stupid. However, he rarely joked, because usually people take his words as seriously and, sometimes, are offended by them. Here LII then sometimes have to explain that "it was a joke." Even he can not tell jokes, so it seems to others "biscuit" without the slightest sense of humor.

Not all heart - others

All issues related to the relationship between people, for LII - area of ​​doubt and uncertainty of action. Good attitude to any person Leah expressed not so much feelings and emotions as practical care of his needs, the solution to their problems. He is experiencing some difficulties when trying to converge more closely with nonprofit man when he wants to find friends.

Loneliness hardest ... I hope that I will find friends at a target heart chose the path that I have chosen ...

Often his own attempts to reduce the ethical distance does not lead to anything good.

LII teenager often has serious problems with peers, it would be hard for them to be "his own man." Therefore, to walk in the street with other children does not like, preferring to stay at home in the community of the book. Friends are few quiet, serious, everyone keeps their experiences in themselves.

Growing up, in dealing with people trying hard to be polite and considerate, be correct to absolutely everyone. But the "inward" still prefers not to let anybody. If in relation to him behave tactlessly, is unlikely to sort things out, just fence off an unpleasant companion impenetrable veil.

Psychological Overload (family quarrels, all kinds of conflicts, and the like) brings painful, so he tried to keep himself under a restrained.

He does not like any showdown, no reticence, but you calmly and rationally try to dot the "i".

In conversations LII tries as possible to avoid offensive expressions and observations: the fact that they produce at him usually much more impressive than he wanted. In other words, the point, which would have sounded quite innocently from the lips of most people, is seen almost as an insult if it is expressed FRI.

That has him sometimes silently swallow petty grievances, because he realizes that his answer would be much stronger, and it is unfair.

If people mistakenly take his patience for weakness and begin to abuse it, they run the risk of eventually running into an unexpected and very sharp blow. Those who are "lucky" to get to the epicenter of this explosion will never be able to forget him.

And he, too, LII can not forget the state of that passion: for him it is a terrible and unnatural, as if in that moment he betrays himself. Still, it will go to the end and would rather die than allow further humiliate himself.

But, to be honest, it happens a couple of times the maximum for his life. All the rest of the LII soft and pliable people. In dealing with people, it is fundamentally rejects pressure on them.

But for me, too, do not push!

The concept of "power" is almost always perceived them as "violence." Paradoxically, the softer the request to him, so it is difficult to refuse an asylum and if we feel the pressure on themselves, can completely stop responding to any words and exhortations.

More LII difficult to defend their rights and interests, he has a weakened sense of ownership. If their rights are ignored other people can so nothing to take to rectify the situation and protect themselves.

In severe cases, the LII can develop a kind of "victim complex" - a man who might offend all and sundry, and that for itself can not stand.

Leah often quite strong mood swings - from excitement to a dreary decline. He is largely dependent on its energy state, which is beyond the control of his mind. We should also note that the warehouse of his character LII anticipate future negative points better than the shining prospects. This property also does not give it with joy and confidence.

FRI own, especially in youth, can not have fun. If on a holiday no one pays attention to him and not trying to involve the general merriment, can sit in the corner all night.

And sitting - in discos!

He is very grateful to those who generously shared with him this happy and festive mood.

I love to laugh, but it does not happen as often as we would like ...

Often, he looks so much seems "biscuit" or "blue-stocking" that people really believe - such it is. In dealing with it must be remembered that Lee out of the dilemma "to be or appear to be" almost always chooses "to be" and rarely allows himself "to seem."

This, incidentally, explains his commitment to the unprepossessing appearance. If FRI life are forced to care about their appearance, it is a pretty sad sight. Style, elegance, attractiveness - well, it's not important to him than the vast universe!

Some of Leah does not agree with this? Come, please, to the mirror.

However, the phrase "In the person all should be fine ..." belongs to FRI. Basically, he wanted to look good, but he damn pity to waste their time and effort.

How do I know what I want?!

Quite helpless LII in organizing his life. Of course, if it turns out that "this boring life" in the family will fall entirely on his shoulders, he can satisfactorily establish it. True, this will be done at great cost of time and effort. And it can be very spoiled the mood. LII genuinely surprised to learn that there are people who are "in the rush to" all the household chores.

In food it is unassuming, eats that will put on the table - as long as the dishes were clean. Taste sensitivity had slightly blunted, to assess which of the two courses is better, he has to try them all at once - a taste of what ate yesterday, no longer remembers. It would be hard to define and answer the question: "What do you want for dinner tonight?" - Where is he to know that? But its view, tasty that it is eating, or not, is often hearsay.

LII is not physically strong, awkward movements and awkward - a good athlete or dancer from it will not work.

And so want it all to be able to - to be graceful, strong, clever!

Trying to maintain order in their health by simple means - proper diet, exercise, avoiding excesses (by the way, other than FRI prone to alcohol, smoking, and particularly to drugs, but still quite successfully combat these habits from their friends).

He likes a lot and fast walk - this time in a more "cooking" head. When the relative physical weakness has considerable stamina. If you play sports, you prefer not to type the command, and the individual.

Life - the only thing that was given to man

Usually LII quite a responsible attitude to their professional duties, to a career. In general, even for women FRI work as an opportunity for self-realization is more important than family. And if it is still present one, any of them can be almost without regret to opt out of his personal life.

By Leah difficult to wait for praise, but if he will say something approving, then you really deserve. And the criticism sometimes goes too far. But just as he demanded refers to himself: LII usually sets itself high moral bar, about which, however, does not like to talk about. Does not like to "learn to live" of other people.

Person must educate themselves.

In Leah does not like to act in a pattern be "formal performer" and can not do without the initiative. Young to him for it quite "beat." He also prefers to work his head, not your hands. It is easier to put forward an interesting and promising idea to outline a plan for its implementation, than to introduce it into practice.

The details can be inattentive, if, for example, to solve complex problems, can find an original and elegant way to solve it and make a stupid mistake in multiplying two-digit numbers.

Not very adventurous, commercial or personal business deals mainly with "other people's footsteps and in a rut", but always sure to add something. For all their compliance becomes stubborn stubborn when people start to criticize his actions and efficiency.

I myself know what to do!

Calmly and constructively can take criticism just as easy and friendly (in his view) hint. By the way, he likes to give other useful business advice, but never insist on their strict and enforceable.

My business is to offer your - cancel

Typically, LII will not give false advice or mislead those who trust him. This does not mean that he will never deceive people. Most often it is a lie - just self-defense, and this lie and cause harm to another person - a serious injury to "decent" LII. The best that it comes with a clear conscience, it is not to give all the information.

But some things and hide it sometimes too hard. Vowing to someone silent, keep their word. (Only if you do not accidentally spill the beans.)

That's right.

Often, in his own words he, personally gives him a hostile arms against the people themselves.

LII solve their problems so that, if possible, do not infringe on the interests of others. In building relationships with people seeking to implement the principle of mutual respect and always wants to deal with them fairly. I must say that the sense of justice of the FRI as if innate. For all his rejection of violence can climb into a fight, if he sees a gross violation of justice.

Do not "advanced" LII concept of justice is much the same with the concept of equality, therefore it tends to unify people, and this, of course, does not lead to anything good.

Does not like to make promises to the request can only say, "Well, I do not promise, but I'll try." This may be a veiled rejection, and internal decision to do everything in his power.

Almost can not cheat, "diplomacy" for him synonymous false and self-serving resourcefulness. Complex knots of problems (particularly ethical) tend not to start, and cut down because of what often turns out to be a loser. Needless categorical in his words and actions, preferring to act fast and straightforward. Girl-FRI worthless first declaration of love (in the form of a statement of fact), and the other party is perceived as a blow to the head, "again - and you're done!"

I write to you - what more?

In his actions he subconsciously is focused on constant and the maximum time savings. Speaking tries (neosoznanno!) to be extremely brief. If one phrase could exhaust the theme of the five-minute story - will be very pleased with himself. When he says, is trying to put into words their maximum point. (Therefore, in an important conversation to have to listen very carefully - none of his words will be superfluous or random.)

Familiar with mechanical movements LII also very economical, accurate and extremely coordinated. In the kitchen, it can interfere with a salad with one hand, and the other to get the salt, and even close the door knee table.

Unfortunately, the second leg is usually not possible to use - so you can and fall.

Leah does everything quietly and nesuetlivo, so surrounding notice how quickly it works only when it is clear that the time the work is done to them for twenty minutes.

In time trouble usually works better and more efficiently, lack of time activates it. If, however, the required time can not meet someone close to him to behave calmly and coolly, preventing any panic and helping his friend to do all or at least so the most important thing.

FRI Time feels very good, although it is not understood by him. Obviously not expecting very much time it takes, it may be in time everywhere. Even if a meeting of the "accepted" late (for example, for a date), hold for a couple of minutes.

He feels a deep personal responsibility for other people's time. This is evidenced even this fact: although the diction he usually is not very good, to the question "what time" answers loudly, clearly and accurately.

Functional description

The first function: the logic of relations

Analytical mind. The ability to find all the cause-effect relationship. Tendency to abstract, systems thinking. The ability to separate the important from the unimportant. Theorizing penchant for intellectual work, construction of abstract models.

The second function: Intuition opportunities

Understanding of the events and phenomena of the world. Create hypotheses about the patterns of the universe. Desire to make life more meaningful, enriching it with new ideas. Avoidance of meaningless action. Idealism, creativity, imagination, and global thinking.

Third function: the ethics of relations

Formal compliance with standards of conduct in dealing with people, following someone else's example. The desire to cultivate courtesy and tact. Very little understanding of the desires of others. Inner uncertainty in ethics of their actions. Attention to the experience of communion of others.

The fourth function: volitional sensing

Weakness own volitional capacity. Principled rejection of the impacts to other people and the total rejection of impacts to themselves. Own weakness is perceived very painful. Decreased sense of ownership. The desire to avoid situations that could volitional pressure.

Fifth function: the ethics of emotions

Discount the importance of the emotional aspect of life. Inability to cope with their own negative emotions. Periodic blues, depression. Subconscious expectation of outside help. Thanks for the gift joy and good humor. Insult to life in case of a lack of excitement and enjoyment. External unemotional, passive, emotional suggestibility.

Sixth function: sensory experiences

Low sensitivity. Weak ability to adjust your way of life. Expectation of help in the creation of comfort and coziness. Willingness to follow the advice of a friendly stranger. Unprepossessing appearance, difficulty with care.

Seventh function: the business logic

Subconscious desire to stay informed of their loved ones and friends. Willingness to help them in difficult situations, if they so request. Rejection in the address criticism when it comes to business and professionalism. High availability is not always leading to significant results. Stereotyped actions in business undertakings. High automaticity movements.

Eighth function: the intuition of time

Good, but hardly perceived sense of time. Anticipation of hazards that stand in the way of other people, readiness time to warn them about this. Subconscious desire not to let anyone with time. Understanding the great value of time. Good memory, care about someone else's time, punctuality, accuracy.