Socioscope SEI

From Wikisocion

Socioscope descriptions
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

Sensory ethical introtim (Dumas)

Silk Heart

I - like a bunch of feelings. My body is woven only of sensations and emotions. This "lump" - hyperfine of nature. So I'm in a special and unique world - a world of pristine harmony. "Black" impulses, evil, hatred, destructive element - categories that are alien to my world harmony. And it's not just words - it's a state of mind. Excuse me, but the feelings or is, or not, to lie, as it does sometimes mind, they can not.

I feel a need to give yourself an inexhaustible others, "to sow reasonable, good, eternal." Madly in love is life in all its forms (I always I can ignite, even in everyday situations ochazhok holiday comfort).

... I can not see, "feel." I can only feel - I'm invisible, I - Harmony (subconsciously, of course). In dialogue appears kind of "shirt-guy." But this is only the outer shell. Even after the revelations almost impossible to feel the true state of my soul ...

Well, how...

Quiet, friendly, smiling, shy, handsome with a soft, pliable grace. He simply enjoys the fact that he lives. The multi-faceted luxury sensations, fine sensitivity to all external influences determine its relevance to their lives. If regular chocolate is the richest source of gustatory pleasures, what is a man need in life: to eat - and order! If heavy sediment of trouble with interest interrupted the joy of tickling breeze caressing the face, then why try to cope with these troubles ...

SEI is completely immersed in the reality of this world, constantly feeling it with all my heart. He sees the world as somewhat chaotic mosaic of sounds, people, sights, strange conversations unpredictable people.

As for himself, most (and best) part of his busy life perception by the five senses - sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell. But it makes it so much that just amazed! Even if he has poor eyesight (which is, in general, not often), he sees a little more rest.

I do not look - I see.

He notices and aware of everything that gets in his field of vision. Scattered SEI - something out of science fiction. In order to hear, he does not have to listen. Whatever worked, he always keeps track of all emerging sounds or other changes in the environment - skvoznyachok, a pebble in the shoe, and the like. For any confusion in the room remember where everything is.

But especially it is your own physical condition. Only a small EIS says that he has a stomach ache. After a few years he learned to see the difference between pain due to indigestion and gastritnoy pain. When hungry, will know not only the degree of hunger, but also the fact that it was he would now like to eat and how much.

I always thought that the chips - this dish, but it was a side dish!

Food - it's all a special part of his life. He is able to for a long time, detail and describe a variety of taste, odor, and other nuances of the most common dishes such as sandwiches. In honor of the same chocolates can compose an ode in high style.

His love for food SEI little embarrassed and tries it does not stick out.

Why would you think of me, that I for candy at all agree?

For one, maybe not, but a kilo's worth a try.

He has almost no strong preferences for food, but if something does not like - make him eat it almost impossible. Him from an early age can give freedom to the question of its own power. SEI will never forget to eat and will not pitch in candy at the expense of soup. He always knows when you need to set aside a plate, not to overeat. You can not learn to cook - he himself is able to do it perfectly. There are cases when representatives of this type by the smell or appearance of food or more precisely, what components it lacks - such as salt.

In life SEI seeks and creates sensory harmony. Typing easier and faster than writing by hand. And if it's broken and are missing "o"? You can, of course, replace it by zero, and most so and did - but not EIC. For him it is not harmonious and comfortable.

Convenient - it's nice when

Discomfort (in any form) for it hard to bear. In the uncomfortable, awkward situation, his mood drops. If he can not fix it, try to look inward, immersed in some memories, "the good" and does not like to be "pulled out" of them in an unpleasant reality.

The interior should be cozy and beautiful (for it is one and the same). In this respect he maximalist, any, even the slightest, the retreat from its representation brings harmony "with no" all the fun of life. He does not like physical overload, trying to avoid the conditions that require a stamina or health risks (EIA, to put it mildly, not very brave man).

According to him, life is different without good feeling poor. If it reduces the severity of sensory perception, it is a sign of illness or exhaustion. And God forbid him to say: "I already do not feel anything" - can not be a louder cry for help, otherwise it will be too late ...

And the EIA says the best thing he can do for people - is that it creates a pleasant and comfortable environment. He likes to take care of all others: to correct clothes, and give the person where it's best to sit down, draw the curtains when the sun hits someone in the eye. This is all done without a request, not for show - even involuntarily. For him, it is as natural as breathing (but if it is with gratitude notice will be happy). His foresight comes to what it has to offer more water a person before he himself realizes his thirst. This is another feature of it - see the subtle physical desires of others.

SEI best, perhaps, can not find a common language with their peers and with children. SEI any gender and age next to them is affectionate and caring grandmother, who knows how to sprout delicate shoots of their talents, and it is - the highest purpose of this type of people. SEI is not no one better able to turn an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

Another of his talent - the ability to create around himself a happy, pleasant, light mood. I must say that personally he himself occasionally melancholy attacks are different degrees of severity.

Mind is full of bright expectations heart feels new trouble

At these moments, it tends to be alone, "to hide in its burrow," wait for the blues will pass. If you can not hide from the people, will be quite skillfully play "and I have everything in order." It's because he feels a deep inner prohibition: no one can spoil the mood. Even his close it with caution talk about their problems, that in no case did not disappoint them. So sometimes it is: it amuses someone, tells jokes, and he himself at this point in my soul cat scratching.

In case of trouble EIS can easily give up and quietly watch the approach of trouble, do not try to do. But it is mainly only if it applies only to one. If the problem threatens his family, he can pretty actively and successfully deal with it. True, his last property is also highly dependent on the level of spiritual development.

Have to live without straining

In order to do something, he needs a mood. Long may wait until it comes, and then quickly to do everything. SEI does not like to work for people who do not tolerate any interference in their work, as well as criticism (and even when praised) his ability to work. He believes that work should be viewed only by the result.

In matters of business, he is quite helpless. In fact, the concept of "benefit", "payment" for it is immoral, and the idea that, in their view should be used other people think it blasphemous. Comes to the fact that it can be prepared a few hours to make a business phone call and eventually give up on the whole thing. He was greatly afraid of even the thought, as if people did not think he was imposed.

The remarkable organizational and penetration EIS can reveal only one where it is unselfishly trying to do something useful for other people. But we have only a little thoughts creep in his head, "What's in it for me?" Like all immediately collapse. Personally about their interests to take care someone else.

Takes a back seat, but I'm happy when I find there

Who is he, what is and what can - for SEI closely guarded secret. Therefore, it is very difficult to understand your job role. He may lose a lot of time, until one day it does not overshadow, "This is mine! And I had not noticed!"

Their opinions about their abilities at it, especially in youth, no. What would he not have said so, and agrees. Be called a fool - upset, but believes. They will say that he has outstanding mathematical abilities - like he had not noticed before, but they were something more visible. Praise he believes is still less than the criticism.

Because of the almost total inability to realistically assess their creativity and inner essence of the "problem" SEI simultaneously characterized by two diametrically opposed opinions of themselves. The first, which is almost always around and shows can be summarized by the phrase "I can not find a place on this earth ...". The second, which is the opposite extreme, huge internal states of wealth his sensitive soul, that other people have not able to properly assess.

True, it is (of course) the opinion carefully hidden from everyone and can occasionally slip a hint.

A SEI badly needs to tell him the truth about himself, not only of his talent and ability, domestic content and prospects of personal development on future life goals, but also about the "pitfalls" of his soul. Without the support of SEI will go out and in the end come to naught.

Almost as important to him is the same information about the people around him, the meaning and content of all phenomena of the world, the relevance and prospects of various undertakings. If we manage to interest him, to show the meaning of a case, he spared no effort vigorously joined in the work, not only coming up with original ideas, and realizing new and emerging opportunities.

In order to act, he needs a real push sense

He reaches out to those who can constantly generate new and unusual ideas and scientific hypotheses and logically justify them. Here he shows omnivorous and uncritical, able to instantly accept as true almost any statement, any theory - but not necessarily that he will remain faithful and constant supporter.

The bottom line is that I can not find a point in my life, which attracted me altogether entirely.

And any information on the people around him, he needs almost like air. In all the conversations - personal or business - SEI gently and quietly try to pull out of the interlocutor everything he knows about someone (sometimes comes to the fact that natural reluctance interlocutor exhume another's "dirty laundry" SEI takes almost as insult for himself, though outwardly it and not tell).

He has tried and tested in life are certain logical criteria, all of which must match. For example, in any game EIS is watching, that all went according to accepted rules. External consistency in the presentation of the material is so impressed that he sometimes abuse this. And then the second-graders from the pen leaves a classic phrase: "Cabbage is formed by folding the cabbage leaves around the stalk." This is his style - complicate and rounded design proposals to the detriment of the ease of understanding.

SEI feels like translucent and tries to hide from prying eyes "of the systems phrases", pulling clothes over other people's ideas and thoughts. He lives with the constant feeling that people often miss him by attention - do not want to understand it and to listen to his opinion. If ingested by a sympathetic ear, it is verbose (sometimes zanudlivosti), but even in this case, the EIC with internal dissatisfaction feels that his speech is somewhat fresh and inexpressive.

Respect to people that are not from himself can develop sufficiently, - the ability to condense thoughts.

Therefore, the conversation always trying to remember other people's "smart" remarks and opportunity, then displays them as if for their thoughts (and such plagiarism, which he sees in others, its annoying).

Other people think words are very comfortable, not responsible for them if they prove to be incorrect.

However, he has a great emotional "hearing" the words: in the most common and become familiar phrase, he is able to see something original and can subtly beat him, suddenly giving it a funny sense.

Sometimes, if the EIS sincerely think that their cost, but they do not want to openly and directly at odds with those whom they consider their enemies, they are carefully looking out for all of their "pain points" and then easily screw into them serrated stinger looks as if a harmless joke.

SEI is constantly creating the impression of being "on your mind", even during the confidential conversation pursue their own hidden agendas. In fact it is not so - so it appears introverted immersion in his inner world. On the other side - the impression that he is adept at creating for himself in many things is very different from its real essence. For example, his famous charming smile - the best way to effectively "hide" themselves from the speaker. The more smiles SEI "without cause", the more he is not sincere.

Unsurpassed master of giving evasive answers to direct questions. If he is asked a question that did not find any other answer than "yes" or "no" - will still find a loophole. Sometimes it seems that SEI organically unable to make a final choice, even in trifles.

Every solution is self-restraint.

To all innovations and brilliant business perspective it is initially wary, the first reaction to them is almost always skeptical. He should be given time to ensure that his firm "no" by itself was changed to "yes." If this is not taken into account and begin to rush or pressure him, things will not: stubbornness he has enough for ten. He will not think of the consequences - there can at least count on the head bellies! He withdraws into himself and becomes impenetrable to any reasonable arguments and exhortations. In this case it is best to give him the opportunity to weigh up the situation very sensibly.

SEI himself cleverly persuades and convinces people. This helps his ability to understand their interests and desires, as well as the ability to demonstrate good will in their address (apparently it looks so convincing that often causes interlocutors almost confessional candor, however, from SEI hard to wait this sympathy). But the request or require likes, can only hint at his interlocutor difficulties.

Hint - please sensitive to smart

He does not like to be obligated to anyone. Very worried that the ones he does not like, can impose a close relationship. In this case, the EIS does not say directly, "Get out of my sandbox." His style is to get rid of an unwanted partner - it is subtly and unobtrusively give him the life that he was very happy to run away from him. As a result, his side are only the "thick-skinned."

Sometimes it seems that the EIS is much easier to tolerate almost complete mismatch with your loved one an ideal than a small annoyance with him. Incidentally, this leads to the fact that the people of this type are more often associated with his life psychologically suitable partners.

And people SEI understands poorly, could easily be mistaken who his enemy, and who - a friend who you can trust, who can not, and who will do just to use it, because the reasons for all the actions of others - unknowable mystery to him. But he also can not understand the reasons and their own actions, and this is, after all, leads to the fact that sometimes he did not feel responsible for everything he does.

At SEI is a real danger for the fault to lose true friends. It easily can cause self-love, but often go away from him, even those who loved him.

Cardboard wings of love

Russian literature is rich with interesting images of people of this type: it Clim, and the famous master Oblomov, and forever "superfluous man" Eugene Onegin. And by different authors of the many complex issues raised one big question Search this hero's place in life.

My inner impulse erupts only when there is a close and understanding man. After all, in itself, I just bunch of feelings, passive energy.

In the soul lives SEI image of the ideal friend, a loved one with whom he could fully develop their spiritual wealth. It, sometimes not consciously feel that just next to the man, is identical to his ideal, he can live and work in full force. But when he finally meets this, then stubbornly expecting a full conformity to the ideal. Anyone, even the slightest deviation from it its sensitive soul perceives as a betrayal of her lofty expectations. It turns out that it deprives him of the right to be loved yourself, demanding from him, that he made ​​all his hopes and desires.

Naturally, such a stubborn mood for a perfect harmony (and sometimes just for yourself) destroys existing but "not enough" in his view harmony. The inner sense of self-righteousness ("Is it possible to back away from their own ideals?") Does not allow him to admit that he is partly responsible for this destruction. He genuinely confident in his sinlessness, does not seem to understand that by doing so shifts the entire blame on loved ones, and liability only on the circumstances.

And whose fault is that the day-to-day care living by someone else's?

SEI reluctance to accept the fact that there is no perfect harmony, leads to the fact that in his life disappear almost any form, which most approaches her. This applies not only to his personal life, but also creativity.

Each type has its own unique features, its "highlights" in the works, its capabilities of maximum expression. A sensory-ethical introvert - one of the few personality types, which is the best possible. The reason is its strongest feature - introverted sensors, which allows him to more fully accept the reality of the world, the fullness of life. He feels like no other physical harmony of the world .

But everything in this world has a price. Once he thinks (and quite objectively) that it is available all the harmony of the world, it is easy to make a tiny step away from the feeling that he is harmony . And most of the people of this type, though unconsciously, but is a strong belief that, as a self-critical as they are in words.

Such arrogance is very harmful to EIA, often turning to a creative sterility: the creative process is the increment of harmony, and what kind of growth it may be a question if he feels boundless world harmony? As they say, let well enough alone.

And so it goes - what would now no matter what happens in life, no matter how developed its relationships with the people in case of any failure, it will be absolutely adamant that the blame lies on someone else, but not on it - because it itself perfection ...

Rich sensory EIS giving joy of harmony, may turn to him as a generous gift of the benevolent fate and eternal boredom. After all, is not enough to feel harmony - much more fun to create it.

Functional description

First function: sensory experiences

Subtle and multifaceted sense of the physical world. The richness of sensory perception. High sensitivity to all physical influences. Perfect job senses. The desire and ability to surround himself and other comfort and convenience. Constant ability to perceive the beauty of the world. Developed taste, aesthetics, self-indulgence, a tendency to touch pleasures.

The second function: the ethics of emotions

Emotional perception of the world. The desire for a positive and happy emotions. Understanding the emotional state of others. The ability to create a festive mood. The desire to make the world a more joyful, people bring pleasant moments. Reluctance to spoil the mood of anyone. Sense of humor, smiling.

The third function: the intuition of time

Constant desire to develop in a sense of time, punctuality. The desire to learn to see potential hazards. Demonstration of ability to make it in time for part-time assurance of their abilities. The desire to learn from other people's foresight. Good memory for dates, anticipation of possible trouble, sometimes the desire to go "out of the circle of events."

The fourth function: the business logic

Not understanding how to achieve success in their actions. Lack of business acumen. Categorical refusal to use other people for their own business interests. Rejection of any criticism or praise for the way they performed any work. Unwillingness to demonstrate the process of their work. Inability to count their steps. Work only on the mood, others tips and advice takes on a "luck conductor: buy a ticket - go on foot," infantilism, irresponsibility.

The fifth function: Intuition opportunities

Willingness lap new ideas and hypotheses. Constant expectation that people around will help him find the meaning of life. Love to all new and original. Lack of understanding of their abilities and the essence of the phenomena of the world. Uncritical attitude to other people's ideas. Insult to life, if it is meaningful enough. Complex and often unsuccessful search for his place in life.

The sixth function: the logic of relations

The desire to make the world was organized more logically. Waiting for the right information from relatives. Reduced activity in the work when it is insufficient rationale. Lack of flexibility in the analysis of the situation. Weak ability to separate the important from the unimportant. The desire to show off your analytical skills. Adherence to rules and regulations, the attention to detail.

Seventh function: volitional sensing

Internal hard, but passive desire to achieve. The presence of internal volitional capacity and ability to use it if necessary. Not always aware of the desire to keep the will power of other people. With external levity ability not to lose sight of the goal. Stubbornness, pressure from the opposition, the ability to resist it.

Eighth function: the ethics of relations

Constant smoothing of sharp corners in the process of communication between people, the ability to put out the conflicts and quarrels. Unconscious attention to other people's desires. Not declared, but a clear demonstration of his friendly attitude and attention to the interests of the people. Willingness to compromise for the sake of peace and harmony, even if others do not do reciprocal steps in this direction. Agreement on the words with all statements and partner with the desire to act only in their own way. Demonstration of sensitivity, the ability to "get into the soul," sometimes ostentatious love without real content.