Socioscope SEE

From Wikisocion

Socioscope descriptions
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

Sensory ethical extravert (Napoleon)

I want!

SEE always wants something. And if he wants to be sure it will take. Well, if you can not take, then buy it. Can not Buy - Exchange. But anyway, this thing will be his.

SEE not want that anyhow, and the best, most beautiful, all jealous.

I do not hide.

Child-SEE - this is a strong, domineering personality. A girl of seven years creating a lot of problems to parents: she fights with anyone who contradicts her in something. And most importantly, that she wins even in a fight with the boys.

Such a child will never have to hurt themselves or their friends. SEE never shows his weakness, since childhood, never cries in public.

Harder than I do, the worse - I would like a string. I never cry, do not scream.

He also does not like to dismiss the other nurses.

I hate mumble.

SEE does not like being alone. Without the people, he withers. And if a child does not suffice to communicate with people, there is a good chance that he will grow up with psychological problems. He loves to go on a visit, on a holiday, crowded places, to invite friends home and friends.

Even he likes to control people, or rather, it is in the blood. The chief-SEE everything must be subordinated. He is calm and satisfied with life. Otherwise, it can not work. If someone is at fault, then it's just so he will not get away with. This person will be punished, "so that others did not have povadno."

Beat of their own to others feared

But it is, if SEE-chief. In everyday life, it is softer, more delicate, more calmly.

SEE never shows his negative emotions in public, because of the fact that someone can be upset, someone becomes ill.

Some representatives of this type of life there are only two main things that they dream of - money and power over people. By this they seek all sorts of ways, and to do that, no disdain.

It can not be convinced to give up their goal, but you can change it to one that is more noble and elusive. He set realistic goals and wants to achieve them.

If I see a purpose, I start kicking.

Well, of course, not without it. After all, all good, even lie. Although he does not love her, but respects (she had ethical). And theft is also going, and flattery, and flirting. Because it will benefit if gets its way by any means, and does not care what they say suggests otherwise. The main thing - what he thinks.

You stole, stole, well, what else is criminal?

Well he manages to get his own, managing people, influencing their opinions. It's not hard to SEE, even the soul.

SEE often becomes a "chameleon." And he also likes.

How I even ... Well, as I say ... proud of you!

He understands how people want to see it, and can act accordingly (good, calm, gentle, harmful, evil and so on). But finally adapt to the people not to prefer them to dictate.

He loves beautiful, extravagantly dressed. SEE girls can dye your hair is in green, the color purple - for effect.

Of course, because I'm a foolish man.

Where it is - there is no boredom. He will not get bored. Creepy troublemaker.

Not the right word - the detonator.

But if the company can not stir, if everything is strict, serious, all zaumnichayut (eg, scientific conference on physics - well, brought it there by mistake, it's too bad for you!), The SEE discouraged. He is bored and wants to get away quickly from there. Indeed, it is difficult to give exact science. He can not stand logical thinking here around one boredom and indifference.

Likes and dislikes SEE very volatile. His condition is dependent on the behavior of other people. If someone fell out quickly and forget revenge.

Has a lot of friends, but only trusts a very close and trusted friends that a little bit.

Adult SEE like serious neboltlivye, highly educated, looking a little gloomy people. Can not hide the contempt for unpleasant and stupid people. He likes to control people. He needs to be subordinated to at least one person.

Anyway I'll be the best!

Very fond of and parties. It can be the center of attention, attracting admiring glances (opposite sex). Favorite topics of conversation - literature, art, movies ... and their own success.

I can not stand a society where the only topic of conversation - anecdotes. From long idle talk, gossip, quickly tired.

Like comfort, wealth and luxury. Loves to travel, especially abroad. Rest should be comfortable, with amenities, with excursions, not just lying on the beach. Likes expensive restaurants, chic suits, cool cars.

I love orchids, I hate daisies and roses.

The clothes prefers elegant and classic style. I'm sure that dress extravagant and tasteful. Loves bright and saturated colors, often red and black. However, sometimes the SEE (especially youth) can go too far with extravagance and avoid vulgarity.

I can not wear a long one and the same thing, I love the diversity in the clothing and footwear.

Knows how to make compliments to find exactly the words that will be a pleasant companion. Knows how to please and charm. Uses this to their advantage. In business communication, successfully uses flirting.

He likes to seem all-knowing and competent in all areas, but in the depths of the soul is not so confident in your knowledge. Do not like being lectured, corrected it, and criticize his logic. If the person starts talking intellectual, no longer listening to him. When he says something, it is easy strays from the topic. Long talk about one can not, every new idea takes him away from the topic.

Dry, calculating logic prevents his terrible life. It kills its spontaneous creativity, ethical game - what he is particularly strong.

SEE a lot of time spent on the job. Prefers to practice. It would be hard to start any work, when it is not clear how it will go further. If they successfully overcome the first stage, then finishes it with enthusiasm. He likes to contrive something new, but it is always difficult to start and finish simple. Prefer to plan their work, instead of doing it spontaneously, but does not always fulfill their plans. Begins long, long last get started. For the latter is characterized by rapid growth.

A distinctive feature of SEE-ambition. All the same, in what - at work, in appearance or something else.

If I do something decided, I'll do it

SEE has to get his come what may. If he has something (or someone) like it, I'm sure it's his. The greater the obstacle, the more it will.

I love the state of struggle, set high bar.

He would not give up until he gets his own or until finally broken. Got what they fought for many years, can quickly abandon it - it turned out it's not what he wants. A feeling of guilt for not, because it's his tricked.

Unwell developments. Time can not navigate and be trapped. SEE would like to see the people around him talking about the possible bends and changes in its affairs. Grateful to those who help to foresee the development of events. Listen carefully to the warnings about the dangers that may lie in wait for him on his way. But the act will still be on its own.

He does not stand a really, when he is required to act thoughtfully and intelligently - this he did cease to be the logic. The work often can not see what should be done first and what can wait. Need someone else pointed out to him the most important and urgent. Actually, he would like to see the people around told him what and when to do it.

SEE has a large charge of optimism and self-confidence. If someone would tell him about a possible failure, it is only podzadorit bring the case to the end. He even likes it when criticizing his job (but not him) - it means that people do not care what he does.

You can not burn bridges behind

SEE if he wants, he can woo almost anyone. Basically, it all will find a common language.

I've adapted to all people.

That's right! He is able to come to the people "with the right hand" (for him). He will be all on good terms. Even if a person does not like, it is still in touch with him to vomit will not.

Who knows, maybe he still is useful to me.

But he may quarrel with a man - as if just out of a whim. In fact, this is often because of his confidence that this man encroaches on the authority and power over people. No rivals next to him does not want to have SEE! However, then he can make peace with the newly enemy (if it will be needed).

Sometimes, when the SEE heightened senses instability of his position, he often quarreled and reconciled, which apparently it is not like a very successful game, "Do any of you today will be my enemy, and who - other?". This game usually ends up that he did not remain friends.

And that she no ban!

SEE can not stand when it infringes on freedom when trying to limit its actions.

Just let someone try it!

But he is not only fighting for their freedom, but also for the freedom of others. Figuratively speaking, if his "go to jail", he did not run away from it, and will carry its walls and thereby liberate the rest.

He wants not only to command the people, but they have a clear, and not exaggerated authority. SEE for this constantly makes all others prove their quality - moral, intellectual, business, volitional, and so on and so forth (SEE little tip: the more of this kind of evidence before it scatters around him, the less they have to this belief).

SEE itself, especially in youth, largely judge the people "dress for success."

It tends to get a good education, learning refined manners and the ability to conduct business talk. Sometimes he tries to develop a clearly opposite qualities, not even noticing that they are not very much and shared (for example, to be a successful business woman, seductive lady, caring mother - and all this at a time).

SEE feels a constant craving to assert its authority over that, and so it belongs to. A heightened sense of "its" and no one will give it to encroach.

The new company can behave as if it is a hundred years old with all the familiar - jokes, quickly moving closer to the people and, more importantly, immediately begins to control everything and everyone. But you can do it yourself and "without a second thought," that almost no one believes it arrogance or tactlessness.

Prefers to solve business problems, based on personal, rather close relationship. Girls dress up for exams SEE even sexier and more attractive than usual (it is worth considering that they always try to dress sexy and attractive).

SEE do not like a lot of clothes, because it constrains their physical freedom. To feel comfortable, they need to control as much of the space around - the wide-opening doors, windows, no heavy curtains.

My room has to be the biggest!

He does not like to wait - SEE need all at once! Even hard to part with the fact that temporarily fell into his hands.

It can be very interesting for him. He knows how to lighten the mood, can captivate the most "unaffordable" for its vibrant human activity. The company conducts itself so that everyone had a good and smooth mood, without any emotional ups and downs.

I want that all was well - no explanation of the relationship or bad "neighing"!

SEE usually enjoy great success with the opposite sex. New person they can seem just those who may like him, almost ideal, because they are thin feel the desire of others. Just do not think that SEE will be the "ideal" always. In fact, he wants other people to adapt to him, not he to them. He is the way he is, and that's not enough!

This is a generous and strong nature, which knows what it wants. SEE is able to rule without limiting the freedom of others. He is confident in his abilities, failures just reinforces its activity and the desire to achieve his goal. He literally charges surrounding his energy and determination.

That's the same!

Functional description

The first function: volitional sensing

Huge commitment. Accurate estimate of the power potential of the people around them. Ability to get their way, no matter what the obstacles. A strong will, perseverance, a natural desire for power.

The second function: the ethics of relations

The desire to always follow their wishes. Excellent understanding of the desires of others. Ability to adjust to any person the right attitude. The ability to play on human desires and weaknesses. Open communication with the people. Democracy, communicative, friendly and demonstrate interest and ability to win the conversation.

Third function: intuition of possibilities

The desire to be thoughtful and understanding, intelligent person. The desire to get a good education. Little understanding of what are the other people, the phenomena of the world. Demonstration of confidence in the quality of their knowledge, accompanied by internal uncertainty in this. Superficiality, sometimes ignoring complexities.

The fourth function: the logic of relations

Very little understanding of the relationship between the phenomena of the world. Tactical inability to keep the selected line. Confusion and inconsistency in behavior. Categorical rejection of any external requirements to behave reasonably and thoughtfully. Moodiness, ignoring logic.

The fifth function: the intuition of time

Inability to predict events. Little sense of time. The inability to see their business unpromising beginnings. Subconscious belief that everyone around to warn him of the possible troubles. Many thanks for the information. Credulity, improvidence.

The sixth function: the business logic

Not much acumen. Poor understanding of the mechanism of complex actions. Thanks for the business, direct help. Opportunity with great effort to learn how to solve their business problems. The desire to be a professional interest in the business advice, attraction to business.

Seventh function: sensory experiences

Ongoing evaluation of the appearance of other people. Disrespect for careless people. The desire to create your loved ones comfortable living conditions. Internal consumer willingness to help, if asked about it. Giving people good advice on how they look, but he can not follow them.

Eighth function: The Ethics of emotions

Unconscious deep responsibility for the mood of people around. The ability to skip to the people of their negative emotions. The ability to "stir up" any person. Emotional restraint, display cheerfulness, optimism, manipulating emotions.