Socioscope LSE

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Socioscope descriptions
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

Logical sensory extravert (Stirlitz)

... In short, everything that makes the very notion of "professionalism."

FEL for one of the main goals in life - to achieve the highest professionalism in the business. Without exaggeration, this type is probably the most industrious. The key is that it not only can, but also likes to work: his work is of great importance to him. FEL and people largely judged on their professional qualities. He always knows how and what to do. Professional in the preparation method of any actions. Virtually all business regulations existing in the world - his child, dear and beloved to him, he takes very seriously and respectfully.

You live - and learn

He knows how to do his job, because a thorough investigation of the existing experience in his chosen field. LSE wants to know absolutely everything that relates to his case, and the range of knowledge and skills in this area is huge. At school and at the Institute of FEL really learns and does not make the required estimates.

We, the younger generation, can easily take up the deal not with bare hands, and armed with some newly acquired knowledge, skills and, even though theoretical experience.

While studying for it is never easy, but through hard work he gets almost all the knowledge of the subject, which was attended by humanity in its entire history. In addition, he is in what age does not stop to look for and acquire the necessary knowledge.

Never too late to learn.

He perceives life through the prism of the facts which are known to him.

Facts primarily

FEL constantly, sometimes not automatically collects facts. To him they are - the most reliable source of information about the world. It is on this basis he forms his world, his beliefs, so he treats them extremely carefully. Even at home he rarely says "about two hundred" - is much more natural to him to say "one hundred ninety-three ruble sixteen cents." Rounding to generalize, to abstract from the unimportant it is not very able, confidently believing that the essential facts.

"I tried to write, but then I realized that I always hinders understanding of the subject matter the desire to observe the absolute similarity. For me, the bull - a bull, but for Picasso - a subject that is required for expression. I follow the subject, with the form, and the talent of subordinates and the subject matter and the form of his thoughts, and he does not care meticulousness transfer details. " (Yulian Semyonov. "Seventeen Moments of Spring".)

However, the LSE itself rarely comes to this idea. Each type has areas where the advantages turn into disadvantages. FEL for a belief that any job he wants to perform well (the situation is even worse when he tries to impose his style of work, and others).

Professionalism - is the efficiency, reliability, responsibility

But what he can not take away - is the ability of a large number of existing methods perform the required work to find the most effective, and then in his hands and he can achieve perfection.

His achievements, he is willing to share with everyone, will not only keep them "for their use." And he says, repeatedly tested them on his experience: not completely refined, unverified information will not distribute.

If I make any document, I read it once, twice, three ...

Most FEL involves work in which the result can touch or even see. Rather, he is not a theorist, but a pragmatic, thorough practices. In work, as in life, value stability and sustainability. Only in these conditions so it can fine-tune the mechanism of practice that he would be as long as desired to operate normally, almost without requiring any intervention. But any sudden changes in the environment, the unpredictability of the situation adversely affect its performance. Innovation, entrepreneurship, risk - not quite his style. FEL conservative by nature.

Thanks to the professionalism of this type of people is easy (but not fast) rise through the ranks. The work they see a means to ensure a decent retirement. Most of the managers of state enterprises and organizations, academicians and corresponding members belong to this type. But if industries (especially nuclear) work best in a given mode, the stability of science goes sideways. While FEL will reach peaks of scientific career, it appears that his science has gone in the opposite direction, "forgetting" it on a roadside.

Everything I do, I do well

FEL whole being immersed in the reality of today, physically feeling it. It has a high sensitivity sensor, is able to get comfortable in any environment. Due to its sensorics he seeks not so much to the pleasant sensations, as to the care of the discomfort.

FEL requirements to their own appearance is not very high. These people are unpretentious, do not pretend to high fashion, and even more eccentric. They strive to be on top, but do not stand out. Clothing, for example, should be comfortable, practical, not vulgar, but prestigious. They are the regulars at the shops where the price of goods includes not only the quality but also prestige. But even more attention following the FEL neatness of his appearance.

Stain on clothes causes me physical discomfort.

FEL is able even in rainy weather, it is soaked clothing and dirty shoes. This is all due to the fact that he can clearly see the "dangerous" areas and carefully avoid them. I must say that he is attentive not only to the puddles on the road, he sees everything that gets in his field of vision.

Attentive to their own health (illness interfere with). If ill, he is treated normally, not really trusting the "so-called experts."

In its habits and behavior feels real aristocracy. He is serious about the impression of other people. For example, some members of this type are completely unacceptable in the street to buy a sandwich and then eat it.

People are watching!

One hundred ten percent of the merits of the FEL are embodied in the stereotype of the "English gentleman." But not all the advantages of the latter is in the FEL.

Emotions must ultimately be subject to the logic of

As much as he showed full confidence in their abilities and skills, there are areas where it is sometimes lost. In school years FEL comes to the conclusion that the emotional component of life, unfortunately, is quite important, and that without the ability to understand this issue he would not be able to take place as a full person. Then he begins to explore all the available facts as expressed by those emotions, they are appropriate in certain situations, and how they demonstrate. Learn that he will never stop, but defiantly do it will not be.

"Stirlitz returning home, idle for a long time near the mirror in the bathroom, practicing face like an actor. Scout, Stirlitz thought, we must learn to manage a person." (Yulian Semyonov. "Seventeen Moments of Spring".)

But "science" and he comes to matters of humor. Yevgeny Petrosyan, for example, likes to interview modestly boast achievements in the study of "all known methods of humor." Emotions, according to the FEL, a sort of dress uniform, designed for special occasions. At home, he allows himself to be himself, which, of course, he is only good.

Others need to know that it is characterized by an inability at the right time once discharged by negative emotions. Rather, he will crush them in yourself. But emotions are not going anywhere and do not dissolve (FEL insults do not forget), and will only accumulate until finally because of some little thing he not pull out in the form of strong emotional explosion in someone's address. And in this case, his "victim" may choose to military adage, "thoroughly understand, who is to blame and punish anybody!"

The happiest people on earth are those who can take liberties with time, no fear of the consequences

Time - the eternal problem of the trouble FEL. No matter how well it worked, if it did not have time to notice if it did not flow so fast, do not constantly reminded of himself, "but I will not!" Sometimes there FEL passionate but impossible dream: how to run it would be nice if you could stop time. So much work and so little time, always!

Especially his desire to do the job brings as carefully as possible. It happens that the teacher spends most of the free-electron laser at a couple of the students is spelled the title of the lecture and the plan (with all the commas and the correct placement of Roman and Arabic numerals), and then tried unsuccessfully to ten minutes to give all the material for up to two hours.

FEL but not in any way be customized and hurry! Any accusations that he is doing something wrong time, only lead to complications. It also can not be forced to wait for him being late to meetings, to sum to the terms. This he sees as a clear disrespect to him, almost as an insult. The very same can essentially be late even for a business meeting. All these problems are straining to deprive inner balance. Only the closest people FEL can afford to complain about fatigue of because of his problems.

He is not very easy to relax, constant inner tension sometimes exhausting it leads to poor health. Give yourself a break? But that would mean that he would have to postpone the urgent and important business, and a sense of duty often does not allow this. Sometimes it has to be almost forcibly torn away from the work and send the rest. At heart, it will only be grateful for that. But we must remember that he is unlikely to FEL complain tired or not feeling well, you need to be able to catch it in his tone and mood changes.

We have to live by equating the "I" and "you" - we are united in the human

FEL initially set to a very trusting, close, reliable and "human" relations with all people, more precisely, to the fact that everyone around him will be the most sincere location. He is so deeply convinced of that, he believes it is a matter of course. Suspicion, dishonesty, and the more sophisticated intrigue and deception takes not so much as a "stab in the back" from this, given the man, but as a betrayal of almost the entire world.

People of this type are naturally open and sincere, and only the hard experience of misunderstanding or even betrayed by others causes them to keep their distance. Faux pas (like the lack of ethics) and stupidity (like lack of business logic) in other people perceive FEL almost equally hostile. Just as he did not like and when a person is trying to "pose as" not what actually is, for example, to demonstrate the efficiency or feigned "toughness."

Even a slight deterioration of the relationship on the part of others perceived them painful. Interestingly, in this case, it can not determine why it was bad, "who is to blame" and "what to do". The harder it is to fix it yourself.

As for me, at this point I would like to have more reliable and sincere friends, who could come together and get closer as a "brother to brother" or "sister to sister."

In dealing with people (especially the older age or position) it attracts the opportunity to learn something from them, or, in his words, "to grow spiritually." Much more, he appreciates a friendship in which there is an element of collaboration.

In ethics, he goes to say the least, weak. Maybe for no reason at all easy "bryaknut" insulting remark or as a compliment that he will turn wild tactlessness. All of this comes from an elementary misunderstanding of ethical aspects of life.

Sometimes he behaves as if all aspects of the relationship between people (including those relating to him personally) must address anyone, except himself. This, in general, characterized by more for the young or not quite mature members of this type.

With age, the FEL gain experience in this field, because he was very pleased stories about human relationships, about good and evil, love and conscience.

Develop the innate instincts of a humanist vision, and realizing that the most important thing in life - it's all the same people, it is a real taste of life and its true meaning. Unfortunately, the word is very difficult to describe the feeling, but if it comes to the free-electron laser, it remains for life in itself is happiness.

I think I'm an optimist in life

Questions "what is what" and especially the "who's who" are of great interest for the FEL, but he did not understand this very well and prefers to use other people blanks. For example, people in many (but not all!) Estimates of their social status, Scientific and other powers. Believes every person admitted - so for good reason. Therefore, he would call in the early dating all their regalia and titles (all this is done, in general, quite politely).

Respectful to her and it is desirable to treat yourself to love. As this is not enough for many!

But what about the qualities of which do not give awards and titles? What to do with kindness, loyalty, honesty, and more - how to identify promising new class, if it is "too" new? When it comes to human qualities, for it may be enough authoritative opinion on who he trusts. If he wants to get a "good" for a new occupation, he must know the opinion of a large group of professionals knowledgeable in this matter (and even better - the view of the authorities).

I love the friends that I can not just talk, but also to get advice parting words to actions. And this is especially important!

By the way, the head of this type will not reprimand offending slave alone - usually at least one person, let it be a silent witness to this conversation (and best of all, according to LSE to do so in the presence of the team). However, this is not the desire to humiliate the man, quite the contrary! This is done to alleviate the plight of the offender; FEL subconsciously hoped that among the "audience" will be its dual EII, which may temper the severity of the situation, and then the slave can not hurt to understand the charges. In addition, it will be useful even "as an educational moment" for the whole team.

From people waiting for the FEL (and requires) that they fully trust his actions. The people of this type, in general, is not characteristic of intrigue, terribly subtle, in fact, in the case of acute conflict before they "war" is not only a formal warning saying this, but also try to give the enemy time once again to think about it - can , that still have the good sense to make a compromise?

In his youth, the FEL is not well understood himself. In principle, it is not particularly the way. Sometimes he tries to analyze your inner world, to understand what it represents as a person, but is still somewhere on the surface. With much pleasure, he would listen to someone's true story about yourself, your inner beauty and spiritual depth.

Read all about it!

FEL very respectful to the various areas of human knowledge, perhaps more than anyone else understands the need and importance of professional competence. This applies even to the little things - for example, he tries to use the correct terminology, even in the home. FEL quite easily recognized by the words that he uses only natural in any conversation. Already in the fifteen years he can not say "home" and "residence", not "old" and "elderly", not "rejoice", and "get satisfaction from life." This trait is very accurately describes his attitude to life - solid, concrete-logical, meticulous, precise and a little boring.

He knows a lot and are comfortable with facts and figures, but do not expect it to in-depth analysis of the facts. You can say that people tend to prefer this type of "just know", not "understand in general terms," ​​or the more "coming up." This is due to their vocation in sotsione: they seem designed to keep the accumulated experience of mankind, to use it for the benefit of people and transmit to future generations without any loss. Pretty good example of this - a phrase thrown teacher about his students: "He says I'm the original four-something came up!" This neglect "Che is" hidden deeper layer of neglect (or even safe) to any new ideas and suggestions.

The logic of the FEL is thorough and reliable, but not agile. To learn, and it more than others have to cram.

Any formulas and definitions trying to remember, because the most difficult to get them. However, in these matters somewhat arrogant and does not like to even veiled criticism of his logic and intelligence.

My home - my castle

Externally, the FEL can make an impression quite aggressive person. He would not mind "given orders", likes to demonstrate strength and constant readiness to use it, but in the collision, and even more so in a fight trying not to join. You can tell that from his fist as he suffers more table than "the enemy."

In situations that could result in "settling", and is trying to mobilize all fully control, although on the surface looks calm, even as it relaxed. If he is warned in advance of a possible crisis, it will decide on their actions, to calculate the possible options to protect and choose the most reliable.

Forewarned - forearmed.

His confidence in the force is mainly for protection against external aggression, and he tries to protect himself not so much as the people around him. He himself was very respectful of other people's property and not allow anyone to disparage their property and their rights. However, the LSE quite generous, even if it does not ask for it, to share with someone something his own. But if he asks nothing in return, it does not mean that he does not know how this service can be of benefit, at least in the form of "moral satisfaction."

Functional description

The first function: the business logic

Ability to perfect techniques of performance of any actions. High performance and productivity. Ability to establish smooth operation of any mechanisms, carefully align the methodology effectively guide the process. In any business can achieve maximum impact. Professionalism, preparation instructions, diligence, competence, orderliness.

The second function: sensory experiences

Developed a sense of the physical side of life. Ability to appreciate what is happening around. The desire to make the world a more convenient and comfortable. Caring for the physical comfort and well-being of loved ones. Neatness of dress, the importance of usability and functionality in the interior cleanliness.

The third function: the ethics of emotions

Demonstration of emotions "about the situation." Intentional emotional, learning and training methods displays of emotion. Uncertainty about the adequacy of the internal expression of their emotions. Sometimes mask "the boys", a long accumulation of grievances, strong emotional explosions.

The fourth function: the intuition of time

Inability to calculate the time required for a particular activity. Inability to meet the previously scheduled. The difficulties in predicting the possible development of the situation. Untimely actions, sometimes in the little things to spend more time than on the ground.

Fifth function: the ethics of relations

Very little understanding of the ethics of life. Huge latent interest in learning about morality and human relations. Uncritical perception of such information. Waiting for other assistance in the relationships between people. The belief that others will treat people the location and sympathy. Sometimes the subconscious resentment against life, if feels external vulnerability on this point.

The sixth function: Intuition opportunities

Poor understanding of the capacity and capabilities of people. Lack of ability to understand the perspective of new business. The desire to use only proven techniques from experience. Conservatism, thoughtful exploration of the world.

Seventh function: the logic of relations

Propensity for constant tacit analysis of relations between different objects and phenomena. Absolute confidence in the correctness of his conclusions. Willingness to explain to others the nature of their problems from a logical point of view. Complacency and inertia.

Eighth function: volitional sensing

Unobtrusive demonstration of physical strength. Fundamental unwillingness to act with a "position of strength" in the event of any problems associated with people. Heightened sense of their own and other people's property. Readiness to defend the rights of people. Willful refusal of pressure on people. Altruism, protection of the weak and generosity.