Socioscope LSI

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Socioscope descriptions
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

Logical Sensing Introtim (LSI, Maxim)

"Order above all."

In a questionnaire, one teenage student has expressed his likes and dislikes in the following way:

"What I like: 1) total control over my life 2) stability 3) a beautiful life 4) three things: cars, furniture, women. What I dislike: 1) people who try to show that they are better than others 2) unforeseen circumstances 3) when others try to analyze me 4) those who are not with me."

Logical sensing introtim. The closer you become acquainted with a person of this type, the more sharply his "black and white" philosophy is felt. LSI very clearly draws the line between "correct" and "incorrect" and "order" and "disorder" without leaving any gray areas.

Order - by force

Order for the LSI is raised to the status of an absolute value. Salt misplaced in the sugar jar or a misprint in a textbook are perceived as challenges to the authority of Order on the Earth.

Very early it comes to the conclusion that life - irreconcilable struggle of order with chaos. Chaos can assume many different masks - sloppiness, negligence, unconscientiousness, slackness, frauds… And only Order always has the only, eternal and unvarying shape. And [LSI] is called by fate precisely to establish it.

"I do not love, when they deceive by cunning, use cunning, when people do not answer my frankness sincerely. I do not love, when they conduct the dirty way of life (smoke, drink). I do not love, when people behave vulgarly, especially women. I cannot suffer illiterate speech or when “they champ” at the table. I love, when they dress with the taste. I feel awkward if I have no opportunity to dress in accordance with the situation. Linen must be perfectly clean, and each thing must take its constant place. Cheerless situations discompose me. If I see damp black ceiling upon waking up, my mood becomes spoiled immediately."

It does not distinguish semitones and ambiguity in the definition of “order - disorder”. Sometimes it seems that it is not capable to see the difference between the small deviation from the norm and its flagrant violation, perceiving both cases equally hostilely.

Everything must be in the system

Whatever beliefs [LSI], it is possible to be confident - it absolutely sincerely believes in their validity. (Whatever the beliefs LSI can be sure he is a strong believer in the truth.)

Personal well-being is never its central objective. Authority is necessary to it not so much for the satisfaction of ambitions, as it is for the implementation of the principles of order. It frequently sees the sense of its life as the great service to great idea.

It can be said that [LSI] lives not in the real world, but in the system, built on the basis of its conclusions about it. In his opinion, system - the only possible way of existence of the world. Everything must fit into it, and that which is not placed in it - must be ruthlessly cut off.

[LSI] cannot present itself out of the system any relations. It attempts to put personal interrelations into the system, since this makes possible for it more easily to be entered in the logical order of the so-called “order of things”. Its system is hierarchic, moreover it is built according to the principle “who more main”. According to its idea, everyone has its place in the system, by which man must be contented. It aspires to the construction of ideal system, which, in his opinion, must be eternal and unchanging (as its order). Basic values in it - authority, force, position.

"I like to force people to accept my point of view or act as I consider necessary, but in this case the person himself must not surmise about this."

Representatives of this type distinguish the active stand in life, the tendency to adhere to the established standards and standards. They see their destination in the propagation of the checked by them on their own experience norms of behavior. [LSI] believes that people should behave according to their position.

In the association it is held somewhat dryly, disciplined, it always fulfills the orders of those in a higher position. Famous German punctuality and industriousness - realization of precisely this principle.

The rights of people depend on their responsibilities to society

Perhaps, this is the most typical principle of [LSI]. To it it is complicated to understand that the concrete person represents, of what he is capable, his internal value and essence. Figuratively speaking, it meets people not so much “on the mind”, as “on clothing”, i.e., on the rank or on the position in the social system. The value of man is determined by the place, which [LSI] itself led to it in its system (“I do not respect those who are not with me”).

Who then must be more human? Of course in people, which occupy high-level posts.

From here one additional curious principle emerges:

The chief is always right

Essentially, this mirrors the previous principle. Once a man has been placed on the high post, it means that it possesses the appropriate qualities, deep knowledge and T. p. Consequently, all subordinates (possessing them regarding in the smaller measure) must obey their superiors. [LSI] himself is strictly subordinated to those who are situated above it in its system (although sometimes it can about itself “[povozmushchatsya]”), and expects total obedience from subordinates.

In doing so, it considers that the responsibility for everything lies on those, who return the orders (“I only carried out the order given to me”).

Everything that is not authorized is forbidden

According to this specific principle it separates correct from the incorrect, grains - from darnel. If it placed to itself for the rule to eat not more than one ice cream in the day, then no July heat will force it to step back from it, on top of that and it will try to forbid to those surrounding the second portion. It is equally exacting both to itself and to others.

In its work it is very precise and thorough, scrupulously studies everything which relates to the sphere of its activity. If we charge to it, it can prepare the solid report (although itself initiative in such matters does not display), in which, using convincing arguments, it will fully open the theme in question. It, however, completely rejects those facts, which do not fit into its system. Those worse for the facts!

In any business, practicality, expediency, and concrete benefit have major importance for it. He does not understand and condemns dreamers who advance projects that are beautiful, but torn from reality.

When [LSI] selects purpose, it begins to move to it systematically. It will not go astray and will not allow anyone else to do so. It does not change its decisions as a rule; it is uncompromising.

It divides off large tasks into several small segments and solves them one after another, never forgetting the end result. In its activity the crucial points are easily determined, but to the trifles it relates not less critically than to the main thing. All artists of this type separate thorough [vyrisovka] of components, [ocherchennost] of forms.

In the life the stability values, he tries to supervise all events surrounding it/entire proceeding all around. It admits almost nobody into its own world. But the more it erects “defensive installations” around itself, the stronger by this attracts close attention of other people.

The habit to express its thoughts maximally clearly now and then leads to the fact that in conversations, [LSI] gives out considerably more information about itself than it would like.

Seven “I” - order in everything

In private life [LSI] loves beautiful, expensive and practical things. It is accurate up to the sterility. It will not bear it when they take or even simply touch its things without permission.

House, family in the life [LSI] occupy very important place, have the unquestionable value for it. Many forces and concerns return to its relatives, their health and prosperity disturb it much more than their own. Practically always he tries to fulfill its duties (entrusted to it, however, with it by itself) completely, making this implicitly, it is independent of any external conditions.

[LSI] rarely complains of fatigue or indisposition. There are the cases, when the family learned about the severe illness of people of this type only after their death.

[LSI] in the family - this is, first of all, order. Domestic life is under his management, as a rule, subordinated to itself determined by it laws themselves and rules. Freedom of choice (as the freedom of speech) is dissipated at once, since it brings uncertainty and disturbance.

   “If we do not supervise, then nothing will be done at the proper level”.

The methods of control in [LSI] are sufficiently rigid, which frequently leads to the conflict situations. For the purpose of training consciousness, it will instructively explain the motives of this decision before punishing.

But if “educational moments” do not accomplish the desired result, then punishment will follow already without the warning.

Let the world crumble, but the law must prevail

[LSI] often seems harsh, sometimes even cruel. But this is often due to the fact that it badly sees the experiences of other people and their feelings. [LSI] cannot step back from/compromise its educational policy, because they are motivated by a genuine conceron for others. Moreover the nearer the distance in their interrelations, the stricter measure for action it will use.

He very uncomfortably feels itself in the society of people, behavior and judgments which can prove to be unpredictable for it. As a rule, it does not step back from its principles and habits.

Any manifestation of nonstandard behavior or individualism is unacceptable for it. In his opinion, this generates inequality in the interrelations as well as uncertainty and thus loosens its system. It is especially unbearable for [LSI] if this occurs in its family.

No one of the members of its family has a right to compromise [LSI] before the members of its system - by friends, the associates, the relatives. This with fraught serious “practical conclusions”.

It receives the break of family interrelations extremely painfully. It fears that others will learn about its failure in the construction of the system “family” and will condemn it. This situation is extremely heavy for it, up to the fact that it can even cease to control its behavior at some moment.

By however heavy for it its there were first relation itself with the husband, as a rule, to the break it it will not go; moreover, it will overpower itself and will try to find the possibilities of reconciliation. Unfortunately, it goes to this in the majority of the cases cannot be only if repaired already nothing.

In people of this type the uncommon and strong hobbies, to which they devote much effort and time, are frequent. They can be interested in some dead language, organ music, thoroughly study magic, genealogy of their kind and so on. These hobbies are not for display, but for itself.

Even at the teenage period [LSI] it begins to learn the ethical rules accepted in the society, the stereotypes of behavior, focuses attention on how it is necessary to behave and how to support conversation in various situations. He knows that the society considers this skill as the index of the level of its good breeding and culture. In this matter it usually capable student, and for it does not soon represent the labor to support ingenious conversation, to be gallant cavalier or pleasant lady in the company of equals.

To each his due

In his opinion, everyone should know their place and strictly adhere to it. The behavior of man, which does not correspond to his place in the society, deeply offends [LSI]. In that case, dementia is the only justification that it can think of.

It considers the skill to strictly adhere to its line as one of the most respected qualities in people.

In the people [LSI] extremely highly appreciates faithfulness and devotion. Its rods are high. Frequently even disagreement with its opinion or attempt of the person close to it to hide some thoughts and actions are perceived by it as the present treachery.

   “Some people run away from me, because they simply cannot appreciate what I propose to them, i.e., to be loyal friend only for this person”.

[LSI] - these are sequence, dedication, perseverance. But there is much more. Together with this in it come the sentimentality and trustfulness, painstakingly hidden from foreign eyes. Women -[LSI] are soft and more yielding. Rarely they go to the contact first, passively expecting initiative from others; but only they themselves will decide on what would be the minimum distance in communication. [LSI] skillfully know how to postpone themselves from man with an accuracy to of millimeter.

Perhaps, no one except for [EIE], can so fully satisfy the subconscious need in [LSI] for the sharp change of emotional sensations. And periodic emotional additional supply is as necessary to them as air.

With its dual [EIE], the bright and emotional person, it can bloom unusually vividly. Then it will not learn - restless joker, staggering interlocutor. It simply entire will begin to flicker by the rainbow of witticism and uncommon findings.

Functional description

First function: the logic of the relationships

Strong, confident logic. Systematic thinking. Skill to separate the main thing from the secondary. Scrupulousness in the study of facts, the skill to see the connection between them. Reduction of all into the system. Organization of structural order. Rationality, accuracy, systematization, consistency. Second function: volitional [sensorika]

Developed will power, confidence in its rights. Involvement of surrounding objects in its sphere of influence. Influence on people by volitional methods. Aspiration to make the world more secure. Lack of compromise, soundness, hardness, purposefulness. Third function: the ethics of the relations

Understanding the need to come into contact with different people. Desire to fully enter the existing system of relations. Training of politeness and courtesy in itself. Internal uncertainty in the propriety of its behavior. Attention to the experience of the dialogue of other people. Good breeding, gallantry. Fourth function: the intuition of the possibilities

A strong rejection of ambiguities and different interpretations of something. Incomprehension of special features and individual differences in the people. Unwillingness to be engaged in deep introspection. Categorical nonacceptance of the analysis of its qualities and possibilities from the side of other people. Unwillingness to evaluate the abilities of strangers. Painful experience of the unknown and uncertainty. “Black and white” evaluation of any facts, the estimation of people not according to the content, but according to the form. Fifth function: the ethics of the emotions

Constant and subconscious expectation of additional emotional supply. Thrust to the vivid, dramatic emotions and experiences. Need for the change of emotions. Inability to cope with their negative emotions. Difficulty in disengaging themselves from depression. Sentimentality, is convinced by emotions. Sixth function: the intuition of the time

Passive desire to fill its life with significant and bright events. Weak foresight of the development of a situation. Life “according to the timetable”. Seventh function: the business logic

Non-demonstrative efficiency. High working capacity. Attention to “no-address” business recommendations. Unshakable confidence in its rightness. Readiness to give efficient advice. Obstinacy, leads the matter to the end. Eighth function: [sensorika] of the sensations

Subconscious attention to the smallest trifles of way of life. Concern about comfort and health of close people. Fight with the unhealthy habits in other people. Force of sensory action. Reserves last word after itself in questions of way of life. It will not bear intervention in its orders. Aesthetics of force and order.