EII Profile by Gulenko

From Wikisocion

Type descriptions by Gulenko
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

General description

Two of EII's main distinguishing qualities are an interest in human values and a developed capacity for compassion. The EII tries to maintain stable, well-wishing, and friendly relations with others. She listens to people, alleviates their emotional stress, reconciles arguments while remaining objective. Readily helps those who turn to her for support. Prefers not to focus attention on her offenders and ill-wishers and accumulate ill memories.

Although the EII is usually tolerant and accommodating, she won't forgive betrayal and injustice. Negatively views any sort of coercion, counters it with stubbornness and patience. Good at seeing and bringing up omissions in new undertakings. Notices and uncovers human vices, but formulates her findings as general tactful statements.

Prefers a quiet, stable, measured rhythm of life. Dislikes crowds, loud declarations. In performing her work, the EII is conscientious and meticulous, though she may be slow in operation. Demonstrates diligence, endurance, and discipline. She is able to make herself do more than what others expect of her. For implementation she often needs detailed instructions on how to do a particular job.

The EII is emotionally keen and impressionable, and disapproves of insensitivity and harshness. She is unable to coerce and pressure others to do something, and dislikes showing this kind of assertiveness. However if she is pressured herself, she can deliver a sharp rebuke. At times, she is unsure of herself and loses initiative. Strongest form of her punishment is a complete disregard of the person. Others can take advantage of her because she finds it difficult to turn them down.

Detailed description

The EII keenly discerns what kind of relationships exist between other people. She knows who does and doesn't get along with whom. However, she is not as adept at correctly discerning the attitudes directed towards herself i.e. in what regard others hold her, due to which she may suffer by being too gullible. The EII values honesty and basic sense of decency in human relations. She does not forgive treachery and betrayals and will break off all relations with those who have seriously let her down. However, she may forgive her offenders if they sincerely repent and ask for her forgiveness. In general, she tries to maintain stable and friendly relations with everyone. When she is interacting with others at a distance, she is distinguished by gentleness and precaution in communication. Endowed with the gift of generosity. Her goodwill she shows by supportive deeds rather than by lofty words and loud declarations.

EII feels most comfortable in a small, familiar company. Shows concern for the feelings and moods of people around her, readily sympathizes, if necessary cheers them up and comforts them. She knows how to listen to a person, how to sympathize with her or her, how to alleviate their emotional pain and stress. Her own experiences shares only with those who are close to her. Internally, she is emotionally strained and nervous. Although she is able to control her own emotions, occasionally she needs to have an emotional release. In such instances, she loses control and may breaks out in anger and indignation at her friends and relatives, accusing them of selfish motives, lies and indifference.

The EII has an eye for all that is novel and unusual. She strives to discover various implicit relationships between concepts, people, objects, doctrines and theories usually of general and humanistic nature. Like no one else she understands the impact of ideas on people's lives. Loves learning and educating herself. Appreciates friendly exchange of opinions and news, which creates an atmosphere of trust and respect for the position of another person. Supports mutual understanding in groups.

She is perceptive of people's potential and able to uncover and develop their talents and abilities. Often has an innate talent for teaching and educating. Treats children as adults and encourages them to be independent and to acquire skills necessary for adult life. Able to orient in the most difficult life situations. People turn to her for advice to confirm that there exists a possibility of what they wish for or what they fear.

Impressionable and emotionally responsive, dislikes insensitivity in communication. Unable to force anyone to do anything against their will, and may respond sharply to any attempts to influence her by coercion and brute force. In such situations the EII flares up, and explicitly and poignantly expresses her negative attitude. Becomes very irritated and disturbed when she has to deal with those who oppose her. Although she feels very nervous in extreme situations, she pulls herself together and acts decisively, especially if the situation touches dear to her people. A wave of emotion rolls over her when the situation is over.

The EII better than others anticipates the ripening of conflicts. She draws attention to negative emotions in others and expresses her disapproval, but is unable to discharge the atmosphere and prevent these conflicts from happening. Very sharply experiences any dramatic and negative events in the lives of other people, even if they aren't related and didn't directly involve her.

Assesses her appearance critically. Does not like it when someone imposes on her what to wear or how to look, although appreciates approval and advice regarding how she looks. Avoids bright clothing that makes her stand out. Her mood is highly dependent on her state of physical well-being. When she is surrounded by inconveniences and unpleasant environment, if she is sick or uncomfortable, her spirits fall and she gets taken in by pessimism. If people who are close to her become sick, she will take care of them, but needs for this to be acknowledged and understood, otherwise she may feel offended although she won't say anything.

Knows how to make herself be disciplined and operative. Conscientious, even though she can be slow in carrying out her work. Meticulous, demonstrates attentiveness in dealing with details. Adheres to her commitments. Works calmly, without noise. Tries to objectively understand the situation, analyzes facts without emotion. However, finds it difficult to express her understanding in analytic language. In a formal setting is usually somewhat reserved. Does not like to show her attitudes among unfamiliar public. Resolves difficult problems due to her ability to be patient.

Cannot sit still and idle about when others are doing something. Doesn't need to be motivated to action - the best way to inspire her to do some work is on personal example. Experiences real pleasure from partaking in well-organized projects. Chooses a partner who inspires her to useful activity, and not the one who would shield her from dangers and take away responsibilities. Likes it when someone else helps her to rationally arrange her activities, her household and office, thus eliminating any useless expenditures of efforts. Appreciates advice regarding the use of various household items. There is no need to give her long introductions to what she is doing; she will easily find the needed information herself. The main thing is that she has all the supplies already at hand. Has a tendency to over-work herself and work extra hours. Grateful to those who take care of her, who can alleviate her stress and tensions, who are attentive to her rest and health.

She lives her life and works at a measured pace. Dislikes prolonged delays or rushing too much ahead. Finds it difficult to adapt to a new working rhythm. Intolerant of empty expenditures of time. Will not wait for or tolerate someone who is irresponsible. She herself is usually punctual and strives to complete her assigned work by the deadlines. Easily spares her time for productive work. Evaluates how much effort has been invested by the quantity of time that has elapsed. Knows how to estimate how much time should be spent on a task or on given person. Draws a line between professional activities and leisure time. Does not like talkative people who devote too much time to discussing trifling issues. Tries not to distract others from their activities by empty and minor inquiries.

Manner of communication

The EII likes to watch people, assessing the emerging relationships, and later joining the conversation. Himself is not inclined to initiate. Certain sharpness, touchiness, resentment, inherent to the EII, especially of ethical subtype, make him not very comfortable in communication. His didactic or moralizing tone, his monotone voice, quench any playful and happy mood, orient people at more serious considerations, as if forcing them to think about all the bad things that happen in this world. The most characteristic feature of this sociotype notable in communication - is his "confessionality". People often turn to him for advice and consolation in difficult periods of their life, pouring out their souls. The EII doesn't push such people away but is ready to listen to them for as long as is necessary, giving words of consolation. His own personal time he does not consider while at this. Tries to sort out and understand everything objectively, impartially, putting emotions aside. After this he logically leads a person to the necessary conclusion. Due to his inflexible position, he is sometimes perceived as a naive, incapable of living like everyone else person by people around him. He indeed has difficulty with being crafty, with adapting his position to others or playing the necessary role per the situation.

Features of behavior

One feature of EII's behavior that helps to identify this sociotype - is readiness to be of help to people close to him, with his care shown not only by words but also by deeds. This is especially true of people who have gotten into difficult life situations. The EII often tries to mediate between people. He as if puts himself between the warring parties and attempts to keep good relations with everyone involved, by which he often draws fire to himself from both sides. Cannot pressure people, shout at them, goad them to activity by means of aggression. His punishment is completely ignoring a person. The person won't be noticed for as long as they don't admit their guilt and ask for forgiveness. Another feature of EII's behavior is conscientiousness in performing a particular task. The EII does everything thoroughly, with high quality. He can sit still and study or work for a long time. Sensitive towards organization and order. Cleans his home, carefully folding things together (women). Likes to live as a leisurely, measured pace of life. Tries to prepare and do his research in advance. Can generally be relied upon. Does not like to stand out. When others work, he also works side-by-side. If others are resting and sitting about, he also rests. Cannot spend a long time in an isolated, confined space.


The most reliable characteristic which allows to identify EII sociotype by appearance - is a dispassionate face. The classic features of his appearance resemble the faces of saints and martyrs from ancient icons. EII's nose is often straight and elongated, not protruding much above the plane of the face. The face itself is usually of the correct oval shape and may show notes of suffering. His face never shows any boisterous positive emotions. It can only smile. At a distance, the expression on EII's face seems to show a silent reproach towards everything negative that is happening around him. The same is expressed in the tone of his voice. The ethical subtype of EII usually has a thin, ascetic figure. Movements are sharp, quite mobile. For EIIs of intuitive subtype, the figure is often full and flabby, with somewhat awkward movements. The facial characteristics for intuitive subtype deviate from the canonical model. EII's gait has the following peculiarity: his feet don't get lifted far from the ground, moving almost parallel to the floor. Due to taking small steps his gait appears festinating. In the way the EII dresses there are observable extremes. On the one hand, he doesn't like to stand out and prefers a modest but tasteful look (ethical subtype). On the other hand, he can dress up very brightly, showily, following the fashion trends. The latter is typical for EII of intuitive subtype.

As a subordinate

Well versed in human relationships. Strives for self-improvement and erudition. Shows interest in topics of ethical and general nature. Takes notes of the abilities, talents, and potential of other people. Shows understanding and tolerance. Can go for a compromise to maintain harmony. Responsive and attentive. Accepts people for who they are, with their weaknesses, and does not try to change them by force. Stable and persistent in her affections. With understanding refers to the feelings and turbulent emotions of others. Offers emotional support, but if that does not work will patiently wait until the person calms down on her or her own. Likes aforethought, care, and thoroughness in everything. Scrupulous in her work. Operative, conscientious, punctual. Strives to adhere to principles of humanity and justice.

Problem areas
Impressionable and vulnerable. Easily becomes unnerved and unstable in stressful situations. With difficulty tolerates being misunderstood and conflict. Poorly tolerates loneliness, needs attention of her friends and relatives. Very meticulous, does not like to burden others with her requests. Becomes bogged down by the details of her work, thus often overworking herself. Has difficulty assessing the quality of her work and the time she has spent on it. Trusting to the point of being gullible, which she comes to regret later when someone abuses her kindness. Quite self-sufficient. Can be phlegmatic in her behavior. Does not venture into what doesn't concern the scope of her interests.

From EII one cannot demand and expect:

  • Enterprising spirit and initiative in production;
  • Decisive, resolute behavior in emergency situations;
  • High state of mobilization;
  • Quick completion of work that doesn't inspire much interest in her;
  • Organizational skills.

Recommended occupations: Educational work with young people, psychotherapy, work in theoretical and humanitarian spheres, photography and digital arts.

As a supervisor

A representative of this sociotype is usually a positive and patient individual. It would be difficult to envision her manifesting turbulent emotions. In all cases, she is somewhat reserved, becoming, having an impassive expression on her face, which can be misleading concerning her feelings. In actually, she is able to feel and empathize deeply. Hervattention is turned to ethical issues. Adherence to her inner ethical framework becomes the definitive factor in the aims of her actions.

A person claiming the role of an educator must be oriented at universal human values, have strong convictions, be patient and persistent. These qualities are inherent to the "Humanist" in function of a manager.

A person of this type is set to resolve strategic objectives. Solving problems concerning production for her is inextricably linked to establishing and maintaining positive relations with others. She is well versed in people's emotional bonds, notices personal qualities of people, and on this basis accurately predicts the state of psychological climate in her group. Very much appreciates a supportive emotional environment in which she can work productively.

Not inclined to leadership, but in certain cases can take on the role of the front leader. Not capable of establishing and maintaining a hierarchical structure. Her relations to another person is shaped not by their official status, but according to EII's own value judgments. Therefore, she finds it difficult to establish relations with colleagues and superiors whom she disrespects. This leads her to experience inner discomfort and reduces her productivity. However, regardless of experienced feelings (sympathies and antipathies) she tries to deduce an objective assessment of relations. In communication adheres to social norms and rules of etiquette.

In discussing various topics and issues, EII pays attention even to the smallest details. Express her thoughts and follows the conversation in sequential manner. EII doesn't force her opinions, rather acts by method of discussion and persuasion. In the event of a conflict in negotiations, she doesn't resort to volitional methods to pressure her partner. Her two main types of behavior are adaptation and compromise.

This type of business activity is not appropriate for highly competitive and unstable environments. Therefore, EII's style of management is extremely rare in the spheres of material production and resource creation. Her style of supervisor-educator is most suited to the activities in service sector, as well as in artistic and humanitarian fields.

Main characteristics:

  • Not inclined to claim leadership, but in some cases can act as front leader.
  • Establishing business contacts she focuses on personal factors.
  • Activity is focused on foresight, in advance discussion and precaution.
  • The system of interaction with colleagues is based on mutual recognition and adoption of certain values.
  • In behavior is likely to compromise. Respectful of hierarchy.
  • Identifies and cultivates talents, potential and abilities of team members.
  • Style of management generally abides by accepted ethical and professional standards of conduct.
  • Motives and purpose: benevolent, prosperity within her ethical standards.

Working conditions

Optimal conditions for EII is when she can calmly and safely do something she likes independently from others. She is ill-suited for jobs that require quick solutions to urgent problems and work in emergency atmosphere. For this reason, EII may become the "scapegoat" in work teams where there is a need to rapidly and effectively generate concrete results. Instead of quickly and accurately handling concrete tasks, she tends to overcomplicate the problem, Her favorite state is an unfocused hypothetical reflections on the topics of being and life. If EII is one of your employees or co-workers, you are unlikely to get her to do something by rude pressure. She will simply withdraw into herself and will feel upset or offended for a long time. Therefore it is best to assign her with some specific task, which isn't key in the whole sequence of the project, and let her quietly work on it. You can increase her productivity by creating all conditions her needs for work in advance and surrounding her with attentive care. If you want her to do something accurately and on time, send her clear instructions in advance, instruct her about all the necessary actions, and then be sure to check that she has done everything. When interacting with the EII remember that this type of person is not very practical and favors mercy and compassion. She can readily assist someone who has requested for it even to her own detriment. If you can shield and protect her from such activities and orient her towards more pragmatic attitude, this will optimize your interaction.

Recommendations for self-improvement

Your strength lies in a deep understanding of people's values and relationships. You are interested in the motives of actions, personal and soulful qualities of others, their relations, which you can spend a lot of time watching and analyzing. After prolonged study and observation, you come closer to defining a person's character: who she really is and not how she presents herself.

You aim to create warm and friendly relations with others. Advocate against cruelty and abusive behavior. This reflects your humanistic orientation. For this quality you are valued and respected by others. Your knowledge and experience with people and relations will always help you find your place on any team. Your other advantage that earns you the favor of others: emotional sensitivity, kindness, ability to sympathize, listen, and care for other people. You try to show your attitude in deeds, not just words. Not sparing time and effort, you are ready to help anyone who needs it.

The ultimate goal of your words and actions is creation of a positive, harmonious atmosphere in which others can develop their talents. You are good at comforting and mediating. You prefer not to focus on the negative actions, faults, flaws and wrongdoings of others. Instead you try to make them think about the moral foundation of their actions, the moral values of their lives, and exert influence on their conscience.

The main problem that worries you is your lack of resoluteness and assertiveness, inability to make demands of others in direct and willful form. There is a measure of caution and timidity that is inherent to your approach to some extent. You are emotionally sensitive to others and don't want to seem obtrusive.

You are prudent, undemanding, modest and cooperative. When you have been challenged, you don't always respond right away but prefer to conceal your grievances. You can protect those who are close to you, but don't readily do engage in this. You think that your offender needs to realize her mistakes and repent. If she does not, you avoid having contact with her.

A recommendation for you: develop your ability to defend yourself, directly express your grievances, do not show mercy towards those who take advantage of you and did not repent, don't allow yourself to be used for anyone's personal gain. Learn to say "no". Empathize less with strangers and pay more attention to people who are close to you.

Another one of your problems: careful and overly meticulous analysis of any issue, topics, or task down to the last detail, which slows you down and decreases your effectiveness. You may get bogged down by minor details of life and of your work. Then you hardly find time for rest and recreational activities in the company of your friends, which can negatively affect your health. You thoroughly and deeply analyze everything about a topic or issue that concerns you. The results of such an analysis are not always satisfactory, due to which you can feel sad and demotivated. You feel depressed by anything that goes beyond the scope of harmonious personal values and good human relations.

Don't be misled by your pity, as to not later feel ashamed of your actions and words and reprimand yourself in retrospect. Remember that true justice does not allow for compromises with conscience.

Accelerate the pace of your productive activities, focus your attention such that it slips by minor details and stops only on the main parts and the essentials. Try to teach yourself speed reading - it will help you learn to see the overall picture of the phenomenon or event. When analyzing a subject or particular field, don't strive to disambiguate and clarify everything. Strive to see the general picture. Knowledge of general norms and rules will relieve you from unnecessary waste of nerves and efforts on aspects that are of little consequence or interest to anyone.

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