LIE Profile by Gulenko

From Wikisocion

Type descriptions by Gulenko
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

General description

The LIE (ENTj) is an enterprising person who can literally "light up" with what he's doing. He is given to innovation - takes notice of new ideas and theories and aims to find them a practical application. Active and restless, often interested in travel and active types of sport: hiking, climbing, running. Loves nature, endows it with a special meaning. Always know what his is aiming for and explains this goal to those around him.

He boldly experiments, disproving ordinary notions. Not afraid to take risks, relying on his intuitive foresight to orient in various situations. Often he is endowed with a rich imagination and is able to come up with the most unusual ideas. Distinguished by having intellectual interests in various fields. A good inventor, experimenter, and technician. Seeks to act in advance, because he knows that tomorrow will be too late.

Optimistic, possesses a good sense of humor. His jokes, however, are not always appropriate. Experiences problems with reliability of human relations. Because of his lack of discernment in making contacts, he can be pulled into questionable ventures. Restless, talks a lot without paying attention to lack of time.

Does not assign much importance to order and comfort around him. Nature usually endows him with health and stamina, which he is committed to support by various methods. He does not tolerate idle pastime, due to which he cannot relax even during vacations. He is not very much worried about the outer appearance, if only his plans and goals do not suffer.

Detailed description

LIE is very perceptive of positive possibilities of new projects and undertakings. He knows how to turn things around so that they bring him tangible benefits. Criticizes those who, from his point of view, are engaged in useless theories. Adventurous, easily takes off at any moment. Often takes up dynamic types of sports - running, hiking, climbing, etc. Not afraid to travel and to change his place of residence. Bravely forwards objective proposals and presses for their implementation. If the possibilities of the project have been exhausted, quickly changes direction and switches to something new. Takes care of his finances and if he has a sum of money tries to keep it turning over, playing on the price differences. Tries to concentrate the levers of material interest in his hands.

LIE intuitively captures the main trends that develop over time. He is not afraid to take risks, relying on his intuition. He is proactive and tries to act in advance, because he knows that tomorrow it will be too late. LIE is usually one of the first people to take advantage of new technologies and methods of organization. In his thoughts, he is constantly referencing the past, analyzing past events and drawing lessons from them for the future. LIE is attempting to find the basic laws of life and fate by analyzing that has occurred over time. He is interested in all the unusual and mysterious phenomena. He tries to test them, to find their rational basis.

An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

Can live and work in conditions of discomfort and lack of amenities. Nature usually endows him with stamina and good health. Not picky about food and design of the his living space. Little worried about his appearance. Has a tendency to wear the same clothing once he has gotten used to it. Dresses up only when it's likely to have an impact concerning his personal or professional relationships. Positively relates to those who relieve him from having to take care of day-to-day matters and routine chores. Dislikes those who hide behind their weakness and poor health. Behaves carelessly, may be frivolous by nature. A time falls to extreme in relation to bad habits: either he openly engages and flaunts them, or he actively counters and fights against them. These extremes apply to his sexual life.

LIE interacts with other people at close psychological distances. Democratic. Predisposed towards positive attitude and friendliness on his territory. Feels relaxed in an atmosphere of warm, sincere, soulful communication. One should settle disagreements with him in an informal atmosphere, first persuading him of good intentions. He is much in need of reliable, stable human relations. Due to his inability to immediately recognize falsity can allow himself to get drawn into poor company and questionable enterprises. Appreciates reliable, time-tested friends. Usually aware that he can be too insensitive and inattentive in relation to others and is wary of this trait in himself. Ruining his relations with someone searches for methods to make amends. To this end, gives gifts or shows a particular concern for his partner.

Becomes active in extreme situations. Able to stand up for himself. Rejects emotional pressuring. He is directed by the desire to direct, to lead, to achieve his goals using other people to this purpose. However, he is adept at directing only those who are of the same mind as him. In moments of emotional uplifts, he feels himself a strong personality, capable of resolving any problems. However, if he doesn't find emotional support, his fighting spirits quickly dwindle. Bold in romantic matters. Enjoys some measure of competition. Venturesome and persistent if he is being turned down and resisted. Likes to throw a challenge. A life that is calm, even, and unemotional makes him soft, clumsy, and ridiculous.

Does not attach much importance to things being orderly around him. Among the scattered things he will always find what he needs. Monitors operative discipline and compliance with the projected plans. However, he is usually not effective in regulating and controlling processes. Obstinate in his understanding of the situation or problem. Predicts future development of events too mechanistically, due to which his optimistic plans often fail. Either usually a supporter of one strict system, deriving all the possible consequences from this same system, or, conversely, does not structure information at all, giving in to an arbitrary, random sequence.

It is difficult to him to tolerate situations where there are no solutions, hopelessness and futility. Takes up any activity with enjoyment only when he is confident of its success. Likes to test himself at various activities. Thus often changes hobbies, profession, place of work, etc., until he finds what he is looking for. Curious. Often acts contrary to what is expected of him. He likes to experiment, to follow the unbeaten path, to fill the role of an inventor or explorer. Wholly gives himself to his favorite occupation. Vain. If his abilities are not appreciated, he inclined to put himself in opposition and contrast with others.

Manner of communication

The surest sign of LIE's manner of communication that makes it easy to notice this sociotype - is the manifestation of sly humor, love of making jokes, often with sexual undertones (usually for LIE males). The slyness of LIE's jokes is due to the fact that they have a certain ambiguity, double entendre nature to them, and can be interpreted in various ways. Another side of LIE's humor is irony. He has a tendency to ridicule and mock the opinions of his opponent, sometimes even making fun of and mocking the person rather than his views. May insert replicas and comments at unexpected moments, by which often he often makes other people laugh. Easily comes into contact with persons who are of interest to him. In communication always keeps at close distances. The LIE considers any ideas or proposals from point of view of their usefulness and application. Seeks to obtain actual returns. Strives for pragmatism. Likes to discern, figure out, check everything for himself. Very distrustful of any kind of mysticism and irrational phenomena: biofields, karma, telepathy, ufos, etc. Likes to direct and manage, gives directives and guiding statements indicating what should be done and when. Calls and appeals to use everything that is the most forward-going in the given field. American type of businessman.

Features of behavior

Among the peculiarities of LIE's behavior notable is his ability to "light up" with some project or undertaking. When the LIE wants to get engaged in something, he forgets about everything else. Starts with small things and switches to something larger - his interest circle is constantly expanding. Due to his restlessness and curiosity he often experiments. Gets involved in issues that were taken up by others, but not resolved. His logic works well when he is in the process of searching. By his behavior he may exert pressure on other people, be obtrusive, demand things from them. At times, he is quarrelsome, demonstrating a willingness to fight when words are not enough for him to prove his correctness. Distinguished by "cowboy" methods. His actions at times run ahead of his analysis of the situation (especially true of logical subtype of LIE). In a dangerous to his life situation, he mobilizes all the forces of his body. Very life-loving and enduring. Men of this type are often interested in trekking, hiking, climbing, running long distances. Inclined to have some fun, get involved in various adventures. Behaves himself as a carefree and careless person. Doesn't think about the long-term consequences of his actions. In such moments, doesn't bother himself with observing moral and ethical norms.


Figuring out whether a person belongs to this sociotype can be done by LIE's distinctive gait. While walking the LIE slightly "bounces" - rolls from heel to toe, so that the foot of the leg that is behind ends up being at a large angle to the ground. However, this feature applies only to LIEs with enhanced logical component. The intuitive subtype of LIE has no such distinction. The intuitive subtype of LIE often has a more well-set full figure than the logical subtype, whose figure is more of a rectangular shape, the "logical shape". LIE's gaze is nimble and agile, his eyes dart around and rotate back and forth, not stopping on anything for a long time. He doesn't like looking into the eyes of another person. Intuitive detachment occasionally appears in his look: at times he stares to the side or at the ceiling, intuitively distancing from current events. LIE's lips are full and prominent, especially in an the intuitive subtype. He shows the always ready to appear, "American-style" wide open smile - the smile of "one of the guys" who is open to everyone. LIE's external appearance is often somewhat disheveled and disharmonious, blatantly unkempt for male representatives. It looks like this person has just returned from a trip or a campaign. This manifests stronger for the logical subtype. In his dressing style, especially of male representatives, sometimes there are combinations of items that are incompatible in common sense, such as sweat pants and a jacket from the suit. There is also a tendency to wear same clothing for long periods of time.

As a subordinate

Very dynamic, agile, energetic and active person. Keenly aware of the pressure and requirements of time. Considers it to be unacceptable to fall behind. A hard worker, with pleasure takes on projects that he considers to bring benefit. Curious, interested in innovations that can be applied into practice. Well versed in pragmatic matters and business activities. Is able to see whether some undertaking or enterprise is beneficial and profitable or not. Brings up unusual ways of increasing efficiency. Can take risks in business activities. Strives for clarity and maximum definiteness in everything. Does not like to act blindly, without preparation. Plans his activities in advance. Often presents himself as a sponsor and a patron of the arts. Can live in uncomfortable conditions if it is necessary. Even if he is facing hardships he next to never complains. Emotional, fidgety, restless. Optimist, constantly exudes friendliness. An active supporter of an active and healthy lifestyle.

Problem areas
Not everyone can withstand his saturated daily regime that he is also inclined to introduces changes to in an arbitrarily manner, by this imposing his own rhythm to those around him. Usually he is involved in so many matters that he does not get everywhere in time. Often builds far-reaching but poorly thought-out plans. Can take excessive and unjustified risks. Often he is the first to hop onto all the questionable undertakings. Very talkative, loves to talk and discuss what he has read and heard. Does not like when his appearance is paid too close attention, and at the same time can dress rather carelessly. Impatient by nature, thus can be negligent in details, in filling out business documents, in any try to work what requires rigor and thoroughness. Usually has "creative clutter" both at home and at his workplace. In matters of principle for him is firm and unyielding. Sometimes allows tactlessness, rude humor. Reluctant to visit doctors.

From LIE one can not demand and expect:

  • Balance and measured pace in making decisions;
  • Thoroughness in routine tasks;
  • Order at home and at his workplace;
  • Always a tidy and neat appearance;
  • Sense of tact, emotional and psychological intuition.

Recommended types of activity: LIE best realizes himself in innovative fields that require an open mind and creative approach to business, as well as ability to adapt theoretical developments to practice. May be a good inventor and rationalizer. Given the high tempo of his work and mobility, he is recommended highly dynamic types of work that require frequent travel and trips. People of this type are usually not afraid of commercial risk, so they can be trailblazers and pioneers of new enterprises. They can engage in a variety of work, if it is interesting, challenging, and does not require special meticulousness.

As a supervisor

A person of type "Entrepreneur" has an open character. A positively predisposing half-smile is often playing on his face, inviting other people to a conversation. He easily enters into contract with a person who has interested him. Given to make jokes and ironic comment. Cheerful, energetic, and pragmatic person.

Any player tries to express himself in a game, obtaining satisfaction from the process and achieving some result (winning). This trait is very significant for supervisor-player, who considers his work in particular and business life in general to be a kind of a game. He likes to take risks, but with prior calculation. Not afraid to invest resources and efforts into innovative enterprises. Focuses on the future prospects, not expecting immediate returns. Tries to use every chance so works on many fronts, hoping for a major return in the future. The driving motivation of such activity is the motive of acquiring fame as the winner.

Difficulties that he encounters on his path he takes calmly, as a matter of fact occurrence. He is a born entrepreneur. Inclined to change a few professions and occupations within his lifetime. He seeks to work things out and understand them for himself. Goal-oriented, purposeful and tireless. Does not respect or accept authority of people who lead their lives according to the pleasure principle and strive to achieve the desired results without stress.

LIE does not accumulate money or assets, instead seeks to put them immediately into action. Better realizes himself as an entrepreneur than as a consumer. Tries to derive benefit and profit where others do not see them. Is adept at calculating and seeing free zones in the market that are open to enterprise. Anticipates emergence of new needs, which will generate demand in the future and takes advantage of them. In a bureaucratic society, the activity of this sociotypes faces numerous obstacles and limitations.

LIE seeks to analyze the facts that are relevant to his project. Listen to new ideas and proposals. He is interested in those spheres of ​​business where theory connects to practical reality. Inclined to experiment. Wants to know what happens if one takes a non-standard step. Organizes his experiments in such a way as to detect conflicts, contrasting differences, alternative lines of development. Contrasts the results of the experiment with the accepted notions.

LIE is able to take risks, relying on his intuitive foresight of the outcome. Despite the fact that most of his investments fall through and don't earn any returns, he is sure that some of their share would be aimed at the growth industry in the future and will repay the invested capital. Is able to dramatically change his direction of approaching his target, which makes him unpredictable for his competitors.

He does not like to waste his time and idle pastimes. Acutely feels and regrets every missed opportunity. Can effectively live and work only when he is on the move and constantly updated. Enemy of stagnation and conservatism. His type of behavior is not received positively by everyone, because it breaks the established rhythm and order of things. LIE does not adjust to anybody. His pace of life can be endured only by a person who does not lose self-control under any circumstances.

Main characteristics:

  • Can adequately function as a frontal leader.
  • In establishing business contacts focuses on objective criteria.
  • Form of business activity is varied: shows ability for clear calculations and decisions, as well as foresight. Capable of willfully overcoming obstacles. Impatient with bureaucracy.
  • The system of interaction with employees is based on stimulating their interest: rewards those who contribute to the success and punishes those who obstruct it.
  • Collaborating type of behavior. If necessary, can successfully participate in competitive actions and projects.
  • Reaches significant productive results through enterprise, orientation at new technologies, accounting for objective factors.
  • Close to moral style of management, but by necessity can take any style.
  • Motives: to get satisfaction from the work process. The main objective - to achieve great result and distinguish himself from others.
  • Strategy: freedom of management, maximum attention to production, new technologies, human resources.

Working conditions

The incentive for this sociotype is the striving for uniqueness. His work should provide opportunities to be creative, to experiment and innovate. LIEs also love to learn everything that sooner or later may prove to be helpful to his project. Therefore, if you often send him to seminars, workshops, conferences, training courses and retraining, he will be satisfied and interested in his work. In working with representatives of this type, one should take into account their lack of love for the careful, routine work. Try to exclude it from the scope of his duties, as well as any work related to the painstaking filling out of the documents. In listening to risky proposals of LIE, one should exercise some caution and clarify whether there are sufficient resources in place for such activities and who will finance them. It is a good idea to also ask what kind of people are supporting him (often his entire "team" is he himself). If he urges you to act immediately, otherwise it will be too late - pay attention to this, because LIE has good sense for timeliness of action. However, act basing on the principle "measure seven times, cut once" as often the business activity of LIE is so large that can grow into pointless fussiness. People of this type tend to do a little bit more than what was expected of them, involving all those around him into a feverish hustle. If he gets excited, showing impatience and intolerance of those who work slower, this should be taken calmly and smoothly, in friendly manner showing understanding and support for his difficulties. And if you are also going to assist his endeavors, at the same time keeping him away from overly risky expenditures and actions, your productive interaction is guaranteed.

Recommendations for self-improvement

Your forte is active entrepreneurship. You start on a new venture or project with much enthusiasm, not sparing your efforts in achieving results.

You are a person of practical and pragmatic bent who knows how to direct and orient any theory or idea to practical use. You take an active part in the implementation of new technologies into life. You do not waste your time on minor things. You are particularly attracted to large scale goals and projects.

You can be called a person action, since you do not put off the implementation of your decisions for too long. You quickly and without delays assimilate into a new job or project and try to bring it to fruition. You are an optimist who believes in the success of any venture that you have started. You willingly share your plans with others, enjoy to try yourself in various spheres of activity, freely take risks, and readily overcome any difficulties.

You are often faced by problems of organizing your everyday life. Often you don't have enough time for vacations and leisure time. Despite your commitment to a healthy lifestyle, you do not take care of your health in a regular manner. Try to combine business with pleasure and not concentrate excessively on a single task.

Observe a rational rhythm of life, combining business with pleasure. Engage in running or other active types of sport. Be more attentive to your appearance. Do not ignore opinions that others voice about you. Pay more attention to your domestic affairs. More often show care for your family, devote more of your personal time to them, make pleasant surprises for them, and try to delve into their problems.

Try to cultivate an aesthetic taste in yourself. Do not sacrifice your appearance even in the name of your projects and goals, which to you seem more important. Do not engage in extravagant antics. Try to be more sensitive when it comes to intimate topics - don't try to draw attention to yourself in this manner: others can misunderstand you. Unwittingly you can break the relaxed atmosphere of communication, placing yourself and your friends into an awkward position.

Your other problem lies in ambiguous humor and jokes that can not always be correctly interpreted and understood. Be tactful and modest in your statements. Do not seek to lift the mood of the people at any cost. Remember that not everyone likes the joking tone, and more so - irony and ridicule. Avoid excessive emotional familiarity in communication. Develop in yourself politeness and good manners. This will boost your self-esteem and instill greater level of respect that others have for you.

Don't seek confrontation over issues that are non-existent, unneeded and irrelevant. Through this you can lose respect of many people. Don't show your emotions too quickly. Don't let your actions run ahead of your thoughts. It is better to move away from the object of your irritation, and after some time, when you have clamed down and thought things thoroughly, express your decisions and opinions at the next meeting.

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