IEI Profile by Gulenko

From Wikisocion

Type descriptions by Gulenko
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

General description

Romantic dreamer and visionary. Curious: not indifferent to anything that is novel, unusual, and fascinating. Leaves an impression by his unexpected, sometimes extravagant behavior and statements. Has a refined sense of humor. Knows how to comfort a person, how to uplift the mood.

Emotive and charming; may smile even when he is saying something unpleasant. Insistent in his requests when he is strongly motivated. Knows how to pick a good moment to approach a person with his request. Freely manages his own time and that of others.

Attentive to his own appearance and that of others, aware of its influence. If necessary, dresses elegantly even exquisitely. In a demobilized state complains of about his life and hardships. Likes when he is looked after, when someone is attentive to his worries. Finds it difficult to give up comfort that he has grown accustomed to.

Without strong directives becomes disorganized and demobilized. Cannot focus his attention on a task for lengthy periods of time. In handling money uneconomical and careless: may spend a large sum money on something "for the heart and soul". May give promises that he hasn't considered well. Entertains himself to drown out disturbing premonitions.

Detailed description

In his behavior the IEI is guided by his intuitive presentiments. Due to this quality he is capable of surviving in the most difficult situations. He quickly distinguishes falsehood, hypocrisy, artifice, degradation. Often acts as if he has time to spare and puts off much until tomorrow. Inclined to optimism, believes in a bright future. Pictures and visions that the IEI creates in his mind are usually much more attractive to him than everyday life proves to be. Can calm people down, instill hope and inspire them by telling of coming changes for the better. In conversation, dislikes highlighting mistakes of the past.

The IEI is well versed in nuances and ways of emotional life. He is able to discern when a person is in a good mood to turn to them with a request, therefore it can be difficult to turn him down. Graciously responds to the humor in life. Tells jokes and anecdotes, acts in jest, prods those close to him, evoking positive emotions in different ways. Sensitively responds to fights between people who are close to him. Seeks reconciliation, readily agrees to compromise. Will willingly sacrifice himself to settle conflicts. Internally troubled. Experiences a lot, but hides his agitation and poor mood behind a soft smile.

Invests effort to look after his appearance. Knows how to dress in style and good taste. His graceful, aesthetic movements are pleasing to the eye. Flexible and adaptable. Does not impose himself on anybody. Instead, put in the effort to adjust to the habits and tastes of people around him. Sometimes complains about his health, poor care, indifference; however, in extreme situations will pull himself together and suppresses his pains. In a comfortable environment around familiar acquaintances he gains confidence and strength. In such situations may even allow himself to issue orders.

The IEI is not inclined to save up money and keep strict track of his finances. May spend substantial sums on aesthetically pleasing, from his point of view, items that aren't always useful. If he falls into financial difficulties, he knows whom to turn to for help or finds something that he can sell. In long-term relations does not forget to take into account pragmatic considerations. Poorly related to those who force him to work at an unusual and uncomfortable for him pace and rhythm. Hopes for leniency, indulgences, "smoke breaks" at work.

Gets along with people who are sure of themselves, strong and determined. However, does not allow his relationships to turn into despotism - in such cases IEI will openly declare the stupidity and primitiveness of blunt force. Has a good sense of which kind of force to apply to achieve his goals. Resorts to forceful methods himself only when he feels a physical threat to himself or his loved ones. If he is in a constant state of discomfort, begins to behave provocatively, rudely, and aggressively; does it to hide his soft nature. In absence of strong leadership, the IEI becomes relaxed and disorganized to the point of carelessness. It is easy to knock him off the right track, to tempt him with something that promises pleasant impressions. He easily acquires bad habits, getting rid of which will require a lot of effort.

When there is no clarity and the situation is ambiguous, IEI's mood spoils, he feels lost and confused. Chaos, disorganization, lack of support plunge him into despair. He begins to act enthusiastically when he is relying on a thoughtful, logical plan aligned with a clear end goal in sight. In needs of various designs, schemes, and methods. In extreme situations, becomes cool and unemotional. His thoughts become clearer, and he finds it easier to undertake informed decisions. Dislikes strict, meticulous control. Constant firm discipline is not for him.

Life values and ideals are one of IEI's weak points. He feels very worried if time passes, compromises and concessions become delayed, and still no resolution has been found. Intolerant of oppression, of leveling of his and others' abilities. Lives by the principle of non-interference into the internal world of the individual. Although can give valuable advice on unraveling of one's abilities if he is asked about this. Of his own abilities the IEI is usually very critical and often underestimates them. Afraid of being incompetent, not useful, unneeded. In need of compliments and encouragement. Good at choosing from available ideas the most promising one. Searches for an occupation that would correspond to his ideal of service to others.

Supports his attitudes by actions. For those whom he loves, the IEI can do a lot. Adventurous and enterprising if he feels that he has the approval of others. Regularly performs his duties only on a team with established system of interpersonal relations. Warns that personal enmity and discord will lead to the collapse of the project. Tries to ensure that his professional relations are also accompanied by favorable informal ties. Contributes to a group a harmonious beginning. Persuading people, manages relations in a manner that to him seems most beneficial. Successfully refers to his acquaintances and uses personal charm.

Manner of communication

In interaction, a notable trait that allows to reliably identify a person belonging to this sociotype - is an apprehensive, somewhat shy smile, that appears when the IEI feels agitated, or when the conversation subject turns to him in his presence. He is curious about all that is unusual and original. Inclined to sweet chatter about all sorts of interesting trivialities. It's difficult to focus his attention on the essential things. Disrupts the general line of the conversation by suddenly asking off-topic questions. Likes listening to interesting or simply entertaining and funny stories, will recall funny episodes from his life. In conversation sometimes he wavers, becomes coquettish, delays with final answer, but has already decided on everything for himself. Inclined to give empty promises. Always finds excuses for his non-obligation, of the type: "I wanted to, but could not," "because of the circumstances," etc. Likes to talk about his impracticality. But with this he also can take up and finish commercial and business projects fairly well. Flexible and resourceful, this helps him to keep his position for a long time. Not a bad manager or leader, due to fact that he can usually pick reliable associates. Persuades, calms down people who are upset and confused, telling them that not all is lost, that everything is still ahead to come, and in the same key.

Features of behavior

Watching the IEI for some time, it is easy to notice the following particularity - a contrast between his behavior in public or unfamiliar company, and among familiars, including at home. In public the IEI always behaves gently and politely, not permitting himself any rudeness or disrespect. But in a circle of close friends he can sometimes behave uninhibitedly. Likes to fool around, to create unusual situations. Stirs people up to evoke positive emotions. At home can be moody, capricious, stubbornly gets his way, may put on tears, even provoke scandals. These emotional outbursts pass quickly, however, without hurting him very deeply. His emotions are very flexible, switching on and off consciously. In dealing with money, can be a spendthrift, cannot refuse himself in anything, going into debt if his own means are not enough. Loves beautiful, "salon" life, thus makes great demands. Inclined to marriages of convenience. Complains about his bad life and suffering. He likes to be cared for, to be healed and treated, for someone to listen to his complaints about poor state of health, etc. Accumulates complaints in himself, so that later with a good opportunity he can spills them out all at once.


The most notable characteristic that allows you to safely assume that the person belongs to this sociotype - is elegant appearance. IEI very sensitive to harmony. A sense for matching allows him to dress sometimes in a quite sophisticated way. Discerning in accessories and personal items. Sometimes can look like a dandy. This applies to both women and men. The second notable characteristic concerns his gait and his figure. Figures of IEIs are encountered both thin and full, with a more developed intuition giving a pronounced tendency to gain weight. But, regardless of his figure, the IEI has very good command of his body. His gait is often graceful, sometimes pretentious, with mannered steps. IEI with ethical accentuation is easily recognizable by active and lively gesturing. A characteristic to the IEI gesture is from himself and away, with opening up of the palm. Eyes - are laughing, squinted, narrow. For the intuitive subtype - wide and curious. During a conversation has a tendency to look into the eyes of his conversation partner, as well as take him by the hand.

As a subordinate

Considerate, tactful, gentle person. Has a refined perception of the world. Often has developed humanitarian interests. Sensitive and attentive to people, tries to maintain even relations with all. Tolerant of shortcomings and weaknesses of others. Optimistic and romantic, has faith in a brighter future. Knows how to compromise, can patiently wait and forgive. Has a well developed sense of premonition, worries for how things will turn out, even though outwardly doesn’t show this. Respects confident, reputable people who can give concrete and realistic instructions. In the interest of his work can show good diplomatic abilities, positively predisposing people with his modesty and charm. Has a good sense of humor. Able to find an individual approach to each person. Demonstrates refinement, good manners, gracefulness in his movements. Dresses tastefully.

Problem areas
Intrinsically vulnerable, contradictory. Somewhat unsure of himself. Prone to experiencing doubts and fluctuations in arriving at a decision. He needs to be drawn into work. Needs moral, physical, and financial support. Due to scattered attention sometimes he forgets his promises. In work may focus on something that is insignificant, become distracted by little things and run out of time for more important tasks. Dislikes strict rules, mindless submission to regulations and instructions. Being economical and clear-headed calculations are not for him. At work and at home may allow for "artistic" mess. Dislikes people who are illiberal over details. Sensitive about criticism of his own work. Willingly shares his problems with others, seeks understanding, sympathy and support. His work efficiency has pronounced periods of ups and downs.

From him one cannot demand and expect:

  • Continuous high efficiency;
  • Punctuality and organization;
  • Quick results on specific tasks;
  • Good ability to analyze a situation;
  • The ability to lead a large team, assign responsibilities.

Recommended occupations: Best if occupation relates to humanities. This type can work well anywhere where he is required to elegantly communicate with a small group of people. Recommended professions include translator, librarian, writer, journalist, editor, may realize themselves in the field of arts as critics, writers, and poets.

As a supervisor

A true "lyricist" possesses personal sensitivity and for a long time remembers his impressions, his joys and sorrows, often returning to them in his mind. He seldom lives in the present, but instead he recalls the past and thinks about the future. True to his habits, does not like significant changes. Often is indecisive and impractical, and requires soft and friendly relations, otherwise he withdraws or leaves if he is rudely treated.

The representative of this sociotypes able to establish personal relations with members of his work group, show them respect, courtesy, advice concerning consequences of their actions. He demonstrates understanding of their problems, empathizes, offers support often in verbal form. He spends as much time as needed to hear a person out. He is encouraging, complimenting, instills optimism, and helps them to believe in their own abilities.

IEI tries to avoid authoritatively making decisions concerning adopting of unpopular measures. He prefers to share the responsibility with others to distribute it so that it becomes almost imperceptible. This type of leader cannot be considered to be neither frontal nor hierarchical. However, he feels better in a hierarchically organized system, where everyone has their position.

He has an inclination to imperceptible forms of control. This is due to the fact that his psyche is filled with forebodings. He remembers experiences and lessons of the past well and tends not to repeat mistakes. This keeps him under constant pressure, makes him search for sources of danger. Accordingly, his form of business activity is oriented not at overcoming obstacles, but rather at exercising prudence.

IEI is better at solving problems of long-term nature. He has a good sense of how events should be developing in accordance to the natural evolution of life. Negatively relates to those who try to cultivate conservative methods. He has an instinctive desire to develop, augment, and bring to realization ideas that have been advanced by somebody else, rather than extinguish and reject them.

In a conflict situation, he is inclined towards compromise. Every situation is perceived by him with all of its contradicting tendencies, thus he may take a long time to come to a final decision. Often, he does not notice the strengths of one of the contending sides, the trends of the moment. Can quickly change his mind to the opposite conclusion, if the balance of power has clearly changed. In the dispute between the two partners, it is difficult for him to give preference to anyone, for as long as it does not become apparent which of the parties is taking over. He orients at several possible outcomes of an event. One of them is usually realized.

Main characteristics:

  • As a leader, orients at personal and emotional indicators, works well in a hierarchically organized system.
  • Methods of establishing contact are oriented at the human factor.
  • The form of business activity is focused on advanced vision and foresight.
  • The system of interaction with employees involves emotional control and the use of emotions as a tool to influence people.
  • Will agree to compromises.
  • Appreciates good relations more than productive results.
  • Relation to ethical standards depends on sympathies, antipathies, possible threats to his position. Believes that management decisions can be based on different "rules" depending on the situation.
  • Motives: profits with the limitations of the law, ethics can be used at his own discretion.

Working conditions

The impetus for IEI is the ability to be self-sufficient, to work calmly at his own pace. He is inquisitive, and if his work contributes to his self-development and is interesting to him personally, he is able to work selflessly. It is better to ignore the fact that his performance is uneven: in periods of high activity he will try to make up what he has missed or put off doing before. IEI is able to work for the idea or some distance prospect, even if he is not receiving any material rewards for it now. If he sees good opportunities in the future, you may count on his support. Due to their strong intuition, IEIs are often impractical, unrealistic, and naive. They find it difficult to organize and coordinate their life, to equip their home and their workplace, as well as stand up for themselves when it is necessary. Thus, if you provide him with some concrete and volitional support, he will decide that you are reliable and decisive person, that you can be relied on, and become one of your most loyal employees: due to their introversion IEIs are not inclined to change jobs frequently. IEIs are romantic, aristocratic, have a good sense of humor. Therefore, if you are able to joke ironically, and occasionally present him with small but exquisite gifts, you will find in him a lot of support and understanding.

Recommendations for self-improvement

Your forte is developed intuitive perception that allows you to learn from the mistakes of the past in order to ensure a better future. You envision the future in optimistic terms. You are imaginative and romantic in nature, enjoy beauty and art in life. Your creative nature does not tolerate banality and mediocrity. You bring elements of elegance and originality into anything.

You are well versed in the attitudes of people, have a good sense of humor, know how to use it to improve your own mood and moods of others. You possess a rich inner world of diverse impressions and feelings, and you're very dependent on the nuances of your own inner states. You experience heightened, sublime emotions and tend to idealize people. You introduce aspects of celebration and sublimity into your surrounding world.

Your main problem is that you find it difficult to regularly perform boring, everyday tasks of purely material or pragmatic nature. You are usually not economical with your finances and have difficulty with housekeeping. You find it difficult to resist the temptation to purchase beautiful things the cost of which may be beyond your budget. Be careful not to waste money on unnecessary trinkets: you are at risk to suffer financially.

Show more restraint in spending as to not put yourself into a humiliating position when you'll have to find any ways to pay off debts, even sell your things. Don't become tempted by your lofty visions and illusions of "easy" life, while subordinating moral considerations to them and attempting to avoid "the daily grind". Let your sincere feelings guide you towards the right choice when you have to select between the material and the immaterial aspects of life.

Your other problem is that you are not inclined to hide from others your frustrations and complains about your state. You can tire others with your complaining, make them distrust the sincerity of your sentiments. Refrain from making excessive demands of others and complaints about the lack of care in relation to you. To have the attention of others, try to temper some moodiness in your character.

Be more generous and show active support for people. Try to earn good favor by diligence and hard work, and by active participation in common affairs. Refrain from giving empty promises. Do not spend your free time in dreams, barren emotional conversations, and analyzing secret anxieties. If you devote more of your time to some real concrete activities, your chances to succeed in life will increase significantly.

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