LSE Profile by Gulenko

From Wikisocion

Type descriptions by Gulenko
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

General description

The LSE (ESTj) is assertive, operative, and hard-working. Cannot sit still not being engaged in anything. Prefers actions to words. Has a developed sense of responsibility. Fights chaos and disorder wherever he might be. Dislikes it when he is being distracted from what he is doing. If taking a break, he does it as thoroughly as he does his work.

Appreciates merit and good quality above everything else. Tries to provide for his loved ones by means of increasing their material prosperity. Very caring. Comes to rescue when someone is threatened by physical danger. In such a situation acts with courage and determination.

Intolerant of trickery and wiles. Expresses his opinion directly. In business and practical dealings, he is dry and official, but in an informal atmosphere shows kindness and a sense of humor. Doesn't have sufficient diplomacy in relations - may get agitated, lose his temper. A stubborn debater, becomes hot-tempered when proving his correctness. Doesn't know how to make compliments. Dislikes empty chatter, though finds it difficult to cut off a phone conversation.

Getting stuck in details of work, he sometimes doesn't finish it in time, which is very upsetting for him. Unprepared for unexpected events. Slowly learns and accepts new trends, developments, and styles; often is conservative and supports traditions.

Detailed description

The LSE is an assertive, energetic, hard-working person. Spends many hours each day working, as much as his work requires. Supporter of good quality, reliability, and productivity of labor. Searches for bold, innovative and unconventional technical solutions. Inclined towards rationalizing activities. Skillfully uses instruments and exploits technologies. Has an extremely practical turn of mind. Makes all of his evaluations from the point of view of feasibility and utility. Prudent and thrifty manager. Foresees the best ways to manage and utilize objects at his disposal. Makes preparations and provisions for the future. Teaches people how to live wisely, how to not waste their capabilities in vain.

A very caring person. Ensures that his loved ones have an income and comfortable living conditions. Helps people not by words, but by deeds. Spends his vacation time resting as thoroughly as he was working. Loves holiday dinners, abundant food, often knows how to cook well himself. With pleasure gives gifts and presents surprises. Goes through physical weakness and ailments with difficulty, neglects his own illnesses. Often looks after health of others more willingly than after his own well-being. For him it's important to find the original cause of poor health. Usually looks tidy and neat and handles his belongings with care. Won't immediately use a new costume or clothing set, but instead will preserve it for the right occasion. Prefers strict business or classical styles. Pays particular attention to the cleanliness of shoes.

In communication, the LSE seeks to show kindness and sense of humor. Demonstrates his good predisposition and positive emotions, though sometimes does so too abruptly. Becomes very hot tempered during arguments and disputes. When he is overtaken by emotions, he no longer hears the opinions of others and stubbornly insists on his own view point. Never openly admits that he was wrong. However, if a person remains discreet and restrained, and does not submit to his pressuring, he becomes more attentive and cautious. Can curb and restrain his own emotions by willful effort as well. Very much dislikes it when someone else interferes in his affairs or forces him to redo his work. At such times can flare up, start throwing objects, sharply turn around and leave.

The LSE assesses relations by another's ability to keep his word, to warn of their intent in timely manner, to be punctual and come at appointed time. Appreciates those who do not spare their time for him. Tries to prepare for everything in advance. Sudden changes of plans that occur without a warning annoy and anger him. Dislikes answering questions of the kind "What will happen tomorrow?", "When are you going to do that?", etc. The Very much in need of a guaranteed future and predictability of events. Dislikes radical changes and abrupt deviations from the planned course. Prefers to move forward in a straight line. Poorly foresees dangers and obstacles. Usually respects established traditions and customs. However, also strives to keep up with the modern times and won't cling too strongly to the old ways.

LSE's mood and state are dependent on the prevailing surrounding psychological atmosphere. If people around him quarrel, fight, distrust one another, his own state rapidly deteriorates. Very stable in personal ties. For those who reciprocate his feelings does a lot more than they were expecting. Needs relationships that are deep and strong. Likes long, heartfelt conversations, and stories about various ways of spending one's time. Despite his external sharpness and rough edges, deep inside the LSE is quite sentimental. However, it is difficult to become close with him due to his high demands towards his partners.

LSE's own creative abilities become manifest when he is in a good mood. If he feels that the conceived is in principle possible, then he will proceed to the implementation of plans with much enthusiasm and zeal. Cannot live without a purpose, without some clear prospects before him. The achievement of each intermediate result inspires him and instills desire to continue on and go the full distance. Enjoys competition, games, dynamic types of sports. Adventurous. Becomes more engaged and inspired if there is a need to prove his abilities. When he loses orientation or sees no solutions, becomes nervous, agitated, loses his spirit. In such situations, he needs advice, calm support, or the correction of the end goal.

The LSE cannot live in chaos and disarray. Fights against lack of discipline, violation of norms and rules. Himself gives a personal example of good discipline and organization, but doesn't have enough strength to ensure this in others. Collects all the relevant information before he starts on anything serous. Cannot act in unsystematic, blind manner. Intolerant of trickery, hoaxes, wily schemes. Expresses his negative opinions rather directly. Critical in evaluating work, his own and that of others. Finds it difficult to explain the technology of some steps or actions, since systematic-analytical type of thinking is not his strong point. Instead of giving instructions prefers the method of "do as I do". Tries to move from words and get down to business as soon as possible.

Knows how to make people work. Won't tolerate loafers and idlers near himself. Characterized by a strong sense of ownership. Won't allow anyone else to give commands on his territory. Lives by the principle "my home - my fortress". Invests all his efforts into the task at hand. Has little interest in various hobbies and other entertainments. Focuses strongly on the object of his work. Not inclined to use force to suppress, oppress, or seize power. The strength and abilities that he was endowed with by nature the LSE directs into productive matters and uninterrupted management of technical processes.

Manner of communication

The main features of LSE's style of communication are emphasized good manners and strict adherence to ethical standards when dealing with unfamiliar people. This is most clearly seen in men when they are talking with the ladies. This includes use of polite pronouns, offers of a place to sit, emphasized politeness and gallant manners. Familiarity is completely absent. The LSE likes to ask about everything, to learn new facts. Comparing the facts he make logical conclusions. Does not recognize vague, evasive answers, demands concreteness and specificity. On any issue he has an opinion. Debates in heated manner, defending it. Never admits to being wrong about anything. Always finds something to pick at. Dislikes talking about nothing, spending much time on the phone, exchanging gossip and rumors. During phone conversation even his voice changes, becomes somehow unnatural. Always in favor of practicality and feasibility. Does not understand and condemns the dreamers who propose beautiful but useless ideas and projects. Does not tolerate laziness, lack of discipline. A supporter of gradual but steady progress. Dislikes sudden, abrupt changes. The leitmotif of his work - is stability. It was under this principle that the activities of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher have passed. Conservative in his views about family, especially men. Usually supporters of segregation of duties: man - as the breadwinner, his wife - a housewife, educator of children. About such people it is said: "Behind him is like being behind a stone wall."

Features of behavior

The most characteristic feature of LSE's behavior that allows to identify this sociotype - is periodically occurring outbreaks of rage. They occur when his work and his way of doing things are being criticized, when he is being taught or lectured. The LSE is especially intolerant of it coming from people who themselves are not engaged in this type of work, who are not competent in it. In such moments he is capable of throwing anything that comes to hand, breaking dishes. Losing his temper he shouts at the critic, points out that person's personal shortcomings, not being shy in choosing expressions. Similar choleric outbreaks also happen when he cannot do something at a particular job. The LSE is characterized by very high capacity for doing work. Can work for many hours each day. However, from time to time he needs relaxation. In this case he may simply sit on a couch and watch TV, disconnecting from everything. But he cannot sitting around for a long time not doing anything. Dislikes being sick and having to stay in bed. Constantly active, engaged in concrete work. A good inventor and innovator, as well as a designer (T. Edison, SP Korolev). Comes to the rescue when there is a threat of physical danger to people. In such situations operates with courage and determination. Does not boast about this. Moves towards his purpose in a straight line, not maneuvering. Even if he tries to cheat, his cheating gets easily discovered. Prefers to operate in a fairly straightforward way. Due to this, often earns the reputation of an honest person. All these qualities have helped George W. Bush to become president of the United States of America. Does not tolerate cunning, deception, fraud, absenteeism. Dislikes light-mindedness, flippancy, windiness. Guardian of moral norms.


Among the external features of LSE some of the primary one are his upright bearing and seemingly inflexible figure. About such people it is said "he has a military bearing". In most cases LSE's figure is rather thin. However, if sensory component is emphasized, then his figure may be full and solid. This is often true for women. But even in this case there are certain visible composure, uprightness, fixedness present in the figure. LSE's gait and nature of his movements - sudden, abrupt, tense. A great inner nervousness and tension are perceptible. This is especially visible in LSE subtype with enhanced logical component. This shows in the fact that the LSE cannot sit in one position for a long time, constantly changes it, and in a special sparkle that appears in LSE's eyes in an excited conversation. LSE's clothing style tends towards business or classic styles. For men, a traditional suit and tie. Usually doesn't follow fashion much, seeks only high quality in accessories and toiletries. Women also do not permit themselves to dress in extravagant outfits. Even if they want to dress by fashion, their tastes are the same, rather strict and conservative. LSEs are also distinguished by their ability to carefully handle their clothing. Their clothes are always clean and tidy. They know how to wear them for a long time. Their clothes and belongings look almost like new. LSEs don't allow themselves untidiness in appearance. Usually they are neat and composed, clothing is ironed, shoes are polished.

As a subordinate

Energetic and assertive person. Knows how to soberly assess the situation and come up with a practical solution. A good administrator: works on ensuring quality workflow and strives to create all the conditions required for productive work. Able to coordinate the activities of different individuals and departments. Very pragmatic: evaluates people's actions in terms of their usefulness. Likes reliability and solidity in everything. Distinguished by high capacity for work. Knows how to safely and efficiently handle money. Prefers practicality and good quality in things over fashion. Loves order and organization in everything. Has a strong sense of duty. Values time and dislikes wasting it in vain. Very punctual. Tries to plan everything in advance. Prefers to not take risks for nothing. Good at maintaining and organizing his household. Prompt and inventive in domestic matters.

Problem areas
Conservative in his tastes and habits. Dislikes admitting to his mistakes, going for a compromise. Poorly receives criticism, even if given in joking from. Lacks diplomacy in relations. Sometimes he is overly harsh and critical in his assessments. Condemns all those who, in his opinion, don't work hard enough or don't do honest work. Rarely makes compliments or gives praise for good work - considers it to be the norm. Dislikes talking about entertainments. A supporter of strict upbringing. May flare up if his work is criticized by someone who is incompetent. With those who are close to him often demonstrates an imperious and demanding attitude. Sensitive to stress, feels particularly nervous and unsettled in conditions of uncertainty. Dislikes waiting too long for any event to happen. Drowning in details and getting distracted by minor things, may not complete his work in time. Feels very upset when this occurs. If he doesn't have sufficient evidence and needed information, delays in making a decision. Dislikes it when he is being hurried or distracted from what he is doing. Adheres to established rules of conduct and demands the same from others. At the same time, he may suddenly become unnerved, fly off the handle, show sharpness and intolerance.

From LSE one cannot demand and expect:

  • Flexibility in changing his behavior in accordance to the situation;
  • Sensitivity and diplomacy in relations with people;
  • Self-control and cold composure in extreme situations;
  • Generation of unconventional ideas.

Recommended occupations: the management sphere, positions where there is a need to manage and direct people and coordinate their work and activities (under stable conditions and laws); economists, bank employees, loan officers, technical secretaries with managerial functions, support of the technical process (repair and maintenance of equipment); construction, farming and agriculture.

As a supervisor

A supervisor of this type likes order and firmly asserts his positions in life. Hardworking, demanding of himself and others. For such people frequently their work is the passion of their life, to which he devotes a lot of his time and energy.

A good organizer has qualities of practical business orientation. He can follow through with a previously adapted course of action, remove any obstacles along the way, and get other people involved in active and creative work.

As a leader, the LSE often puts forward new proposals concerning rational use of material and intellectual resources. Very active in giving assignments, instructions, and supervision of work process. Gives priority to communication. Spends a lot of effort getting acquainted with people and developing contacts with those around him. In work, focuses on past experience that led to a positive outcome.

Inclined to resolve tactical problems. This is explained by particularity of his thinking style, which is aimed at calculating the logic of facts, events, and actions. Out of entire flow of information he distinguishes that which may be useful for the planned work or project, and discards the rest as having no bearing to the matter at hand. Such mental attitude allows the LSE to rationally manage and organize materials and intellectual resources available within the system (e.g. his working group, company, or household). The LSE builds plans for gradual, evolutionary development of this system, rationalizing and improving some of its parts. Has an inclination to stick to traditional values, which includes professional ethics and personal etiquette. With the above mentioned qualities, representatives of this sociotype often achieve major success within stable structures and organizations, but experience many difficulties if they have to manage complex, unpredictably changing organizational systems.

Due to objective, work-oriented quality of his thinking, the LSE shows himself to be a capable administrator. Accurate and thorough. Works well with business documentation. Has a responsible attitude towards his tasks. If needed, he will remain and work extra hours without receiving any reminders from the "above". Usually doesn't run late to work meetings and appointments. Dislikes unfulfilled promises.

LSE's exacting and demanding attitude towards his subordinates is combined for him with the desire to create the most comfortable conditions for work, and to remove external hindrances and obstacles for more effective operations. Only when he achieves this, he believes that he has the right to make demands, which favorably distinguishes him from other sociotypes, such as SLE and LSI, which tend to show little interest in working conditions of their subordinates.

The LSE copes better with functions of a hierarchical leader. A manager of this type is usually conservative by nature, dislikes taking risks, and adheres to established ways of operation. Tries to reach new goals by tried-and-tested methods, using old contacts and ties. Negatively perceives any criticism directed at him concerning this matter.

The LSE bases his interactions with other people and business partners on basis of code of honor and rules of fair play. An opponent of trickery, lies, duplicity. His own integrity is founded on logical principles. In interpersonal relationships he is characterized by keeping a certain emotional distance; does not seek to come in close contact with many other people. In a system of formal ties, the LSE is characterized by smooth manner of communication. Despite this, he gravitates towards being able to influence other people, to direct their thoughts and their actions. Tries to be in the midst of events, to have a wide circle of contacts who bring to him diverse information. Gravitates towards cooperation. Tries to discuss and align his interests with those of his partner. Nevertheless, finds it difficult to reach an acceptable compromise.

On every issue or topic the LSE has his own opinion. He's ready to argue on any subject, even if he isn't fully proficient and competent in it. During such discussions, he can get excited, hot-tempered, and stubbornly prove his rightness. Inclined to exaggerate negative consequences or miscalculations of any project or event. Values ​​his reputation. It is on basis of this that it's possible to strike a compromise with representative of this sociotype.

The "Administrator" by his set of psychological qualities is able to act as in role of leader-organizer. He is able to understand what constitutes the common interests of people with whom he works; capable of understanding the difficulties (problems) of individuals as well. The LSE has a developed ability to understand and articulate the common interests of the collective. And he is ready to defend those interests. May speak up for a person if he's being treated unfairly. Can engage other people in a discussion of shared problems in the team, put forward proposals on how to meet the needs of the employees. Raises questions about the needs of his collective (team, work-group) before his superiors, not waiting for orders from "above". Can sense what people prefer to not speak about, as well as grasp and express the shared opinion of the individuals of the group or collective on any significant to them topics. The LSE is ready to sacrifice his personal interests for the interests of the collective. He is persistent in defending the interests of his employees. Due to this characteristics, he may, irrespective of his position, take over the functions of the representative of a work-group or a team.

Main characteristics:

  • Great at resolving tactical problems.
  • Objectively oriented leader within a hierarchically organized system.
  • In establishing contacts focuses on objective factors.
  • Business activity is aimed at removing barriers and discomfort in productive activities of his subordinates.
  • His system of interaction with his subordinates presupposes active management and control and issue of assignments or orders.
  • Characterized by collaborating type of behavior with elements of competing style.
  • He values the results of production more than the established relations.
  • In regard to ethical standards, he believes that management decisions should be based on clear set of laws and accepted "rules of the game".
  • Motives and purpose: good intentions, however, doesn't fully consider the impact of his decisions on other people. His goal is profit.
  • Strategy: full freedom to manage and control within the framework of the law.

Working conditions

The stimulus that moves the LSE to work is the possibility of achieving high administrative or managerial status in a group. In short, he strives to direct and manage all affairs in his own way, and likes for his opinions to be taken into consideration. Of course, it would be easiest to appoint him to such a position - then you won't have problems neither with his team or department, nor with the LSE himself. Because if he is only a regular member of the team, and his managerial abilities don't find an application and appreciation, he will still try to intrude into your management affairs, even if this work isn't fully within his field of competence: he will tell you what to do, how it's best to proceed, and voice his criticisms of wrong actions.

From aside, it may seem that such a practical type of personality as an LSE should not have any problems in life. However, despite his organization, efficiency and rationality, the "Administrator" rarely feels happy and satisfied. He finds it difficult to keep inner soulful balance and maintain an optimistic outlook on life. He cannot relax and rest because he is constantly preoccupied with current affairs and worries about tomorrow. He feels constantly dissatisfied by people close to him, because they almost never have such level of integrity and responsibility in affairs as LSE would have liked to see from them. It can be said that the LSE is prevented from being happy by a "complex of eternal achiever", who seeks to obtain only the highest evaluations in life. Thus, the only thing that can ease his burden of "working for entire socion" is simple, soulful participation, calmly listening to his worries and concerns, and showing sympathy. Since this sociotype - is a linear-assertive type, it is pointless to try to convince him otherwise once he's already in agitated, negative state. You have to calmly wait out this storm and allow him to speak his out his heart and his mind. When he starts to calm down, here you can talk to him in a sincere and heartfelt manner, persuade him that not everything is as bad, and this has happened before, but all has ended well, etc. After he fully calms down, you may criticize him a little, explain that he himself was wrong and acted harshly, that not all people are bad and not always. Remind him of specific situations when people of whom he spoke badly demonstrated their competence and behaved themselves impeccably. The "Administrator" needs not only emotional support, but also constant unobtrusive instruction or education, which would precaution him from manifesting harsh attitudes in relation to other people.

Recommendations for self-improvement

Your forte - is your strict logic that is based on concrete facts, which allows you to accurately calculate the practical aspect of any undertaking. You are a sober realist, capable of correctly evaluating the usefulness and effectiveness of any venture.

You are usually clever, quick-thinking, and informed in the sphere of your engagement. You are an active and energetic person, who does not like to idly waste time, who knows what you want, and will strive to achieve it through hard work, persistence, and determination. You are able to use your material resources in effective and economical manner.

You are also able to create material prosperity and comfort for yourself and your family members. You strive for a healthy, balanced, harmonious life, and don't spare you efforts in order to attain it, as well as stimulate others around you to various useful activities. You possess good organizational skills and know how to create suitable conditions for people to do work, to make them become interested and involved, and only then demand results from them. You highly value quality in work and are intolerant of lack of discipline and laziness.

You like beautiful, high quality items, as well as tasty, healthy food. You like it when people evaluate you based on your merits, and don't impinge on your independence in selecting solutions or methods of action.

One of your weak points is an inability to plan for alternative events for lengthy periods of time. You often find yourself overloaded with tasks, chores, and work that appear seemingly from nowhere, and require time to prepare for important events. You have difficulty foreseeing approaching danger or failure in business. Unexpected turns of events that you could not foresee frustrate and unnerve you, knock you out of balance. You find it difficult to spend much time waiting for the outcome of any undertaking, especially if there's little confidence in its success.

You are recommended to frequently review your views on various aspects of life, and to put aside any outdated and unworkable traditions and habits. Dry logic of facts should not suppress in you the appreciation of all that is new and unusual. Moderate your conservatism and stubbornness. More often compare yourself to others, cultivate flexibility in your ways of competing.

You tend to rely on your intuition in your assessments of people, not suspecting that you greatly overestimate this ability in yourself and that you are not immune from arriving at erroneous conclusions and prognoses. The consequence of this may be inappropriate or mis-attributed suspicions, and undue harshness in dealing with others, which can put you in an awkward ethical position. Try to have more restraint and tact in such questions.

Another one of your problems is your inability to control your emotions in relation to people who are close to you, who don't obey your instructions and guidance, if their actions contradict your logic and common sense. This is all the more upsetting to your close ones, that at the same time you behave with restraint, emphasized politeness and good manners towards strangers and unfamiliar people. Your family members and close ones may feel upset and disappointed with you due to such contrasts in your behavior.

With you lack of restraint you can alienate your loved ones. Try to be more patient, don't rush to tell the truth to a person's face. Being excessively direct usually does not work in your favor. Cool down first, then think about what is better to say, to whom, and in which manner.

Learn to relax, to switch you focus from work to pleasant ways to take a break. Try to look at conflicts from the side of humor. You are usually endowed with a good sense of humor - it can calm you and let you vent your emotions in an acceptable form.

Read fiction more often. Go to the theater - such leisure activities will soften your harsh character and help you to nurture and cultivate refinement and nobility of your sentiments and feelings.

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