SLE Profile by Gulenko

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Type descriptions by Gulenko
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

General description

The SLE (ESTp) is a decisive and goal-oriented person. Prefers to set only major goals and will move towards them no matter the obstacles. His persistence increases proportionally to the number of obstacles that must be overcome. If there is no excitement of a struggle or a competition, he plunges into doubt and low mood.

Attempts to give instruction and orders, but himself dislikes commanding tone. Makes others concede and fall under his influence. Often assumes the position of a "shadow" leader. Can accept a temporary compromise.

Logically calculates a plan of action in advance, as if playing a game of chess; a flexible tactician. Poorly foresees the future development of events; may halt in indecision if things get out of control or take an unexpected turn. Controls his activities from point of view of the final result. In the decisive moment, he is able to concentrate all his forces.

Distrustful, tests people in action. Feels unsure about how others relate to him. Prone to first notice the weaknesses and shortcomings. Finds it difficult to restrain negative emotions in his relationships. Can be intolerant in communication with his loved ones. In an extreme situation leaves no room for pity and sympathy. His feelings always have a physical component of possessing his partner.

Detailed description

SLE is a resolute person who can provide volitional pressure if the situation requires this. He is determined to win at any cost. The more obstacles he encounters along the way, the more collected and energetic his advance becomes. Doubt and hesitation are foreign to him; he feels convinced of his right. Categorical in his assessments, reserves the last word. He is primarily interested in the result, not the process of achieving it. Adept at calculating various plans of action in his mind, choosing the most logical one for the given situation. Knows how to find the most compromised point of his opposition. If a direct attack does not bring success, can try to bypass from the sides or from the back, work through third parties. Feels lost in unusual, illogical situations.

Able to unite people around him to achieve a specific goal. Clearly delineates everyone’s position on the team. Confidently coordinates joint actions. Presents an ultimatum: "If you have chosen me, now you have to listen to me." Explains everything simply and clearly, citing illustrative examples. Tries to control the key points only without wasting efforts on details. Grasps the situation as a whole. Flexibly readjusts if the activity is no longer promising. For each task he devotes a certain period of time after which he makes the final decision: to continue on or to stop. Captures well the logic of actions of other people; thus the only ones who can win with him are those who are constantly changing it. Tests people in action, throwing those who lack training into the midst of things.

SLE experiences difficulty establishing personal relations in informal situations. Often he is too intolerant and uncompromising, predisposed to dictate his own way in his relations. Intolerant when someone else places demands of personal commitment from him. Constructs a system of ethical values for himself that often does not correspond to what is generally accepted. Frequently disbelieves that there exist pure, platonic relations. Sometimes declares that he is for "fairness", for equal treatment of everyone; nevertheless, has favorites and scapegoats. Treats well those who respect his friends and oppose his enemies. Does not let go of those to whom he has grown attached; attempts in any way to make them enter a dependent relationship with him, to "tame" or "placate" them.

Receives well calm words, positive forecasts, faith in the future. Pessimism and superstitions anger him. He is soothed and relaxed by a light, hassle-free communication style and optimistic outlook. Periodically turns to thoughtful introspection. Withdraws into himself, reflecting on future prospects and emerging opportunities. Time softens his harsh temper. After suffering a series of inexplicable losses and defeats, he begins to wonder about fate, may turn to religion, occupy himself with charity work. He is very enterprising and venturous. Enjoys competition, boisterous company, where he can relax and emotionally recharge. Likes to be inspired and uplifted. His emotional state heavily depends on the emotional state of others around him. He likes to listen to music. It puts him in the right disposition, creates balance in his soul. Grows offended if he is called an uncaring person.

Forces himself to achieve that which for others may seem almost impossible. Boldly responds to a challenge when his abilities are questioned. Considers himself to be intelligent. Handles well problems that test for ingenuity. In public, he gladly demonstrates his erudition and knowledge of the fundamentals. Not averse to act in role of a patron. If he is taken to the edge, he is able to manifest merciless and relentless fury. At such moments he cannot stop himself in anger. Does not give more than one chance.

Comfort, good material conditions for life are his secret desire. He seeks to provide for himself and his loved ones. Without this feels unfulfilled, a failure. Does not respect people who are frail, lacking in physical exercise and training. Proud of his own good physical constitution and feels upset if he does not possess one. Due to excess drive and energy, he is prone to quickly dissipate his natural reserves of health. External appearance tends to be either inconspicuous or underscoring his high status. Has poorly developed sense of harmony and aesthetic taste. Highly susceptible to physical drives and tends to meet his physical needs before soulful ones.

A good manager, skillfully manages his matters. Tries to derive benefit out of any businesses venture. Not inclined to save money, especially small amounts. Pays attention only to substantial sums of money. Often teaches himself a few handy skills. When faced with excessive work load will try to hire other people to do the work for him. Likes to manage complex technology in extreme and trying situations.

Manner of communication

A correct and somewhat restrained manner of interaction is characteristic of the SLE. If logical component is emphasized, the communication is more relaxed, less inhibited, with smiles and expressions of positive emotions. The SLE often greets people first. Doesn't directly express his opinion on a topic of discussion. Tries to positively predispose a person towards himself with attentiveness and sensitivity, asks many questions, inquires about their problems, voices a wish to hear his or her opinions. All of this is done in a delicate, correct form, which very much predisposes people to give him answers. In a dialogue, the following moment is characteristic of this sociotype. After the replica of his conversation partner, the SLE makes a pause, as if thinking things over, trying to comprehend the information and provide the needed answer. During this deliberation he tends to squint his eyes. Another peculiarity of his manner of communication - is no fear in showing his ignorance or lack of understanding of some question. The SLE doesn't hesitate to ask, and re-ask, and to clarify things once again. When he is giving an explanation, he does so slowly, with logical prioritization, explaining everything in terms of simple examples from practical experience. For the purposes of type diagnosis, SLE's way of finishing up a discussion is also noteworthy. Once he has given everyone the opportunity to speak, he expresses himself, as if giving a summary of the discussion. Keeps the last word for himself. If necessary, he can "put a person into a puddle", crush him with one remark or phrase said at the right time. If this moment hasn't happened in a long time, can provoke a person to activity in order to strike at the "weak" place.

Features of behavior

SLE's behavior is characterized by iron self-control and composure. The conceived global goal he reaches no matter what. Pays no attention to the hustle and fuss around him. If it is needed, he doesn't stop at any methods, not taking ethics into account. His activities grow and expand in breadth. As the SLE starts to lose control of his project because of its large scale, he turns over the control for the less significant parts of it to other people, with whom he establishes mutually beneficial relations on contractual basis. After this, does not interfere with their work. Flexible tactician, can adapt to the situation while not losing sight of the main target. Agrees only to temporary concessions. Knows how to arrange his own people according to their usefulness towards his purpose. Prefers informal and undemonstrative leadership. Directs people while staying in the shade. May attempt to get rid of opponents by using someone else's hands. Characterized by a large capacity for work and perseverance, which increase proportionally to the number of obstacles he faces. Under normal circumstances, without any difficulties and excitement, the SLE walks around relaxed, pessimistic. When a difficulty comes up, he comes alive and regains his passion. Tends to give ultimatums: either it is done the way I want, or I won't do anything at all. It is difficult to make him lose his temper, but if it does he cannot stay angry for long. For achieving the goal he attracts all subordinates to work, even the people who are not prepared for its implementation. Assesses effectiveness only by the final result. Does not control the methods of accomplishing a project. Likes games that involve risk and gambling, in which one has to think. Often wins in them, because he is able to confuse his opposition and provoke them to make a false move.


It is easiest to identify SLE by his figure and his movements. SLE with enhanced sensory component usually has a thin figure. If this is a woman, she often has a delicate, refined look. Movements are non-hurried, phlegmatic. From aside an impression is created of quiet confidence in herself. The figure of SLE with enhanced logical component is quite different. It is relatively dense, thickset, solidly put together. Movements are uninhibited, free. When he is standing still, he is characterized by involuntary oscillations of the arms and body, but these movement are calm, not sharp. His nose is neutral and unremarkable. Eyebrows are often a bit at an angle, moving, sometimes asymmetrical. Showing their dissatisfaction, brings them to a menacing nose. The eyes, if enhanced sensory component, with age, becoming swollen, framed by a rather large skin folds of age. In logical subtypes of squint your eyes periodically. Lips - heavy, full, slow-moving, sometimes causing a slurred speech. SLE is worn unobtrusively. He tries to stick to a neutral style, impervious to fluctuations of fashion. If a woman prefers a soft, pastel colors. Men are often the official dress, costume. This demonstrates the desire of SLE is not released, remain in the shadows.

As a subordinate

Distinguished by his leadership character. Volitional man, mobilized and energetic. Possesses a quick response, coupled with a good endurance. Knows how to manage people, quickly reorients under changing circumstances. Can quickly take on crucial decisions. He is set for achieving realistic immediate goals - adaptable tactician. Energetic and active, in periods of growth shows impressive work efficiency and ethic. Has a critical mind. Actively defends and pursues his own interest and those of his group. Strives for high material standard of living. He likes to take on major projects after carefully weighing everything over and developing a specific plan of action. Very goal-oriented and practical in business. Lives by his mind, puts matters above personal feelings. Resistant to stress, mobilizes in emergency situations.

Problem areas
Quite aggressive, has difficulty establishing smooth, conflict-free relationships with others. Does not like indecisive people who avoid taking bold actions. Does not like commanding tone, to be put under pressure, sharply rebuffs those who try this. Proud, when angry shows intolerance to other people's failures and mistakes. May create an unpleasant environment for those who are disagreeable to him. In personal relationships uncompromising, wants to manage and arrange everything his own way. Distrustful of new people. Seeks to clarify their position, connections and potential, by carefully asking questions and inquiring about the person. Heads towards his goal ignoring the interests of others. He has periods of ups and downs in mood and work performance.

From him do not demand and expect:

  • Consistent and sequential progress;
  • Softness, compliancy, non-contentiousness;
  • That he will work for free, "for the idea";
  • Predictive capabilities.

Recommended occupations: SLE manages other people well, allocates responsibilities, clarifies roles. He is able to consider in detail the necessary organizational structure and carry out its implementation with persistence. He can carefully select the needed people, testing them in advance, and keep all of his subordinates in the exacting structure, resorting if necessary to unpopular measures and to application of deliberate pressure. Practical, possesses good understanding of the benefits of any enterprise. Works well with hands, can tinker with anything and engage in skillful craftsmanship. Optimal use SLEs find in fields of management, engineering, military, police force. They make for good leaders at different levels, up to the highest.

As a supervisor

The essence of this sociotype is disposition to overcome obstacles and barriers, targeted struggle against those who stand in the way of him reaching his goal. He feels the need to influence people, to control their desires and actions. Sociable, strikes up friendly relations with the people, on which he comes to rely in business matters.

Strong-willed, confident in himself person. Not afraid of danger and taking on risks in business activity. Can successfully act as a manager or entrepreneur. Able to quickly assess the willful qualities of others. Differentiates people by categories, building a certain relation to each: a) confronting b) indifferent c) sympathetic d) familiar and amiable.

Ably sets the appropriate psychological distance. Information about potential and willful qualities of people around him SLE transforms into logical plans, estimates, projects, dispositions. Knows how to set people to places according to their potential abilities needed to achieve the main goal. The result of the activities of SLE is always a tightly-knit group which obeys his guiding hand. Skillfully assesses the balance of power in the current situation. According to this assessment maneuvers with flexibility. In positional struggle never loses the initiative, even if he chooses to sit and observe. Chooses the moment for decisive action, if necessary undertakes a reasonable risk.

The system of interaction with people is constructed in accordance with his penchant for hierarchical leadership. Gravitates towards covert, shadowy forms of leadership. Seeks to remain as if on the sidelines of events, while not letting them out of his sight. Intervenes in those decisive moments when the matter must be turned back on the right track.

Establishing business relations with this sociotypes has its own characteristics. For him the appearance of man carries a lot of significance - his clothing, his mannerisms and behaviors, his carriage. He is critical of persons who are physically weak, do not develop themselves and train their will. Has deep respect for assertive, forceful, penetrative qualities in a person. Appreciates above all one’s striving to achieve one’s goal rather than competence. All of these factors for SLE constitute objective criteria for establishing business partnerships. His business activities are characterized by dynamism, which is not always openly manifested. He can be patient, waiting for the right situation to spring to action. Successful completion of the business matter, coupled with bold and concentrated struggle, gives SLE pleasure and awakens interest in life.

In respect to conflict situations and compromise, SLE is characterized by competitive behavior and shows little willingness to compromise. If he accepts a compromise, it is only under the influence of some urgent circumstances. Psychologically, people of this type are set to win at all costs, sometimes at the expense of ethics and their personal commitments. Trying to find a way out, SLE tries to identify all the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the opponent and uses this information in future. If the analysis has been completed, he is ready to proceed with the action. His determination to win may have negative consequences for his professional and personal relationships. The desire to transform the external environment, to change the position of others, often leads to multiple conflicts. However often these conflicts bring more troubles and woes to his opponents rather than to representatives of SLE-type. The latter tend to overlook the complexities of relationships and are less sensitive to the emotional aspects. To resolve a complicated situation in communication or a relationship (i.e. conflict) SLE seek to either intensify efforts to strengthen their positions, or they reject the contact and seek other partners who more favorably perceive their view.

Main characteristics:

  • Hierarchical leader of objective orientation.
  • Establishing contact he is oriented at objective indicators.
  • The form of business activity is focused on resolving and overcoming hurdles and obstacles. Demonstrates competitive disposition.
  • Interaction with employees suggests administrative control.
  • Achieves great results in business activity without taking human relations into much consideration.
  • Inclined to reject the role of ethics in business. Believes that result justifies the means.
  • Strives for success in life, career oriented. Concerns about his own profit and success of the firm. Good orientation in immediate situations.
  • Relation to law: prone to take risks and may undertake criminal actions. If possible, tries to overcome legal barriers.

Working conditions

The impetus that drives SLE is status: achieving a certain level on the work ladder and opportunities to live a lavish lifestyle. Therefore, if he is your employee, try to put his management skills to use, entrust him with independent tasks, responsibility and opportunities to manage others. Promote him if possible, if not - come up with a prestigious title for the same position or a reward. Remember that for him it is much easier to command others than to receive orders. If you cannot promote him now, think about it in the future (and promise it, if you can). If SLE is not satisfied with his status in the group, he will always look for another place where he has greater influence on the course of the events. In business communication with SLE be aware that he seeks competition with other people and will seek benefits anywhere, even a small business. Therefore it is better if you prepare in advance for a conversation. Determine in which minor matters you can agree to compromise and where you cannot. Having achieved a small concession on your part in the beginning of the conversation, the SLE will be much more loyal by the end, where you will be able to persuade him diplomatically. If he becomes cheerless and unresponsive, carefully, with tactful questions inquire about the causes of poor mood (not persisting, if he does not want to answer). Most often, this may be uncertainty about the future, their abilities, or behavior of others. If you can somehow reassure him with phrases like "do not worry, everything will be fine, since ...", he will start to internally sympathize with you.

Recommendations for self-improvement

You are without a doubt, a strong-willed and determined person. You always set large, far-reaching goals and do not like to waste energy on small, inconsequential things. You know how to flexibly respond to situations and accept temporary compromises, but do not lose sight of the main goal.

Your character is particularly evident in critical situations. Your persistence in overcoming obstacles increases in proportion to their number. You are very reckless, although will not take unnecessary risks. You like activities that allow to show the qualities of resourcefulness, strength of will, and composure during an emergency. You have good organizational skills. You know how to find the right people and the right to place, depending on their skills, able to direct their efforts to achieve the main goal.

You do not try to put your accomplishments on display. You prefer to stay in the background, encouraging others to necessary activities. For you, a sense of responsibility is characteristic.

The main problem of your life - the lack of tact and diplomacy in dealing with people. Sometimes you openly demonstrate intolerance of other people's shortcomings and weaknesses. To achieve your goals sometimes you can step over the interests of other people, which can evoke negative evaluations and moral judgment of others in your address.

Remember that the formula of "the end justifies the means" is not always true. Cultivate tolerance, and respect the dignity and feelings of others. A deep study of philosophies and religions where human values are advocated and justified will help you to better understand the essence of man. Cultivate in yourself polite and proper manners.

Show more respect towards persons of the opposite sex. Do not lose your sense of romanticism, without which your life can turn into a colorless existence. Do not always expect exceptional initiative in expression of feelings from your partner, try to demonstrate or communicate to him or her your disposition. Another problem – your excessive focus on the shortcomings of the person. This can create an unfair attitude toward him or her. Be more sensitive and careful, take care of people, not only in words but also in deeds. Do not leave unanswered questions that were asked of you. When listening to someone, do not think of extraneous things, but instead focus on the person’s problems. Do not underestimate the role of intellectual labor in the workplace.

More often reflect on the possible consequences of your actions. Never shift the responsibility for mistakes onto shoulders of other people - it can affect your reputation in the future. Try to keep track of situations that go beyond formal communication. You can put yourself in an awkward position by asking irrelevant questions, which can be perceived by others as tactless.

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