ILI Profile by Gulenko

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Type descriptions by Gulenko
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

General description

Has a good eye for noticing contradictions and omissions in actions and words. Skeptical about the prospects of hasty initiatives. Can provide a characteristic for someone, predict his main reactions. Patiently leads a person along towards taking the necessary step, preparing him or her in advance.

Takes up only those tasks that ensure reliable returns. Thrifty with money. Does the job scrupulously, slowly, attentively examines details. Calculates everything in his mind. Tries to control the process. Able to capitalize on information that he or she has accumulated.

Prudent in matters of comfort and health. Reckless methods and unfounded enthusiasm are not acceptable for the ILI. At home surrounds himself with familiar items. Often, he is a food gourmand. Observes cleanliness and standards of hygiene.

He likes to discuss and argue on a variety of topics, but growing hot-tempered he can spoil the mood for himself and others. Poorly control his emotions: his states range from melancholic depression to outbreaks of discontentment and frustration. His problem lies in finding inner balance. Does not like when he is perturbed from a state of tranquility and relaxation.

Detailed description

ILI attentively follows the flow of life. He is keenly perceptive of details and barely discernible tendencies. Explains which causes have led to which consequences in present situation. Immersed in the past, studies recurring phenomena. Due to associatively organized memory and love of learning is often erudite. Clearly discerns contradictions and inaccuracies in the positions and opinions of others. Possessing a thoughtful mind can make an impression of a clever and far-sighted man. Cautious when making decisions. His position is that you need to run a little ahead of the game. Always chooses the safest course of action.

In his mind, considers the rationale for actions, calculates the resources and costs incurred, draws the balance of the useful to the useless. He seeks the shortest and the most worthwhile route to the goal. Thrifty with money and knows how to save for the future. Continually monitors revenues. Looks for places and ways to make profitable investments. Before starting on something, he thoroughly thinks through the methodology, examines all the necessary specifications. Directs his efforts toward creation of sustainable structures. Monitors the ongoing situation in his field of interest. Capable of deriving benefits from information he has accumulated. Orients well among fluctuations in markets of goods and services. Creates catalogs, databases, archives, and collections.

Prudent in matters of comfort and health. Going out or going on a trip brings along a set of objects that provide a guaranteed minimum level of convenience. Keeps himself to standards of hygiene, maintains cleanliness. Puts in effort into keeping himself healthy, sometimes resorting to traditional methods. Often is a food gourmand. Can prepare special dishes that satisfy his tastes. Predisposed to use of high-quality, sophisticated products, although during times of shortage is able to get by on very simple food. His external appearance is either unkempt and neglected or, on the contrary, carefully devised in accord with the current norms. This depends on his social circle and the nature of his audience.

Estimates attitudes towards himself by displays of emotions. Boisterous, intrusive, emotions he finds irritating; they have a subduing and depressing effect on him. In extreme situations, or when he feels hidden antagonism, he can openly express his annoyance, fly off the handle and make demands in a sharp manner. If his state is poor, he transforms it into black humor. Can deliver a short, acerbic remark. His gravitation towards other people is once again dependent on his current mood. In high spirits he can even be obsessive and intrusive; in poor mood he withdraws and rests in seclusion.

When in good physical shape, he is confident in himself, assertive, calls for decisive actions, however, it rarely comes to implementation. He needs to be prodded from outside, requires strong support. Absence of such support leads to demobilization and laziness. Direct aggression is detestable to him; he opposes it in every way. He cannot endure protracted confrontation – simply leaves or even falls ill. For his physical well-being engages in athletic types of sports – tries to build stamina and overcome his natural weakness, toughens himself. But to engage in this regularly he usually does not have enough willpower.

His emotional state depends on how he is treated by others. Feels depressed, if others do not grant him attention, if nobody responds to his proposals and objections. If he is in poor mood, do not try to comfort and cheer him, but leave him alone with his thoughts of express indirect sympathy. In dealing with strangers, he can be polite, behave as a well-mannered and intelligent person. Has a diplomatic streak; can work on reconciling the interests of all parties. To close interpersonal distance and strike up a friendship, he jokes, behaves in a playful and unrestrained manner. However, if the other party does not respond, he stop his attempts at rapprochement.

Resents that knowledge and intellectual skill rarely lead to the desired results. He knows a lot, but to come up with something himself is difficult for him. Skeptical about the prospects of new initiations and adventurous ideas. Envisions and presents things as more complicated than they really are. Although, he can instill hope into those who have been demoralized. Keen to try his hand at different activities in order to gain confidence in his abilities. However, he rarely attains multifaceted development. With pleasure he studies all the novelties and innovations in his spheres of interest. Able to find uses for things that otherwise seem outdated and worn out.

Does his work is accord with the established methods, slowly and scrupulously, going into all the specifications. Can be rigorous with details and meticulous to the point of pedantry. Professional activity and diligence are characteristic of him only within a formal system, where there is structure and regulation. Tries to have a set of necessary tools at his workplace and at home. Does not like to take anything on credit. In business activity, he is independent, self-sufficient and effective.

Manner of communication

The two subtypes of ILI are quite different from each other in their manner of communication. The logical subtype is often active and assertive in dialogue. Sometimes can be demonstratively rude and vulgar. However, cannot keep up this unceremoniousness for a long time, and subsides. Intuitive subtype of ILI speaks softly, unobtrusively, with a smile. Leaves behind a general impression of an intelligent, educated man. If it is necessary to him, knows how to positively predispose others in conversation and politely make a request, to which others usually respond. Unhurried, his manner of speech is often languid and stretched out, especially giving presentations and talks. This speech has a soporific, hypnotic effect. Good at noticing and drawing attention to inconsistencies and contradictions in theories, or someone's views. Able to predict the course of upcoming events in an imaginative, associative form. Modeling the behavior of a person based on his past personal experience with them, the ILI can in great detail describe his future actions, by which he evokes much interest in his listeners. Turbulent emotions, hustle and bustle, fuss and hurry, he never shows himself. These irritate him, make him feel sleepy and demobilized. He dislikes it very much when he's prodded from state of calm and relaxation. Communicates with people at close distances, earning their respect by his wisdom and foresight. Skeptically evaluates any undertakings and activities. Characterized by statements such as: "It won't work", "nothing will come of this", "you're hustling around for nothing", "better save your efforts", and in the same key.

Features of behavior

One of the characteristic features of the behavior of ILI which becomes apparent after some time observing him - is a tendency to business activity of a commercial nature. Under normal conditions the ILI is quite lazy and relaxed. He will take up only those projects and activities that guarantee large profits. Knows how to sell a product profitably. Moreover, his business activities can involve a rather larger area. Usually distinguished by frugality. Dislikes giving gifts, lending money to others. However, he's is quite generous when it comes to himself, not stingy with personal expenses. Going out, going on a trip, always carries a standard set of things to ensure a minimum of comfort. Follows rules of hygiene to maintain his health. Frequently washes his hands, tries to keep cleanliness. A clear logical sequence of actions is characteristic of an ILI, which at times reaches pedantry. Does his work accurately, without hurry, goes into all the details. Scrupulous in home life. For each task tries to have an appropriate instrument. Leaving the house checks appliances, water faucets, and so on.


The most distinctive external trait or by which this sociotype can be easily determined - is posture. Representative of the sociotypes are usually round-shouldered, may stoop a little, with his head as if drawn into the shoulders and inclined forward. ILI's eyes - are expressive, somewhat sad. In them there is often a note of victimization (of sacrificial nature). It's easy to imagine him being surrounded by a crowd shouting "Crucify him!" The figures of ILI are very different: from very thin to very dense, like the artist A. Dzhigarkhanyan, or even overweight, as the poet Rasul Gamzatov. In his facial expression there are intertwined wisdom with a kind nature for intuitive subtype, or sadness and touchiness for logical subtype. ILI's lips are usually poorly defined and expressionless. During a conversation, he sometimes puts forward his lower lip, his lower jaw is poorly directed and may even droop. Clothing and appearance are very dependent on the subtype. ILI of logical subtype may look sloppy, as if nobody takes care of this person, shoes worn down at the heels, or curved. Intuitive subtype, on the contrary, is most often neat, his clothes are generally well chosen, very clean and tidy.

As a subordinate

Oriented at making rational, gainful actions. Economical, fastidious in work, conscientious and operative. Often erudite, spends a lot of time on reading and thinking. Remembers what he has read in great detail and vividly recounts it for others. Has strong intuition that allows him to make predictions about outcomes of any undertakings. Good at assessing levels of risk. Often advises caution and prudence to avoid unpleasant surprises and troubles. Perceptive of mistakes and illogic of any system and insensibility of actions of others. Punctual, if this is required of him. Modest at home and his appearance, but appreciates comfort. Polite in conversation. Has a sense of humor and can comfort the despairing.

Problem areas
A skeptic by nature. Notices all the contradictions, oppositions, and deficiencies in the surrounding world. Subject to doubt and frequent fluctuations. Poorly maintains internal balance. Not being able to control his moods, sometimes he is too picky and cantankerous, at other times too kind and yielding. His emotional fluctuations reflect on others. Because of his thoroughness does not always have time to see his projects through to completion, loses sight of the more substantial goals. Cautious and hesitant in new endeavors. He doesn't like to rush and hurry; mistrustful of people who run too much ahead. At times he is stubborn and intractable, if he is certain of his rightness. Does not comply with direct volitional pressure. Does not like to make compliments. Considers it more appropriate to talk about shortcomings and flaws. He finds it difficult to pressure or persuade anyone to do anything.

From him one cannot demand and expect:

  • Expediency in proceedings;
  • Courage and decisiveness in extreme situations;
  • Constant receptiveness and hospitality;
  • Emotional empathy.

Recommended occupations: Applied research in fields of physics, mathematics, macroeconomics; conceptual analysis of complex problems; assessments of levels of risk, counseling and prognosis; philosophy, history and archaeology; informatics, archives and library work.

As a supervisor

Representatives of this sociotype are staid, phlegmatic, and cold-blooded. By their nature they are very serious. They do not like to make hasty actions, and instead wait for the time when circumstances are favorable to the previously conceived plans. They do not like manifestations of turbulent emotions and anything that disturbs the natural course of events.

This type of supervisor anticipates the risks of actions that have been undertaken, provides timely advice on the way out of current situation, calls attention to details that have been overlooked. All this is typical of sociotype "Critic" in position of a manager. Such a person may very well solve problems of a strategic nature. ILI has a well-developed sense of time. His thinking is dynamic and dialectical in nature: he sees everything as closely related and existing in mutual alternations and transitions.

Guided by his intuition, ILI sees the timeliness or untimeliness of actions and behavior of people. His intuition is objective: everything must change by its internal laws, one should neither hinder nor accelerate the natural course of events. Slowly but steadily he leads a person to understand the need of taking some particular actions. Radicalism only manifests when he sees that there was a significant slowdown in the natural rhythm of movement.

His mind has a critical focus: good eye for flaws and omissions in the theories and projects of others. Able to deliver before an audience lengthy and detailed explanations of unfolding of events in time, then make predictions concerning their outcome. Bases his assumptions on contrasting and comparing the total amount of information that he has gathered about a particular object or person. Clearly sees the futility of enterprises and undertakings, and thus rarely undertakes anything that doesn't guarantee some return in the future. He does not waste energy on small, one-time events, and exerts himself only in cases of major opportunities. Most of the time he spends waiting for the right moment to get the desired result with a minimum of effort. As a rule, he is always calculating, deliberate, and measured.

Feels as ease and more confident in an environment in which every person is pursuing his or her own benefit. Elements of the market attracts him, since based on his understanding of the flow and confluence of events and his ingenuity, he can make profitable investments.

Maintains relations with others on a business basis. Loses interest in people who do not bring any real benefit. Usually careful in his business activities and doesnt hurry to give his consent even on tasks and projects that are doable for him. But if he makes a decision, he will try to implement it into reality with all his powers. People of this type are usually very pedantic and rigorous: they check and verify everything, try to not lose sight of the details. Because of this quality, this sociotype cannot work quickly. When studying something new, he relies on intuition less and instead places more trust in information he has meticulously gathered and compiled on the subject.

He usually has an extensive network of acquaintances and business contacts. Knows who is a good expert in some particular field and how close that person is to success. Can pick up and work with old, long forgotten inventions and discoveries. Seeks to breathe new life into them. Meticulously versed in technologies. Creates conditions for the production of prototypes, but does not know how to implement them.

Main characteristics:

  • Not inclined to seek leadership, however, if required he can adequately express himself in the role of a frontal leader.
  • Methods of establishing new contacts are far from emotional. Very important consideration for him is the usefulness of the partner.
  • Business activity is based on the principle: "minimum effort – most use and benefit."
  • His management style is based on the principle of collegiality, identifying abilities of his employees and maximizing the use of their potential.
  • A collaborative type whose behavior contains elements of compromise.
  • Achieves major results by maximizing the use of available resources.
  • Not able to manage by emotionally impacting people.
  • Management is often consistent with accepted ethical and professional standards.
  • Motives are usually law abiding. The goal is to profit within the official legislature.
  • Strategy: management oriented at human nature.

Working conditions

Critic is a self-contained type with a predilection for theoretical reasoning. Most of all he is interested in problems of informational and general theoretical nature. The "hustle and bustle" of worldly life is of little value to him. Optimal regimen for him is independent work, which does not require great physical effort and urgency, and which provides the opportunity to exercise the mind. His career development is gradual, his advancement proceeds step-by-step. When interacting with his colleagues, ILI must always be aware that in spite of his knowing, he is usually only outlining the problem without offering anything in return. In addition, his ideas can be unrealistic and too complicated for implementation. He is better than anyone in evaluating existing trends, however, implementation of fundamental reforms to avoid impending dangers you will have to do by yourself—do not count on his involvement here. As with all intuitive types, "Critic" prefers that all problems of domestic and workplace set-up, supply and maintenance are resolved by somebody else instead of him. So if you take care of him in these matters, this will free him to do more creative work.

Recommendations for self-improvement

Your forte is ability to foresee and anticipate the future course of events—you can predict the evolution of situation over the course of time and give timely advice to warn others of impending dangers and difficulties.

You have a well developed ability for mental representation, can envision and present what you have seen or read in great detail. You are inquisitive, able to retain and store information on questions and topics that are of interest to you, thus distinguishing yourself with enviable erudition. You are cautious and prudent in making important decisions, which makes others think of you as a clever and far-sighted person.

You have the ability to create for yourself an environment in which there is everything necessary for the rational organization of work and rest. You value convenience.

You know how to motivate others and orient them towards beneficial activities and enterprise in order to achieve higher levels. Good tactical sense allows you to discover many methods of achieving your goals.

Your main problem—excessive skepticism of new ideas and initiatives, lack of energy and enthusiasm for their realization. This leads to conservatism and passivity in your life.

You are predisposed to have a pessimistic perception of life. Often, you are rejecting of radical solutions to current problems and optimistic prognoses. You value stability and peace of mind, which in itself is valuable to you. But times of crisis call for more activity, greater energy and hope. Try to overcome apathy and a tendency for inactive contemplation in yourself. The policy of an ostrich burying his head in the sand will lead you to lose interest in life and negatively impact your professional activities.

Excessive grouchiness leads to others resenting you and avoiding your company. Cultivate a sense of tact. Try to refrain from making inappropriate comments. Try to discern the virtues of people, celebrate their dignity, give more compliments for their good qualities and deeds.

You shy away from scandals, yet give free rein to your negative emotions. Sudden and excessive expression of your negative emotion can shock other people and place you in a ridiculous position.

Another problem in your life is excessive fastidiousness and pedantry. You delve into every detail and exercise too much scrupulousness in performing tasks. These wasteful expenditures of time and energy can lead to general fatigue, and even loss of interest in work. This will lead to you quitting the job prematurely due to loss of interest and desire. In that case, remember the reasons that led to this unwanted situation.

You can make excessive demands on the quality and freshness of food. For you it is characteristic to have ingrained, well-established tastes and habits in your daily life. Pay more attention to advice that would broaden your scope of tastes, habits, and views. Avoid following fixed stereotypes.

Because of excessive suspiciousness during times of illness you can abuse drugs, refuse to visit the doctors or listen to their advice. You can underestimate the importance of an active lifestyle and engaging in sport, especially the outdoor kind. Aim for a healthy life, and keep a balance between enjoyable physical and mental activities.

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