IEE Profile by Gulenko

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Type descriptions by Gulenko
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

General description

Insightful: keenly discerns the motives of other people. Gravitates towards the capable and the extraordinary personalities. Knows how to cheer up someone, how to instill hope. Advises on ways out of difficult life situations.

Altruistic: for people towards whom he is sympathetic can do more than what was expected of him. Light and kind in communication. With his sincerity and warmth inspires trust. May become offended if he doesn't obtain an emotional response. Seeks to manage the feelings of others.

Mobilizes and becomes active in extreme situations. Provides resistance to and repels unjustified attacks. He is often unable to make himself do what is objectively needed. Poorly combines what he wishes for with the concurrent reality of the situation. First demonstrates initiative but then seeks people who will ensure implementation of his ideas without his participation.

Becomes easily tired of the routine, thus frequently changes his hobbies and occupations. Doing meticulous, detailed work is not for him. For him, it is difficult to follow schedules and timetables. He doesn't take well to strict discipline, has little respect the formal subordination.

Detailed description

The IEE (ENFp) has an excellent intuition for people. He adeptly assesses motivation of others from disparate phrases, intonation, facial expressions, and peculiarities of behavior. Easily guesses what another person is striving for. Learns quickly, for he is able to grasp the main points of the issue. Has well-developed faculties of fantasy: often thinks up stories with entertaining plot lines, creates imaginary scenes and events, easily envisions and conceptualizes. Gravitates towards talented and unusual personalities. Knows how to encourage and inspire people, generously gives compliments, enthusiastically describes future activities and prospects. Offers multiple solutions for addressing the same problem. Finds it unbearable to occupy himself with repetitive work; repetition generates boredom which strongly depresses his spirits.

IEE, like no other, is discerning in the logic of human relations, especially acutely he sees the causes and motivations that create complications and conflicts in intimate relationships and friendships. It is easier for him, however, to maintain the present relations that are running smoothly than to mend old breakups. He sensitively reacts to any antipathies and animosity. Charming and sociable; will build relations with anyone, if this person is interesting to him. Perceptive of which distance he needs to keep with which individual in social interaction, although he doesn't always hold it. IEE knows what needs to be done to maintain a favorable psychological atmosphere within a group. He gives advice on how to interact and communicate with someone to become invaluable to them.

In extreme situations, IEE mobilizes and acts quite resolutely and decisively. Provides a rebuff and resistance to any types of encroachment and invasions. He will respond to any dictatorial and coercive attempts and retaliate with force. Very independent, but also won't attempt to compel and drive others. Not afraid to speak out against a superior force. He can go to an official or a manager of any rank and demand a resolution or implementation of measures to address his problems. When he gets involved in arguments, IEE will actively and sometimes aggressively assert his opinions and views. Suffers from irritability and edginess. For this reason often has trouble with building up bodily tension.

IEE is unable to work effectively within a rigid system that imposes too many restrictions. He dislikes it when his relations with others are controlled and regulated from the outside. Find it difficult to perform meticulous work of the type of formal accounting. He often doesn't go into the details but will instead grasp the general meaning. Due to this, he doesn't always listen to another person to the very end before coming to a conclusion and voicing his advice, which results in others feeling misunderstood. In his reasoning and formulation of objective conclusions, he often errs on the side of subjective impressions and subjective ethics and may ignore or dismiss the facts that contradict his own personal impressions. Though he will put in an effort and take objective factors into account in cases when he doesn't want to leave a poor impression of himself.

IEE is able to fully relax only in a thoroughly comfortable environment where he can feel himself at home and not worry about complications. He needs substantial doses of pleasant experiences; personal enjoyment plays a big role in his life. He loves it when he is surrounded by comfort, domestic coziness, help and care shown in concrete actions. Due to his preference for this kind of leisure, sometimes he makes an impression of a superficial, high-spirited and carefree person. It is possible for him to get sucked into the vortex of pleasant life which could lead to unpleasant consequences. He doesn't take care much of himself and can do with very little, however, physical and emotional discomfort will eventually undermine his health. He seeks the kind of lifestyle that isn't be too heavily burdened with contention and the need to fight for one's existence.

His internal state and mood are dependent upon the nature of work that he has to do. If it's not interesting or seems useless, then his mood drops. For this reason, IEE is not prone to performing regular upkeep and maintenance of his living quarters. He has weak sense of pragmatism and is not economical. If he becomes involved in organizing something, he does it out of his creative interest, for the soul, for the idea, and not for profit. The best reward for his labor is admiration, excitement and conveyance of positive emotions. The interplay of connecting pleasure with business constitutes a large part of IEE's life - he tries to turn work or studying into a kind of a game.

IEE concerns with and seeks to manage the time expenditures of those around him. He does not tolerate people who don't act effectively or take away precious time. At the same time, often he poorly manages his own time and is prone to tardiness. When explaining or telling others about something, he follows his own tangents and associations, cannot relay information in a brief compact form, because of this doesn't always fit into the allotted time. For Advisor, it is important to monitor the ongoing development of the situation. Without inspiration and hope, without changes for the better, he feels depressed. Easily believes in optimistic promises, even though he understands that major changes take a while to implement. He himself is not characterized by patience. If his attempts to contradict his fate fail, then he gradually resigns himself to the inevitable.

IEE knows how to take the initiative and inspire people to action. But when his desire is lost, he tries to find other people who will drive the project to completion without his direct involvement. Internally, he is filled with conflicting thoughts and sad emotions. In order to escape and distract himself, can bury himself in work. In this he often doesn't feel a sense of measure and can overwork himself. In communication, he is emotional, independent, and somewhat naive. However, these qualities help him to achieve success in seemingly hopeless or very difficult undertakings. In a good mood, he effectively resolves the current operational difficulties and obstructions. He quickly finds how to substitute a missing item, or even how to completely do without it.

Manner of communication

It is very easy to identify IEE by his manner of communication. When it comes to men, this is the style of Don Juan, who easily conquers women's hearts by his soft, suave manners, his ability to make compliments, and unobtrusive, flexible courtship. IEE woman, for the same reasons, and especially when the ethical component is emphasized, is often viewed as frivolous and easily accessible, provoking men to make active attempts. However, she suddenly gives a resolute rebuff, up to use of physical force if the situation has taken a serious turn. Independence, immediacy, emotionality are characteristic of IEE's manner of of communication. He or she knows how to find an approach to virtually anyone. Very easily comes into contact, a pleasant conversation partner. Helps people with advice on how to get out of difficult ethical situations. Instills hope with phrases such as: "It will all be right," "Everything is still ahead," "There are no hopeless situations", and so on. To logical types this style of communication may seem chaotic, superficial. However, it is because the IEE does not bother with deep study of details that he or she can easily explore new areas of knowledge, grasping all that is the most interesting in a given sphere. Because of his desire for a beautiful life, this sociotype is commonly encountered in large cities, where there are many opportunities for a pastime and entertainment.

Features of behavior

Observing the IEE for a while it is easy to notice the most characteristic feature of his behavior - the ability to create around himself a close circle of friends, and be in center of their attention. Moreover, the IEE forms the needed relationships in this group gently, unobtrusively, with a sense of tact. The IEE very much values the opinions of surrounding people. Actively defends himself if someone questions his abilities, insults or otherwise offends him. The IEE is characterized by volitional mobilization in emergency situations. When there is panic and chaos around, the IEE suddenly becomes active, resolute, can take command into his own hands if there isn't another strong-willed person around. However under everyday normal circumstances, he is rather disorganized and slack. Deep, detailed study of concrete questions is boring to him. Learning all that is most interesting in one field or topic he switches to another. Often changes his hobbies and involvements. Poorly prepares documentation: reports, tables, reference charts. Mindful of his appearance, for example, he will check how he looks before going on stage. In behavior the IEE is inclined to adventurism, impromptu actions, thoughtless recklessness. Only the IEE can, being swept by the influence of his desire, take the train and ride off into unknown direction with only one purpose - to unwind. Likes to spend some money on his needs and whims. Men of this type have a tendency to revel in restaurants in a showy manner. Often consider their purpose to be a "beautiful life" that is not burdened by boring everyday concerns. With age, of course, this may pass.


This type is perhaps one of the most difficult to identify by appearance from a distance. It has no pronounced facial features. If the ethical component is strengthened, the gait and movements are quick and jerky. His hands freely swing at the same time, as if tied on a rope. Facial features are mostly proportional, often rounded. Sometimes, the IEE has large, full, African-style lips. If the intuitive component is enhanced, the movements are calmer, slow, without jerking. The figure is most often elongated, thin, lanky for men. He puts places his feet on the ground with his toes pointing outwards so much that it reinforces the impression of irrationality of his walk. For IEE, as with all members of the fourth quadra, it is rare to find noses that protrude far beyond the plane of the face. IEE styles of dressing is more telling, especially for women. There is always some perceptible carelessness, incompleteness, lack of strictness. Their dressing style is romantic - relaxed, light, and easy. In clothing, as in the whole appearance of IEE, there are some notes of theatricality and carnival-like accents. The ethical subtype has "shooting", "darting" eyes, the playfulness of which seems very natural. The intuitive subtype, when not in communication, has an expression of surprise written on his face, which he slightly lifts upwards.

As a subordinate

Communicative and emotional. Know how to approach any person in case of need. Naturally charming and good at diplomacy. Will compliment others, strive to do nice things for others. Discerning in the talents and abilities of others, perceptive of their implicit motives as well as character flaws. Drawn to an extraordinary people. Interested in everything unusual and mysterious. Once invested in any idea will enthusiastically advertise it and become its active supporter. Impressionable and responsive, sympathetic towards people and will try to give them advice in difficult situations. Needs constant influx of new experiences. Resistant towards stress. In extreme conditions becomes mobilized and gives a volitional rebuff. In case of failure, he feels deeply upset but soon recovers. Enjoys aesthetically pleasing things, strives to dress creatively.

Problem areas
Due to his desire to maintain positive relations with many people, he can overload himself with useless contacts. Too trusting by nature and can say too much in conversation. Becomes quickly disappointed in his initial positive sympathies. May become too detached and exalted, too dependent on his moods. Does not like strict rules, especially those that limit his independence. Does not respect formal hierarchy and servility. Not accepting of conventions and prejudices. He is moderately disorganized and impractical, may not finish work by the assigned deadlines. Tends to get distracted by minor things. Sometimes lacks in patience and thoroughness and does not always finish his tasks and chores. Dislikes rude, people, but himself can also be quick-tempered, unrestrained, and sometimes even aggressive.

What cannot be expected from him:

  • Quality in carry out meticulous, detail-oriented work;
  • Systematic accounting and record keeping;
  • High levels of self-organization;
  • Ability to effectively direct others and distribute responsibilities;
  • Unemotional response to conflicting situations.

Recommended occupations: The humanitarian sphere. Teaching, art, journalism, psychology, career advising, marriage counseling, advertising.

As a supervisor

Person of this type has a lively but not methodical mind, which is impulsive and intermittently active. He can work only when his desires coincide with necessity. He needs to have many varied social contacts and friends beyond the confines of his family and home. He usually doesn't devote too much attention to mistakes of the past but says and does whatever is convenient at present situation.

A person can be said to be "altruistic" when the interests of another person or of his or her social environment serves as the most valued and important motivation. "Psychologist" as a leader is able to fully realize himself in activities genuinely aimed at collective interests, while not pursuing any selfish goals.

Strong sides of manager of this type is his insight, discernment, ability to see into the essence of a person and to understand the different sides of a personality. He quickly and easily determines the individual's place in the psychological structure of the group as well as group's compatibility-incompatibility with the individual. He is able to foresee the development of human relations and make appropriate conclusions.

When establishing business contacts, IEE is mainly oriented at the personal factors. If he likes the partner, he will be tactful and diplomatic in manners. He is able to subtly and skillfully manage own emotions in order to achieve a positive outcome. Emotions of this type of person are perceived as ingenuous and unobtrusive. This evokes a positive emotional response in others and leads to the solution of many of his problems.

His methods of interacting with colleagues and employees is oriented at building friendships and upkeep of a positive psychological atmosphere. Whenever a conflicting situation arises, IEE takes initiative in resolving these ethical problems. He is able to predispose people towards a more confidential conversation and lift their tensions.

His business activity is impulsive in its nature. His efficiency and productivity are to a large degree influenced by his attitude toward the project. He is averse to routine, monotonous work; the necessity to carry out repetitive steps or procedures is irksome to him. He prefers acting on his intuition, often forgoing the more rigorous analytic analysis. For these reasons this type of manager is quite rare in the industrial sector, but more frequent in academic, cultural, leisure and service industries, where his qualities of being attuned to individual's emotions and personal needs are highly valued.

He is inclined to delegating style of management i.e. he will willingly transfer responsibilities for some aspects of operation to other people. He often does this in order to free himself from routine work. Will look into issues the require a strategic approach. Sees well the present prospects and potentialities. He is not easily discouraged by setbacks, hopes for good luck and favorable coincidence of circumstances.

His style of behavior allows for compromises. He is yielding when he sees that the other person is not pursuing selfish ends. However, if the actions of his partner have selfish motives, IEE can manifest stubbornness and risky activities.

Main characteristics:

  • Can adequately realize himself as a frontal leader.
  • Establishment of business contacts is oriented at personal factors.
  • Work activity relies on foresight, sense of good timing, anticipation of good opportunities. Susceptible to changes of mood (impulsive in productivity).
  • Inclined towards collaboration and compromise.
  • Achieves major results by selecting the right people for the group, fostering a positive atmosphere, and successful delegation of responsibilities.
  • Observes ethical values in business, due to which may be influenced by partners in business activity.
  • Motives: positive intentions in combination with personal success. Goal - realization of own capabilities supported by material achievements.
  • Strategy: complete freedom in management, maximal attention to the human factor. Can take up leading role in resolving ethical conflicts.

Working conditions

IEE is driven by incentive of uniqueness. He seeks to learn more, to improve his own skill level, with pleasure takes up self-education. He likes the type of work that provides a variety of contacts with people and frequent switches. Therefore, if you entrust him communicating with the customers, as well as diplomatic engagement with partners or other departments of the company, this is the best way to realize his potential. If you can find proper application for IEE's unique abilities and knowledge, you will earn his confidence. However, be careful in following his recommendations and advice. Remember that, despite the strong intuition this type errs on the side of impracticality and can be rather unrealistic and wishful in his opinions. IEE is not particularly adept in handling everyday, routine matters that require scrupulousness and attention to practical detail. He happily delegates tasks of this kind to someone else who wants to take it up. Thus, surround the IEE with colleagues who can provide help with such matters, who can tolerate his impracticality and negligence for details - this will ensure successful interaction. If you can also ensure that he has a flexible schedule and support his desire for self-improvement and education, you will match his notions of the ideal supervisor.

Recommendations for self-improvement

The strong side of your personality is your well-developed intuition that allows you to accurately identify intangible opportunities and concealed abilities in other people. You especially acutely note the negative personal traits in others. Trust your first impressions more, since your kindness and leniency can make you somewhat idealize people as they become more familiar to you.

You are able to be tactful and considerate towards others, attempt to help them resolve their personal problems, do something pleasant for them. Denoting other people's talents, you can make befitting compliments, with this trying to raise self-esteem of each person, as well as instill confidence in achieving the desired result.

Your other strong trait is your ability to establish personable and trusting relations with others and thus predispose them towards sincerity and confidence. This sincerity you try to use for their good, to give diplomatic advice to help them disentangle difficult life situations, to avoid making hasty and ridiculous decisions, which they will come to regret later.

On the other hand, if a person did not fully justify your confidence or aroused your antipathy, you will set up a barrier between yourself and him and attempt to distance yourself. Your dislikes are as strong as your sympathies, but you are more skillful at maintaining harmonious and even relations with others and can be an excellent diplomat.

Your weak side is your inability to bring yourself to do laborious detailed work, to follow rules and regulations, to carefully maintain records, to work in very close quarters with many people, to respect the official chain of command regardless of individual qualities of people in leadership.

It is difficult for you to provide a dispassionate logical analysis, to separate the primary from the secondary, due to which you tend to drown in pointless unfruitful affairs and numerous hobbies spreading yourself thin. You also find it difficult to properly allocate events in time, which ultimately leads to physical and nervous exhaustion and dissatisfaction with the quality of your life.

You may be recommended to establish a clear but flexible schedule for the day and try to follow it. When planning activities for tomorrow be sure to evaluate the objective importance of each. Trust your powers of observation, but remember that they extend mostly to people, while in business it will do you good to listen to the advice of the experts. Read more and read thoughtfully, write down the most important rules and information. Remember that to move forward you'll need more than improvisation, enthusiasm, and generalized opinions.

Your other weak spot is underdeveloped ability to focus and poor ability to control yourself in various circumstances. You are given to wavering when making important decisions. Unexpected flashes of aggressiveness can ruin your relations with others. Your courage and determination often help you out in extreme situations. However, when everything is still and calm, you can start feeling apathy and lose your drive.

Cultivate restraint and consistency, make yourself to do your tasks more scrupulously and try to drive projects you have started to their end. Try not to pressure people in your vicinity without a reason for it, do not impose your advice or demand immediate execution of something. Try to rule in your emotions.

If you feel that conflict is inevitable, try to immediately stop communicating as to not regret later for what you had said. Don't get anxious over unimportant and inconsequential things. Don't focus on your own negative feelings, as this can adversely affect your health.

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