SLI Profile by Gulenko

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Type descriptions by Gulenko
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

General description

Values convenience and quality. Gives preference to comfort in clothing rather than appearance. Sensitively reacts to touch and any extraneous odors. Enjoys quiet communion with nature. Caring in relation to family and friends.

Prudent and economical. Inventive and resourceful at home and at work, if he happens to enjoy it. Skeptical of slogans and boisterous appeals, prefers to go by common sense. Stubborn and uncompromising in that which he considers to be correct. Though he is distrustful of new ideas, after testing them in practice is able to extract benefit from them.

Independent. Proud, even haughty. In need of a sensitive approach, praise, and attention. Inclined towards skepticism. Poorly sees the future evolution of events. Concerned about making timely choices in life, yet feels dependent on the vicissitudes of fate.

Impressionable, poorly controls his emotions during a dispute. Doesn't know how to express his feelings openly. Life's hardships make him resort to "black" humor. At times he is taken by pessimism and apathy; instead of encouraging a person, he becomes taken in by their negative state.

Detailed description

Learns about the world through first-hand experience and travel. Sensitive towards all that disrupts the natural harmony. Rejects any artificiality, factitious displays, unhealthy instincts. Caring in relations to close ones. If he sees that the person is not feeling well will come to his aid. If he considers someone to be his friend, doesn't leave that person in need. Perceptive of potentialities that are related to senses. In pursuit of sensory novelty often leads an active way of life (fishing, hiking, swimming, travel, etc.). Cannot tolerate monotony and descent into inertia. Internally sensitive and vulnerable, easily wounded, although does not show this outwardly. In order to survive, adapts to the prevailing mores; if necessary, follows the established norms.

SLI is economical and prudent in dealing with material resources. He is more likely to try to mend old and worn out things than to throw them away. His mindset has a technological bent. He searches for simple but effective methods for resolving problems. Before taking on some task, SLI thinks over several options to achieve the desired result, and stops on the most economical one. Works only by methods that are most convenient to him. Notes those who shrink away from work and ponders about how to make them work or get rid of them. Himself will do only that which is necessary. Works well with any instruments, masterfully applies technical equipment. Often can work well with his hands. Constantly tries to improve his knowledge, skill, and professional level in any chosen field of activity. Hopes for guaranteed and quick results based on rational organization of his labor and studies.

Usually doesn't run late turning in his assignments and work, but enjoys turning things in on time. Worries that he will be assigned an inconvenient for him schedule. In dealing with people demonstrates a quality of "being taken in by life". Shows his skepticism by employing specific kind of humor, ironizes. However, deep in his soul he remains an optimist and doesn't lose hope in a positive outcome. In an emergency situation, he doesn't panic but looks for ways to buy time. Follows and orients by his inner impressions to the external events. Feels dependent on the vicissitudes of fate. Takes on life's shocks, trying to protect his loved ones from them; however, it is difficult for him to bear such burden for long.

Shows a contrast in expression of his emotions: at times he is cool and self-absorbed, like "iceberg in the ocean", at other times – excited and energetic. Evaluates human relations by degree of emotional displays. Turbulent emotions for him are an indicator of instability and potentially poor relations. During a conflict does not get involved too deeply in the dispute, but if he feels that his values have been trespassed upon he responds harshly. Won't be frank with outsiders. Doesn't like it when someone tries to "peer into his soul" and penetrate into his inner feelings. He must be understood without words.

SLI likes it when his abilities and achievements are appreciated. If his achievements are not noticed, he may lose all desire to try, or even fall sick if his abilities are not needed or requested for a long time. Needs new, challenging situations and unusual problems that can distract him from the monotony of everyday life. If he feels uninterested in something, he will simply detach and go about his business. Needs to be inspired and encouraged to take up a task, otherwise he will demobilize and fall into inertia and melancholy. Without new and exciting goals, his mood drops. He responds well to a language of compliments and praises that promises timely success. His state is optimal when the success is just out of reach, yet nearby.

SLI's mood depends on how he is treated by others. He trusts only deep affections – steady feelings that have been tested by time. In dealing with others, he sets his own psychological distance and grows very anxious if someone transgresses it. Intolerant of intrusive and imposing people. Smoothness of relations to him is an indispensable condition for living a fulfilling life. Despite the scruples and distance in communication, he is quite tolerant of human weaknesses, gentle and forgiving of people.

Critical of violence and coercion. He won't pressure anyone himself, and neither will he give into any attempts to pressure him. SLI estimates the potential and achievements of a man by his rhythm speech, mannerisms, appearance. Possessing prior life experience can discern boasting from real possibilities. Knows how much force needs to be applied and where to apply it to achieve the desired result. However, himself often cannot exert an effective influence on these points. Resorts to violence rarely and usually due to the pressure of external circumstances.

As a business partner, he follows his obligations if he considers them to be reasonable. Prefers sincerity, informality, and clarity in business relationships. Very stubborn. If he is sure of something, it is virtually impossible to convince him otherwise. He will stick to his cold-blooded understanding of the situation. In business, demonstrates prudence and methodicality. Always tries to make do with minimal force, attract fewer people. Opposes bureaucracy and detailed control. Flexibly adapts to changes in specifics while adhering to the overarching plan.

Manner of communication

The peculiarities of SLI's manner of communication that attract attention - are skepticism in evaluations and great stubbornness in judgements. The SLI is oriented from the very start to not agree with his conversation partners. Arguments can last indefinitely. Even if he agrees in words, he will keep his opinion. The SLI can also be recognized by the nature of manifestations of emotions in communication. Most often seems cold and dispassionate, but does not control his emotions: can becomes harsh, rude, choleric. In such a state, he gesticulates animatedly, gets excited, raises his voice. Does not share his inner worries with people around him. Dislikes excess familiarly in communication, intrusive hugs and embraces. This is indicated even physiologically: often people of this type have very sensitive skin. Does not tolerate when someone tries to pry and "climb into his soul". Most of all appreciates a state of inner equilibrium. Can give clear and understandable explanations. Gravitates towards exemplarity and brightness in presenting some information or material. Gives effective advice on suitable working methods.

Features of behavior

The main features of SLI's behavior that are notable in close contact - is pragmatism and orientation at tangible returns. The SLI is always economical and prudent, never does work for free on enthusiasm alone. He begins working with some difficulty. Usually, some time passes before he is actively working. But once he has started on something, he then tries to squeeze things to their very last drop. In everyday practicality he has no equals. In behavior SLI strives for full independence. He allows unfamiliar people close to himself only up to a certain point, where they can't have real impact on him. Values friendship very much. Will host people at his place any time. Does everything to save a person if hears cries for help. Loves thrilling experiences which he attains by a variety of ways: active vacations, fast driving, etc. The record for thrills was set by Grigory Rasputin, who, due to this trait which was exaggerated in him, became a historical figure. Has clear internal convictions and beliefs, and a clear set of requirements for himself, which he persistently follows. Moreover, SLI's internal "code of honor" may diverge from the accepted norms of behavior. He gives very little consideration to others' opinion about him. Always shows great tenacity. Does not listen to and obey unreasonable, from his point of view, commands. Acts only as he sees it fit. This can create a reputation for him of being obstinate, quarrelsome, mischief-seeker, hooligan, punk, and so on.


Unemotional dispassionate appearance is characteristic of SLI's facial expression, which is often perceived and interpreted by others as coldness, or mysteriousness, or as inaccessibility and inner vulnerability, or a mix of these qualities. This is especially true for the sensory subtype. The SLI is characterized by a smile that sweeps one side of the mouth, which, due to his undisguised skepticism, can be called a smirk or a grin. The logical subtype has a characteristic "cat-like" smile that indicates a person set out for search for pleasure and enjoyment, at the same time reflecting notes of skepticism and distrust. SLI's face is usually narrower towards the bottom. The mouth is calm and even, lips have the same thickness, usually compressed, while the corners of their mouth are slightly lowered. The SLI has a distinctive gait, which is helpful in identifying this sociotype: their gait is springy and a bit waddling, on slightly bent legs, as if creeping. Figure is usually sporty. The SLI likes consonant sounds, which makes his speech a big coarsely-crude, deep-seated or husky (especially males). The prevailing style of dressing - is informal, everyday-elegant, as well as sporty. The practicality and convenience of clothing stands out as primary above any extra decorations. SLI's clothing typically sits well on him or her and matches this person's figure.

As a subordinate

SLI's actions are reasonable, aimed at some pragmatic purpose. He or she knows how to adapt new ideas for practice and extract benefit from them. Low key, quiet tenacity is characteristic for the SLI, including mandatory completion of all assignments that he or she has started on, as well as modesty. Resourceful at home and at work if he enjoys it. In areas of space available to him, the SLI organizes everything for work and for leisure. Aesthete, who totally trusts his taste. Always has an opinion about what is beautiful and what is ugly, where there is harmony, and where - poor taste. Dislikes dressing in bright and gaudy clothing; prefers moderation and harmony. If someone asks him for help, provides aid not sparing his time. Tries no to impose his opinion, because usually everything turns out as he has wished it. Enjoys it when something he has made is appreciated by others. Usually he is punctual. Dislikes prolonging meetings. Tolerant and resistant towards stress. In a dangerous situation behaves in a cool, dispassionate manner. Warnings of danger don't evoke fear in him rather an interest and a desire to test himself.

Problem areas
Inclined to skepticism. Likes to analyze and ridicule. In public usually doesn't show his emotions and feelings, although he is very impressionable. Very dependent on his internal state and moods; stagnant and productive periods alternate in his life. Reserved, doesn't like excessive familiarity. Knows how to put a person back in their place. Being ordered around as a form of communication for him does not exist: he will do as he sees fit. He is only effective in doing that which brings him satisfaction, due to which may make an impression of a lazy person. He will not take up aimless tasks. Does not like languid manner of speaking - instead prefers well-defined, clear, punctual self-expression.

From him one cannot demand and expect:

  • Constant emotional involvement in what's happening;
  • Empathy and compassion for someone who blames others for his failures;
  • Taking on poorly developed projects simply on faith.

Recommended occupations: Rational management and maintenance; maintenance of precise and delicate equipment; quality design of products; interior design; management of small business.

As a supervisor

A true "craftsman" knows what starting materials are needed and is able to produce high quality output. He is realistic and only takes on the tasks that are possible to realize. The word "craftsman" usually implies a "skilled worker", but in reference to this type this word holds a deeper meaning. This style of work involvement could be characteristics of a factory worker as well as a research scientist. Its main feature is the desire to study examples of high-quality work, then to acquire the skills necessary to do such work through diligence, studiousness, and perseverance.

Supervisor of sociotype SLI usually concerns with the question of whether his subordinates would be able to accomplish the needed tasks: does their level of abilities correspond to what needs to be done? He strives to help each of his subordinates: 1) to identify gaps in their current levels of skill and their possible improvement, and 2) to significantly increase their productivity and product quality.

SLI seeks to coordinate his work with the members of the group, to define concrete goals, to forward and support ideas and initiatives, to bring all projects to their completion regardless of the challenges. He focuses on teamwork and collective activities. Seeks to maintain a psychological atmosphere in which people would enjoy working in a group, in an atmosphere that stimulates creative initiative to achieve higher goals.

SLI is inclined to solve problems of immediate, practical nature. This is due to the practical-objective orientation of his thinking. He concerns with prevention and elimination of situations in which he could feel physical and emotional discomfort. Hence he attributes importance to his working conditions, to the activities of his subordinates, to positive relations with those above him.

He subtly perceives qualitative traits of objects and usually has a developed aesthetic sense. Therefore, connecting functionality and beauty is a fundamental principle for his activity. On this rests his creative potential. From this comes his desire to produce quality results that have also been designed well. SLI as no one else is able to personalize his creations i.e. adapt them to the personal needs of people. He is a great methodologist: think through all the steps he needs to undertake for a particular job. Before he begins, he checks that all the necessary resources, tools, materials, and documentation are present. Expends resources rationally. In the course of work he is methodical and logical. Aims to bring what he has started to completion.

His inclination to hierarchical leadership is barely expressed. He doesn't aspire to the highest levels of power but prefers the "golden median" position. He executes his management and control not by forceful pressure but by economic methods. He lacks in scale and magnitude, in setting of major goals, in ability to take on and manage risky activities, thus he is most fit for management of small and medium enterprises.

Establishment of personal contact is characterized by well-wishing coldness. In conversation he is usually dispassionate, although on his face there might be a subtle smile of politeness. Tries to understand another person not in specifics and some separate parameters, but as a whole, not separating his personal and objective qualities. To achieve a common goal, attempts to create a relationship of trust with his partner, reassuring him of its stability and striving to fulfill his obligations.

His business activity is oriented at the situation at hand and objective factors. One of the main defining aspects of his logic is adaptability to circumstances. Subjective personal tendencies are placed second. The correct course of action for him is suggested by the reality itself, not by a dogmatized scheme, instructions or regulations.

SLI will allow for concessions in his behavior. He is equally able to compete, to cooperate, to strike up a compromise - this, of course, depends on the circumstances. If he is sure of the correctness of his point of view, he will obstinately try to prove it. In cases where he is confused, he orients by a code of honor, trying to solve the problem without resorting to official measures.

Main characteristics:

  • Hierarchical leader of objective orientation.
  • When establishing contact he orients at the human factors.
  • Form of business activity is aimed at identification and use of intellectual resources.
  • The system of interaction with employees is based on the principle of paternalism - "paternal care". Focus on the traditional system of values.
  • In conflict situations he is characterized variability - can compete and cooperate to make compromises - depending on his goals.
  • Achieves good results by achieving collective interest of the group in pursuit of a common goal. Prone to authoritarian methods, but in a soft, "paternalistic" form. Mindful of the hierarchy.
  • Relation to ethical standards: his management in general is concordant with the generally accepted ethical and professional standards of conduct.
  • Motives and purpose: prosperity within the ethical standards by adhering to ethical duty; quest for profits usually within the law.

Working conditions

Sociotype SLI is characterized by pragmatism. The most important incentive which motivates him to work is welfare and prosperity. He will not work for a "bare" idea that doesn't offer practical returns and has no established methodology. In addition, good working conditions are very important for him, which includes a comfortable workplace, where all the tools and supplies are on hand, and a positive attitude on the part of his co-workers. SLI would much rather prefer to work in a small, cozy, comfortably furnished room to the most prestigious office, where there is a constant rush, many visitors, and where one cannot relax for a minute. So that he works well and further cultivates his skill, don't forget to praise him and celebrate his achievements. Although "Craftsman" is often not demonstrative, he enjoys being given attention and when his professional acumen is admired. He has periods when his work efficiency declines usually due to a poor mood. At such moments he needs well-wishing compassion, active questioning, optimistic and inspiring advice such as: "Why are you feeling down? Really, nothing bad has happened, and everything will be fine tomorrow!" And although he does not attach much importance to this, he is in need of composite information about other people, their potential and the relationships between them. If you communicate with him on a friendly and personal basis, frequently compliment to his abilities, provide him with the opportunity to work following his own methods, your success in interacting with him is guaranteed.

Recommendations for self-improvement

Your strength is an inexhaustible curiosity of the phenomena of the surrounding world. You aspire to be knowledgeable in different fields, willingly travel, while not just being an observer to the circumstances of life, nature and architecture. You have a well-developed sense of taste and measure.

The main value in your life is convenience, both in physical sense and in relations with other people. Crude manners, tactlessness, lack of human warmth from those around you deeply wound you. You strive for inner emotional harmony and a healthy style of life.

Your other strong point is your logic that allows you to efficiently conduct your business. You possess a sense of what constitutes actual, concrete benefit. In your actions you adhere to what is sensible to do. You steer away from useless projects.

If some work interests you, you can develop a great working tenacity, acting in an accurate, steady, measured manner. In such cases, you will think of all the practical details in advance, prepare all that is necessary, displaying ingenuity, industriousness and alacrity.

Your weak trait - an inability to express your feelings to other people, due to which others may think of you as a cold and heartless person. Internal tensions that are inherent to you sometimes prompt flashes of anger and aggression, when you find it hard to contain your emotions, and later you may come to regret this.

Since displaying emotional nuances is hard for you, you prefer to talk in a joking manner to sentimentality, due to this you can sometimes be misunderstood. Failures you prefer to endure in silence and solitude. To avoid any misunderstanding of situations, try to trust your partner and talk to him in a serious tone.

Another significant problem is your considerable propensity towards skepticism, which contributes to your pessimistic attitude toward the future. At times you indulge in melancholy and gloom, lose your motivation and give up. Your apathy in many cases narrows your scope and prevents you from achieving more in life, which you can see from your personal experience.

You may be recommended to travel more often, seek changes even in details of habitual way of life. New experiences may lead to an interest in history.

Try to find a job to your liking, which will fill your life with meaning, and will orient you towards the future. Enthusiasm for your work is a good cure for skepticism and apathy.

Don't let the melancholy take over you. At such times, go visit friends, or for a walk, to the movies, the park. Spend more time around cheerful, enthusiastic people, that will charge you up with positive emotions and new impressions.

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