ESI Profile by Gulenko

From Wikisocion

Type descriptions by Gulenko
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

General description

ESI is principled and self-sustained. Externally tends to look balanced and unemotional. Provides moral evaluations of actions of a person, but usually voices them only within a familiar circle. Has a good sense for potential foes and ill-wishers, sharply dividing people into "his own" and "others". Does not recognize friendship and love if they are unrequited and the feelings aren't mutual.

Lives by his present day problems rarely thinking too far ahead. Feels unsure when he takes on unfamiliar to him assignments. The closer the expected event draws, the more agitated and mobilized the ESI becomes. Dislikes being in situations of uncertainty, when he cannot definitively say yes or no.

Proactively and directly defends against attacks on himself and on those who are close to him. If he has decided to take revenge, he can find and deal a blow to the weakest spot of his opponent. Does not allow himself to be caught unawares. Sensitively reacts to being accused of unfairness and lack of objectivity. Needs to keep some physical distance, due to this dislikes spending a lot of time in physical proximity with others. Strangers and unfamiliar people in his house worry and irritate him.

When making a decision ESI internally weights its seriousness and possible negative implications. Practical in his everyday life, can put anything to use that he finds in his territory. Keeps order and tidiness in his space. Changes habits with difficulty. Will not wait if promises are not backed up by concrete actions.

Detailed description

ESI sees how people reveal themselves in communication. He cannot be deceived by pretense of friendliness. He critically assesses the behavior of those around him, but openly expresses his opinions only when he feels offended. Remains insistent on his internal subjective evaluation of a person; it is very difficult to convince him to reconsider and change his views. In public, wears a mask of cold and unemotional person. At first acquaintance sharply divides people into two categories - "his own" and "others". Others mostly cease to exist for him, but to his own he becomes deeply attached. He is often sharp and uncompromising with strangers, but forgives a lot for those who are in his inner circle. Demonstrates his attitude towards someone by managing psychological distance, first distancing a person, then bringing them closer.

ESI does not adapt to his partner but instead he seeks to impose his own line of conduct. Adeptly discerns how much force he needs to apply to exert sufficient pressure on a person. Keeps himself together until he reaches a critical point. If needed, readily defends himself and people close to him. Knows how to teach his offender a lesson, sequentially increasing the amount of pressure on him. Does not rest until he feels that his opponent is confused or fallen in his fighting spirit. Moral victory for him is more important than a physical one. Does not allow himself to be treated unceremoniously or for anyone else to impose their views on him. Won't allow himself to be intimidated or provoked. Dislikes being coerced into doing something and any unreasonable applications of force. His resistance is usually proportionate to the degree of aggression directed at him.

ESI finds it difficult to make sense of conglomeration of vague, original ideas and insights that are not based on established and recognized facts. Feels uneasy in situations that are unpredictable and ambiguous. Observing someone compares his capabilities with his own: "Can I do the same as him?" Either idealizes a person too much, or, on the contrary, completely denies his capabilities. Does not trust those who are boastful, who advertise their talents and abilities. Rarely gives out compliments and praises to others but with pleasure accepts compliments in his address. Will not indulge a talented but self-centered and self-satisfied individual. Does not recognize abilities that are not supplemented by labor. Finds it difficult to claim attention himself and promote himself for a job. Waits to be noticed and appreciated for his merits.

Seeks to analyze the situation from different angles and arrive at an univocal conclusion. Dependent on norms, already established rules, and tested methods of action. Evaluates everything from the point of view of common sense and rational self-interest. Forces himself to do what is required of him by his environment and asks for the same from others. Needs to keep at some physical distance. Keeps aside from anyone who irritates him. Avoids large crowds of people.

ESI can truly relax and calm down only after strenuous work that has brought him some concrete results. Quickly completes labor-intensive jobs so that he wouldn't have to return to them again. Likes people who draw him into pragmatic activities. Practical in everyday affairs. Will find a use for anything that he finds in his space. Likes things are are both functional and aesthetically beautiful. Appreciates all that is beneficial and requires minimal effort to achieve or maintain. Knows how to create comfortable conditions for work and leisure time. Changes jobs if new place offers more benefits, but with difficulty abandons his habitual way or life to adapt to new situation. The discomfort that he experiences during such transitions and restructurings is very stressful and even frightening for him.

ESI becomes activated in situations where there is a shortage of time. He is oriented at quick decisions and solutions, otherwise he feels irritated. Being nudged over minor details evokes internal protest in him, but he rapidly mobilizes for significant goals and projects. It is better to not give him much time to prepare; the more time he spends getting ready, the more anxious and worried he grows, and the poorer the result will be. Internally ESI is apprehensive. He thinks about dangers and negative outcomes that threaten him and his relatives. Looks for philosophical and mystical ways of reasoning to attain a sense of protection from the vagaries of fate. Will not allow himself to be taken by surprise, always ready for contingencies. He has a good memory for the mistakes, failures, and shocks of the past, from which he draws lessons for the future.

ESI is perceptive of the emotional state of a person. If a person is in a poor mood, he asks about the reasons that caused it, however, he is often incapable of improving another's mood and alleviating their worries. Instead he adapts himself to the moods of others. In a serious situation he is emphatically formal. Among friends he is casually cheerful, even allowing himself some cynical witticisms. Likes people who are cheerful and energetic, who know how to loosen and relax others, how to reduce tensions and improve the mood, who have confidence in the future. ESI needs a distraction from burdensome negative thoughts and periodic emotional releases. He tries to avoid the drama of life and explosions of negative emotions. He is too aware of the heavy impact these have on one's psyche and well-being. At times he deliberately accelerates conflicts and dramatize situations to speed up their resolution and settlement.

ESI cannot idle about without some concrete task. Idleness and joblessness oppress him. He is constantly looking for something that he can do. Work serves as medicine for many of his ailments. Dislikes appearing before others as messy and unattractive, or in poor physical condition. If he falls ill, he immediately seeks treatment. Feels sympathy for those who are weakened, sick, unsettled, dependent, vulnerable. Involuntarily desires to aid them with some specific actions, help them overcome their crisis or get over their harmful habits. Appreciates clean, healthy lifestyle. Will not tolerate a person who is physically repulsive to him or is unhealthy in his instincts.

Manner of communication

In any matter the ESI is oriented critically and first of all points to substantial shortcomings. He examines a situation from all sides, tries to be logical and objective, to figure things out without emotions. Notices violations of ethical standards. Gives personal evaluations of people's actions when he's conversing in a circle of his close friends. In his assessments he is directed by the concept of duty. Sometimes gives advice from point of view of negative ethics, which can be summarized as an open expression of negative emotions: "Go, tell him everything that you think about him!" If the ethical component is accentuated in this type, then in communication there may be certain unnatural playfulness, uninhibitedness, forced stiff laughter. The ESI is oriented at ambiguous jokes and retorts, and a somewhat coarse courting style (women). To remarks and replicas made in his own address the ESI will always find something to reply - he/she doesn't go searching in his pockets for an answer. Enters into fights and quarrels in public transport or when standing in waiting lines, however, not out of his own initiative but to defend himself against external insults and offenses. Sometimes inclined to check people's sense of humor by a prank - tells others something that would require an immediate emotional reaction with a serious expression on his face. In communication the ESI needs not so much psychological as physical distance. Dislikes spending a lot of time alone with one person. Strange and unfamiliar people in his house irritate him.

Features of behavior

The most characteristic feature of the behavior of ESI, which you can notice observing him - is the ability to actively protect himself and loved people. If the ESI took a person under patronage and protection, he or she will provide assistance to that person for a long time: go and negotiate for them, defend their interests. When the ESI is being really troubled, he or she goes on an active counter attack, starts up a scandal. In cases when he has decided to take revenge, he can find the weak spots of his opponent. At times the ESI experiences feelings of remorse and pangs of conscience. Lives under the pressure of a sense of duty. Due to this, may be inclined to alleviate stress with alcohol. Likes to sometimes have fun in a company of friends, taking off all inhibitions. With difficulty tolerates situations of uncertainty, when he cannot say yes or no. In such situations starts running around and grabbing everything at once, or fixates on something and painfully mulls over it for a long time. Does not like to wait. The closer the anticipated major event, the faster ESI's anxiety and stress grow. Cleans home rarely, but with much thoroughness (especially women). Can for example wash the floor several times in the same day. Won't go to sleep until he washes all the dishes and cleans the table. The ESI doesn't quite know how to relax and spend leisure time not doing anything. Measures work not only by final outcome, but also by the effort invested.


The ESI can be recognized by a characteristic piercing gaze and facial expression that shows notes of alertness and readiness to show resistance. When the ESI submerges into his own thoughts, he can stare directly at an object or a person. With this, his face reflects confusion due to uncertainty of the situation in which he has found himself. When the ESI looks at a person and his look is returned, he often diverts, casts aside his gaze. Can hold in one position for a long time. ESI's lips are usually not narrow but somewhat plump, and tightly compressed. His face is usually smoothly organized, with no sharp protruding cheekbones. If the ethical component is accentuated in the ESI, the facial expression usually expresses discontent, critical attitude, at times even anger. The figures of ESI are varied, from thin, elongated, with long legs, even ballerina-like, to dense, stately, with broad shoulders. Strict elegance is characteristic of the way the ESI dresses, with a tone of formality being almost always present, both when the ESI is outside and when he's receiving guests at home. ESI's clothes are never untidy: he is always organized, pulled-up, has a straight bearing, not relaxed. There is a tendency towards folklore for this sociotype.

As a subordinate

Well versed in relations between people. Conscientious, responsible, punctual. Prepares in advance for his work and does it fully and consistently. Spares no time and energy to create order. Forces himself to do work that is interesting but required. Knows how to rationally handle his resources without going into debt. Principled, has a developed sense of dignity and self-control. If necessary can firmly and vigorously defends himself and his family. Stable in his habits and affections. Intolerant of untidiness and carelessness. Demands that others work by proven methods. Readily comes to aid others in difficult moments, helps by providing his service. Usually doesn't turn up late at the events. Attempts to evenly distribute his affairs along the time axis, but frequently ends up being overloaded with things to do. Hardworking in his household.

Problem areas
Painfully endures injustice and unethical behavior. Vulnerable and impressionable. To good and evil responds with the same. Easily sees personal shortcomings of others. Distinguished by sharpness of judgement in his evaluations of people. Expresses his attitude towards someone not as much by words as by tone of voice and look. Inclined to divide people into "his own" and "others". Does not forgive betrayal. Suspicious, poorly tolerates unpredictability and ambiguity, dislikes frequent changes. Finds it difficult to objectively assess abilities of people, thus to all extends his high ethical standards. Does not like it when someone evaluates his own qualities, since internally he is not always certain in himself; in his attempts to suppress him can be overly contentious.

From ESI one cannot demand and expect:

  • An always a positive attitude towards life;
  • Indifferent attitude towards activities and actions he/she considers unethical;
  • Ability to quickly change his valuations and beliefs;
  • Receptiveness to extraordinary proposals.

Recommended occupations: The social sphere, areas that require interaction with people. Tedious work with physical component that requires focus and concentration, such as medicine and health (especially applied fields: dentistry, massage, working nurse, acupuncture, physical therapy, X-ray, biochemical diagnostics). Service and commodities sector: accounting, bookkeeping, seller and cashier.

As a supervisor

This is a serious and composed person, who is inwardly always wary of possible manifestations of negative attitudes in others. His ethical standards for him are the procrustean bed from which he evaluates and judges the actions of people around him. He is critical of those who violate the his norms of behavior. Often won't outwardly show his negative attitude towards someone until a situation arises when the person demonstrates hostility. In such cases, ESI applies pressure on his offender and resists if he is counter-challenged, steadfastly defending his attitudes and stances. This ability to "protect" his internal space from the invasion of external forces is what defines the style of management of "The Guardian".

Moralizing behavior of such supervisor is the result of a critical attitude towards the actions of people who, in his view, should meet his firmly upheld standards. Usually a representative of this type is able to give a fair assessment of someone's behavior, gain his confidence, understand his problems and provide useful advice for his personal concerns. But on one condition: this individual must meet ESI's internal ethical criteria.

Supervisor-moralizer is critical not only of others but also of himself. He devotes considerable amount of attention to analysis of his abilities, often underestimating them in the course. Thus he may avoid taking on full responsibility and prefer to share it with someone else. He is better suited for resolving problems of tactical nature. Fears risky activities that may lead to crises situations. To this end, tries to prevent abrupt changes in circumstances. If such a situation is inevitable can for a long hesitate trying to chose between alternative actions.

The supervisor of this type has the makings of a hierarchical leader capable of establishing a well-defined set of values ​​and the corresponding structure of relations. In this system, he seeks to ensure the stability of personal ties. Easily determines who is the informal leader on a team, knows how to use this person to his aid. Stimulates activity by appealing to sense of duty, respect, discipline, to not undermine the authority of the group.

His form of business activity varies. ESI tries to predict the results of his activities, take precautionary measures to avoid unfortunate and disadvantageous situations. Timeliness of action is an important factor that influences his levels of confidence and stress. If an unexpected outcome becomes fait accompli, ESI can take drastic actions that require the mobilization of volitional activity and composure. Shows perseverance and steadfastness in those matters in which he is certain. Not inclined to surrender or compromise on his positions - uncompromisingly defends his interests and the interests of his group.

Main characteristics:

  • Has the makings of a hierarchical leader.
  • Establishing business contacts he is focused on the personal factors. Demonstration of objectivity is on formal level.
  • Able to manifest divergent forms of business activity - from undertaking precautionary measures to strong-willed, uncompromising action.
  • The system of interaction with subordinates and colleagues based on sharing common system of values.
  • Characterized by uncompromising style of behavior.
  • Achieves good results through team building, supporting order and consistency.
  • Management is conducted in accordance with his understanding of ethical and professional norms.
  • Motives and purpose: strives to combine well wishing motives with his own interests. Their implementation values higher than prestige. Uncompromising in protection of his interests and the interests of his team.

Working conditions

The main impetus that drives the "Guardian" is attainment of high level of prosperity for himself and his loved ones. He is usually hard-working and dexterous, and can work as much as is needed to provide a decent income for his family. He can be assigned any work that requires swift execution if you can fully rewards its value. Else, not getting paid by his merits, the "Guardian" will start to reject your offers under different pretexts: he would rather not undertake any work at all rather than do it half-heartedly. The "Guardian" has periods when he becomes overly negative and moralizing, feels dissatisfied with his whole life, and especially with people who surround him. In such situations, dissuading him in this is useless. Best of all he can be helped by intense, energetic activity that will distract him. Despite the fact that the "Guardian" performer well even when doing routine work, he cannot always envision the methodology of what needs to be done. The necessity of action at any given time may evoke in him some serious doubts. If you confidently and optimistically explain to him the "flow chart" of the steps, and then proceed to rush him in the process ("If you don't do this now, later it won't work because..."), this will help him get into gear and overcome his internal hesitance. You can paint a picture of success and good results that await him in the near future if he completes the job as soon as possible.

Recommendations for self-improvement

Your main strength is the ability to give a solid ethical judgement of actions of any individual. You are intolerant of lack of decency, dishonesty, and injustice in people's attitudes. You appreciate sense of responsibility and moral standards. You are demanding of yourself and others in matters of conscience and ethics. You are able to gain confidence of a person by delving into his problems and by finding interesting subjects for conversation. You try to understand your conversation partner, listen to him or her, help with advice. You are rarely mistaken in assessing how others relate to yourself, in what regard they hold you.

You are a composed, strong-willed, and determined person. If necessary, you can stand up for yourself and those who are close to you. You are hard-working and don't spare your time and energy completing your assignments, tasks, and chores for maintaining your household.

You set short range goals towards which you move assertively, persistently and directly. You are straightforward and uncompromising in defending your stances and criticisms of faults and flaws. It is for your integrity, firmness, and seriousness that other people come to respect and value you.

In life you may try to avoid vague and confusing situations when you're not sure what to do. In such situations, it can be difficult for you to show restraint and patience. You don't like to wait long for resolving issues that is of significance to you. It is very important to you to ensure a beneficial outcome in the shortest time possible.

Try to take into account interests of other people so that they in turn would be inclined to help you with realization of your wishes. Don't demand of others to display qualities that do not come naturally to them. Don't focus too much on personal flaws and lack of certain qualities in others. Try to be more tolerant of shortcomings of those around you.

You also experience difficulty in grasping the imperceptible causes of phenomena. To avoid jumping to wrong conclusions and decisions, try to take into consideration advice of experienced, wise and insightful people.

Strive to liberate your mind, encourage creativity and imagination in yourself. Read diverse literature about various kinds of subjects. This will help you to widen your outlook and develop a more comprehensive and tolerant worldview.

Don't become too confined by your internal frameworks. Communicate with different kinds of people. This will give you more confidence in your abilities.

Another problem you face is your inability to create a relaxed and unconstrained atmosphere in interaction. The presence of many people tires you out. At work you may prefer to work independently and separately from others. Don't restrict your communication only to those whom you consider useful for yourself to not leave an impression of a calculating and pragmatic person. Be more natural at expressing your emotions, try to overcome your inner restrictions. Avoid the extremes of either being too official and reserved in communication or too familiar. Try not to look at your conversation partner directly as this is unsettling to some.

Try to smile more often. Don't forget to show positive attitudes. Voice compliments when they are deserved. Remember that by a smile and a kind word you can lift tensions, reduce strain in communication, set the desired interpersonal distance, and thus inspire others to mutual sympathies and friendly relations.

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