SEI Profile by Gulenko

From Wikisocion

Type descriptions by Gulenko
Alpha Quadra: ILE SEI ESE LII
Beta Quadra: SLE IEI EIE LSI
Gamma Quadra: SEE ILI LIE ESI
Delta Quadra: IEE SLI LSE EII

General description

The SEI is usually friendly and pleasant in communication. Very considerate of his own conveniences and those of others. Attentive and caring in relation to his close ones. Often takes the position of the "golden mean" in a work group. Loves beautiful objects and images, and a familiar, comfortable atmosphere.

Emotional, internally attuned to others, responsive. Seeks to cheer up others with jokes, games, witty comments, and clever retorts. Tries not to get drawn into debates and arguments, wants to be in good relations with everyone. Knows how to negotiate with people in an informal environment.

Hides his own problems. Shows courage and optimism. Won't make promises if he's not certain that he will be able to carry them out. Wary of people who are intrusive and who could take away his time.

Works at a pace most convenient to himself. He works productively only if he is working for himself and for the people he's interested in. In other cases, the SEI won't burden himself too much and will try to avoid strenuous expenditures of effort. His productivity is heavily dependent on his mood. Will try to evade boring but necessary work.

Detailed description

The SEI is a person of habitual pleasures and simple joys of life. Very considerate of habits and conveniences of other people. Won't trespass on someone else's calm state. Shows concern for the health and well-being of people close to him. Surrounds himself with little pleasant things. Dresses simply and in good taste. Rejects extremes in appearance. Generally stays out of the limelight - doesn't distinguish himself as the best, but neither will he lag behind. Knows how to get along with many different people, as he's usually takes the middle position. Explores the world of objects - likes to take an object into his hands, to touch it, to sense its physical qualities. For a long time remembers his impressions. Easily manipulates and works with objects, gravitating towards those things which are at least somewhat familiar to him.

Understands the reasons and causes for people's emotions. Knows how to cheer up or to anger a particular person. In communication of informal nature, SEI is usually friendly, demonstrates optimism. Loves to have fun in a close circle of friends. Seeks to cheer up others with jokes, hints, allusions, and pranks. Considers different ways of getting positive emotions. Prefers to abstain from disputes and controversies, as he wishes to get along with everyone. Collects various stories, rumors, sensational or otherwise interesting information, and shares them with his friends. He's usually aware of the social happenings of his circle.

SEI's movements seem non-hurried, measured, gradual. Interacting with others, he doesn't spare his time, knows how to prolong pleasant meetings and conversations. Does not like people who are always busy, always in a hurry. Has good memory for holiday dates, birthday days of his relatives and friends, and does not forget to congratulate them in time. Time usually works for him: that which he can't do now, he will make up in the future. Dislikes being tied to deadlines, neither is he distinguished by punctuality. Does everything at a pace that is most convenient to him. Will always find reasons for being late. Delays with making the final decision until the last minute. Internally, the SEI is quite changeable and vacillating person. He needs to be encouraged and prodded to start and finish his work on time.

Works productively if other people are waiting for his assistance. Very much needs for his efforts to get noticed and appreciated. If he is not praised, if the results of his work are not distinguished by positive relations, he feels offended internally, though may not show this. Industrious person. With pleasure takes on the role of obtaining and providing the necessary supplies, furnishing any space. Tries exceptionally hard before administrative checks or receptions of guests or visitors. Resourceful and active in designing and setting up his own living space. Likes to experiment in this area, to come up with something of his own. Solves business questions through friends and acquaintances, through informal channels. The more enterprising and venturesome he is, the more ties and connections he makes. However, his natural laziness puts a limit to the number of his contacts. Keeps only those contacts that bring him some benefit. Very attached to his occupation, his field of activity. Has a hard time changing professions and disrupting his habitual rhythm of work.

The SEI poorly tolerates monotony. He needs alternatives to boring everyday life, a possibility to make a choice. Greatly enjoys himself if he finds a way out of dead-end, seemingly hopeless situations. Interested in unusual and extraordinary people who have many ideas and make bold proposals. Boring, mundane people strain him; he tries to avoid their company. He is tolerant of eccentrics and inventors, all those people who are "not of this world". He views them like children, looks after them graciously forgiving their antics.

The SEI receives and understands chaotic information poorly. It makes him confused, throws him off track, may even spoil his mood. The SEI likes it when someone makes a connections between specific events and general concepts. His self-esteem improves from becoming aware of his own usefulness, that without him it won't do. Likes to correspond to the place or role allotted to him. Activates when he is given a clear goal and explained the trajectory of action. Ways of achieving it he will find himself. Doesn't need "bare" facts, instructions, explanations. The main thing for him is to like the system, that it would evoke a positive response in him. Then he becomes collected and organized.

The SEI is dependent on how the forces have been distributed in a given situation. Capable of foreseeing possible hostility or acts of aggression, disturbances in balance of power, the loss of stability. Critical of people who are sluggish, inert, apathetic. Tries to mobilize them, to make them active, calls them to take decisive and rapid action. Sensitively reacts to volitional pressuring. In a crude, power-oriented situation responds with analogous degree of aggressiveness. Won't allow himself to be abused, or for someone to take advantage of his generally agreeable nature. Knows when to put pressure and when to ease up, but does not seek to control anyone. The burden of power for him is too heavy load to carry. It is enough for him to be able to defend his own interests.

In relations to individuals whom the SEI likes, and who reciprocate it, he is very attentive, considerate, and helpful. Demonstrates his sympathies not by word but by deeds. The SEI feels uncomfortable to demand or seek something for himself. He feels much more motivated if he is doing something based on requests and needs of others. But while at this, he won't forget about himself either. To set things into motion the SEI needs to understand who is relates to him positively. Everything else - are technicalities. Apprehensiveness, tension, poor relation, deprive him of the wish and the ability to do anything. The SEI is a good intermediary in negotiations and trade transactions. Knows how to distribute goods through informal ties. His relations are closely intertwined with questions of work or business.

Manner of communication

The SEI interacts with people at close personal distances. Usually he is sociable, charming, has friendly manners. Knows how to become liked, how to gain people's sympathies and trust. The nature of SEI's communication is very democratic. Despite the fact that externally the SEI may seem like a mild and soft person, he can exert pressure on others through emotions and words. Sometimes notes of harshness appear in his voice, and the expression on his face becomes austere. Inclined to give advice of the kind: "Don't sit around in one place", "Achieve everything by your own work", "You have to hustle, spin around ...". If a person doesn't go for contact with him, he doesn't impose himself. Usually makes only one attempt. Seeks to interact with people who are interesting. Cannot make himself interact with a person who evokes antipathy in him, even in the interest of shared business. In such conversations, he loses all his charm and friendliness, his speech becomes muted, vague, inexpressive. Likes to collect interesting bits of information and rumors and pass them on to others. Cannot re-tell a story or repeat something exactly many times, will add something from his own imagination. Due to this may seed emotional instability. Interested in magazines of tabloid nature. Doesn't impose his problems on anyone else. When asked how he is doing, will answer that everything is fine. Can talk for a long time on same topic. Talks about what he sees around him, what has happened to him, about everything that was enjoyable and fun. Dislikes giving promises. To help requests usually replies in the following manner: "I cannot promise you, but I will try ..." or "If I have the opportunity, I will do it". If he doesn't fulfill his promise, apologizes until he senses that he has been forgiven.

Features of behavior

The most important feature of SEI's behavior that is easy to notice if observe him for some time - is inclination for various pleasant pastimes. The SEI wishes to experience everything in his life, all the best from the surrounding atmosphere, from beautiful items, from great food and pleasant ways to spend time. Very much enjoys spending time talking with his friends. Can get a rise from them by a variety of humor, hints, allusions, and ruses. Doesn't like to spend time where he ends up being in the shadow. With his independence and paradoxical behavior often baffles and confuses others and evokes negative emotions in them. Because of this he may considered a lightweight, non-serious person. Does not like long business meetings and various other boring events. Has a tendency to reach agreements and strike up contracts on an informal basis. While at this, he uses only tried-and-tested and reliable connections. Very economical and industrious. Likes to make repairs, to do something with his hands, to take on other household matters. Likes taking various objects into his hands and sensing their physical properties. Another feature of behavior that allows to identify an SEI - is the propensity to keep in the middle, to not distinguish himself among the best, but also not be among the worst. For this reason he dislikes criticizing people aloud, does not intervene in arguments, tries to keep away from his bosses, and to be friendly with all. Can work productively only if he is working for himself, towards his own goals. In all other cases, doesn't over-burden himself with work, avoids strenuous physical exertion, doesn't force himself to anything. In the later case, the SEI may earn the reputation of being a "talented slacker".


In terms of appearance SEI's facial expression and figure are notable. Their features differ between different SEI subtypes. SEI with accentuated ethical component is easily recognized. He is distinguished by a full, round figure, short legs, and slightly dancing gait, which makes an impression of an "elastic ball". The shape of SEI's face is often round or square, with no outstanding, protruding parts. Sometimes the nose is upwardly snubbed, creating an impression of a "duck nose". Eyes are also round. When SEI is trying to explain something, his eyebrows become raised up. Due to this he often has transverse wrinkles on his forehead. Mouth is slightly curved in a nervous line. In moments of emotional conversation, when the SEI is telling about something, he often swallows air with his mouth like a fish. Sensing subtype of SEI has an elongated shape of face. This subtype is characterized by a sudden frozen, solid expression on his face, suddenly appearing harshness when he wants to increase the psychological distance, putting a person in his place. The sensing subtype of SEI differs from the ethical subtype by a more developed aesthetic sense of taste. His clothes are often characterized by neatness and harmonious combination of colors. The SEI of ethical subtype makes an impression of comfort, as if he has just left the apartment in a comfy home set of clothes.

As a subordinate

Possesses good taste and sense of measure and proportion. Can assess the quality of any product and explain in detail why it is convenient or inconvenient. Caring and attentive to others, considerate of their well-being. Diplomatic - capable of persuading someone else to take on the necessary project. Establishes and maintains comfortable states within his sphere. SEI is able to relax, enjoy the everyday flow of life, value small pleasures. If he likes his work and is paid well, he does it qualitatively, pouring his heart and soul into it. Tries in all situations to not lose his sense of measure. Can do a lot with his hands. Perceptive of the state of another person and can adapt himself to meet it. Friendly, attentive, and sympathetic with everyone. Strives towards high levels in material conditions of living. Usually does not impose his will. Reluctantly delivers criticisms and does not like it when people criticize others. On teams takes a position of "golden mean".

Problem areas
SEI finds it difficult to be involved in pressing, stressful business activity, to be active, mobile, and dynamic for prolonged periods of time. At times he is lax and disorganized. Secretive and vulnerable. Can show obvious discontent if someone disturbs his state. At such moments can be indignant, respond harshly. Sufficiently lazy; if he is not interested in his work, and it does not promise any benefits for him, can bluff and feign. Dislikes pointless commotion, hustle and bustle, and empty waste of efforts. He does not like hype and exaggerations - needs facts and evidence. Tries to elude his supervisors and avoids dry, boring, strictly business conversations. Finds it difficult to show the forcefulness and perseverance needed to actively defend the interests of his project. Poor health greatly reduces his productivity. Sometimes pretends that he can do much when it is not possible.

From him one cannot demand and expect:

  • continuous energetic involvement in business activity;
  • high levels of consistency and organization in work;
  • uncompromising advocacy of the interests of the project;
  • ability to lead a large team and designate roles and responsibilities;
  • participation in risky, aggressive operations.

Recommended occupations: The Mediator best realizes himself in the social sphere. He is well capable of establishing and maintaining beneficial business contacts. Successful in spheres where he needs to look out for needs of a specific individual. SEI is a specialist in creating and maintaining the infrastructure of society. He is the best supplier, trader of small wholesale, director of a small company, the manager-diplomat. Mediators work well in advertising and publishing, medical and service spheres. They make good quality evaluators, designers, and organizers.

As a supervisor

A person of this type is usually sociable, amiably predisposed towards others, shows sincere interest in people who respond to him with reciprocity, feels the need to help others.

A diplomat should be able to capture the smallest nuances of people's interactions, take note of small parts and details that could affect the course of events and use them to build friendly, cooperative relations. "Mediator" is the type of leader who relies on his superior knowledge of the situation. He is always aware of information that circulates in his social circle, and therefore he most often knows whom and how to influence. Sensitively reacts to anything that can prove to be useful later. Prefer to resolve many problems on an informal basis. To accomplish this, he arranges confidential meeting within the circle of his trusted associates. In this manner he compensates for his inability to manage the situation by purely administrative methods.

The aim to solve many complicated problems informally is the core line of conduct and organizing principle of SEI's interaction with colleagues and subordinates. He prefers to interact with his colleagues on basis of trust; without this he feels uncomfortable*. Emotionally dependent. His emotions are associated with altruistic and communicative needs. In accordance with this disposition, SEI tries to act by methods of persuasion. He sees harmonization of relations in the team as his goal. [translator's note: communication style of all of the IxFx types are is characterized as "sincere/soulful": link]

Works well in conditions where there is no rush, where nothing violates the rhythm of life. Supervisor-diplomat avoids risky undertakings and displays of business activity - he is not eager for power and does not abuse it. This is due to the fact that his own interests go far beyond the scope of professional activities. This sociotype feels his value not only in relation to work and pragmatic activity, but also far outside of its bounds.

Any conflict for "Mediator" is a source of stress, even if he was not its instigator. In a conflict situation, he is prepared to yield first and accept a compromise. Often, such a concession is made even if it is detrimental to the objective interests of the group of interests of people of the group. As a result, he may lose the respect of others of his collective*. [translator's note: this part of the description is hinting at "democratic" inclinations of this sociotype i.e. acting independently of the common cause]

A characteristic feature of the sociotype "Mediator" in a supervisory position is the desire to improve the morale of the group, to foster the development of personal relations within it, to create a sense of belonging in each member of the organization as a whole. This style is most suitable for managing a group whose members already possess the basic skills and necessary qualifications, and approach their work responsibly and with discipline. In this case, an important function is to ensure that the psychological climate in the group remains favorable for efficient operation.

Main characteristics:

  • Can adequately show himself in the role of the frontal, emotional leader.
  • Method of establishing contacts is focused on personal factors.
  • Business activity is expressed in judiciousness, prevention of risky steps.
  • Interaction with employees is based on the principle of collegiality. A search for an emotional connection.
  • Type of behavior predisposed to compromises. Capable of active cooperation if he is interacting with enterprising in this respect partner who takes initiative.
  • Makes sure his activities are consistent with accepted ethical and professional standards of conduct.
  • Achieves major results by creating a favorable psychological climate in the team.
  • Motives and objective: good and well-wishing intentions, commitment to ethical values. Income within the framework of permissible ethics.
  • Attitude to the law: the law is complemented by ethical standards.
  • Strategy: assumes the responsibilities of a leader in dealing with and resolving ethical issues.

Working conditions

The impetus for SEI is welfare, that is, an opportunity to live "not worse than others", to create a comfortable atmosphere at home with the money that he makes. Material well-being gives him a sense of stability and confidence in tomorrow. Therefore, you should never entrust him with work for which you won't be able to pay when it's due. He doesn't care for rank and titles; he doesn't want to burden himself with excessive responsibility.

Calm, even routine work, which he can complete with ease and even creatively, and for which will earn what is due - this is ideal for the "Mediator". Since SEI is a type that thinks concretely, good working conditions, where his workplace is well equipped and comfortable, are important for him. He himself will take care of this, just don't stand in his way. The SEI can't always tell what, when, and in which sequence should be done. Therefore, you will have to look over these aspects of his activities and the timetable. And also, see to it that he doesn't ignore the uninteresting but nevertheless important parts of work (most often these are preliminary consultations and examination of the project, as well operations that require a lot of effort.) It is better if you do these parts yourself or assign someone more suitable to carry them out.

Recommendations for self-improvement

Your strong point is the ability to select for activities and occupations that you truly enjoy, which bring joy, enjoyment and pleasant experiences. You are irreplaceable for organization of leisure and relaxation with friends. Delicious food, beautiful tableware, interior design, as well as a warm, relaxed atmosphere of communication - this is where you show yourself creatively. You know how to derive joy from life and how to share it with others. You prefer a beautiful natural landscape that resonates with internal state of your soul to more active ways of spending your time.

You are generally a diplomatic and agreeable person. Therefore, you are able to avoid arguments and conflicts. You are tolerant of other people's shortcomings, gentle and responsive in communication, you dislike applying crude pressure on anyone. Your behavior evokes pleasant emotions in others. You possess a good sense of humor, cheerful, easy-going disposition. You know how to take a growing conflict and turn it into a joke.

Your main problem—lack of consistent performance, inability and unwillingness to force yourself to do uninteresting, difficult, but necessary work. You dislike formal settings, prefer to negotiate with others privately, relying on tried and tested contacts. Develop in yourself a more proactive attitude towards life. Refer to the saying: "Business first, pleasure afterwards".

Concern and think more about the interests of other people, help them with deeds and not words. Ensure that your personal interests coincide with the interests of the common cause.

Try to overcome inertia in yourself. Don't hesitate to spend some of your efforts on doing socially beneficial things that do not promise immediate returns or benefits to you specifically. Then people will develop more respect for you and view you as an trustworthy partner.

Another one of your problems—insufficient farsightedness. You cannot always properly evaluate distant, future prospects of present moment undertakings, such that you often end up "sitting on the fence" and waiting, focusing only immediate, guaranteed returns. In such cases, you risk to win in small things but miss out on larger, more substantial chances and opportunities.

Be careful when giving promises—don't offer something you wish for as something you can actually do. Don't overestimate the potential of your projects, don't try to excessively advertise and praise them, or others won't consider you to be a serious person. Be consistent in your decisions, plan more regularly, don't limit yourself by your instincts and improvisation. Bring started tasks and projects to their completion so as not to let down yourself and others.

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